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0.0014 Tc 0.2819 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 394.7403 Tm
[(com)6(m)6(unication sy)-12(stem)6(s. The ability)-12( )7(to )7(sim)6(u)1(late )7(hierarchically)-12( )]TJ
-0.0001 Tc 0.0968 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(enables optimum sy)-13(stem design by)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.089 Tw 14.4133 0 Td
( providing bi-directional links )Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.2552 Tw -14.4133 -1.1733 Td
[(between adjacent levels)4( of the hierarchy)-12(.)-2( F)4(o)2(r this)4( review, we )]TJ
0.0352 Tw T*
[(place the behavioral m)6(odel between the IC m)6(odel and the )7(m)6(odule )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.2358 Tw T*
[(or subsy)-12(s)3(tem. Many)-12( of the reviewed )7(techniques, )7(however, )7(are )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw T*
(applicable to other levels as well. )Tj
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0004 Tc -0.0004 Tw 12 0 0 12 54 318.3 Tm
[(2.1 )-350(Simulation and Measurement-Based )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0005 Tc 0.0362 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 307.3203 Tm
(Behavioral models should be de)Tj
0.0004 Tc 0.0296 Tw 12.9933 0 Td
(rivable from both simulations and )Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.0751 Tw -12.9933 -1.1733 Td
[(m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ents)4(. )-7(Cons)4(ider )-7(a )-7(circuit m)6(odel for an integrated circuit, )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.6291 Tw T*
[(such )-7(as that which a designer develops from)5( prim)5(itive )]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0.7032 Tw T*
(components such as transistor)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.7025 Tw 14.0867 0 Td
[(s, resistors, capacitors )7(and )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.149 Tw -14.0867 -1.1733 Td
[(inductors. )-7(The simulator can be us)]TJ
14.5533 0 Td
(ed to stimulate the IC model )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.4895 Tw -14.5533 -1.1733 Td
(and the responses used to de)Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.4889 Tw 13.82 0 Td
[(rive a behavioral model )7(for )]TJ
0.129 Tw -13.82 -1.1733 Td
(simulation at the next higher leve)Tj
0.1222 Tw 14.04 0 Td
[(l of abstraction. However, any)-12( )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.3552 Tw -14.04 -1.1733 Td
[(m)6(odeling errors at the circuit level will be reflected in the )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.4019 Tw T*
[(behavioral model. That is, )7(lo)]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.3959 Tw 13.1333 0 Td
(wer level modeling errors can )Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.1017 Tw -13.1333 -1.1733 Td
[(accum)6(u)2(late )-7(from)6( level to level up the hierarchy)-12(,)-2( invalidating the )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw T*
(bottoms up verification. )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.4957 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(Alternatively)-12(,)-2( behavioral mode)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.4893 Tw 13.5067 0 Td
[(ls )-7(can )-7(be derived from real )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.1697 Tw -13.5067 -1.1733 Td
[(measurements )-7(made on the com)]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.1686 Tw 13.52 0 Td
(ponent. Accurate )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 7.44 0 Td
(measurements )Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.3684 Tw -20.96 -1.1733 Td
[(can )-7(therefore lead to m)6(o)2(re accurate behavioral m)6(odels)4( than )]TJ
0.1552 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(s)4(t)-1(arting from)6( lower level, pos)4(s)4(i)-1(bly)-12( inaccurate m)6(odels)4(. )7(This)4( )7(als)4(o)2( )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.7163 Tw T*
[(allows )-7(designers to make be)]TJ
0.7164 Tw 14.16 0 Td
(havioral models from real )Tj
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw -14.16 -1.1733 Td
(components for which a circuit )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw 12.7267 0 Td
[(model may)-12( not be available. )]TJ
0.1888 Tw -12.7267 -1.62 Td
[(A )-7(drawback )-7(of )-7(the )-7(m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ent-bas)4(e)-2(d approach is)4( the lack of )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0685 Tw T*
[(readily)-12( available )7(high-frequency)-12(,)]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0.0632 Tw 13.4467 0 Td
[( nonlinear measurement sy)-13(stems )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw -13.4467 -1.1733 Td
[(with the required capability)-12(. )]TJ
0.3018 Tw 29.32 32.9 Td
[(The m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ent-bas)4(e)-1(d approach )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.2955 Tw 14.84 0 Td
[(requires )-7(that the behavioral )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0358 Tw -14.84 -1.1733 Td
(model be derivable from data that )Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.0352 Tw 14.02 0 Td
[(can be m)6(eas)4(ured at )7(the )7(ports)4( )7(of )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.4355 Tw -14.02 -1.1733 Td
[(the )-7(component connected to the external world. The same )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.209 Tw T*
[(methodology)-12( )-7(can, )-7(of )-7(course, )-7(be applied in the simulator to an )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw T*
[(existing lower level m)6(odel, if available. )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.2957 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(W)5(e)-2( will only)-12( consider techniques in this review that can )7(be )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.062 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
(applied to relationships at the exte)Tj
0.001 Tc 0.0557 Tw 14.0467 0 Td
[(rnal ports. This is an im)6(portant )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0559 Tw -14.0467 -1.1733 Td
[(restriction on the )7(simulation-based )]TJ
0.0017 Tc 0.0483 Tw 14.3467 0 Td
[(approaches)4(. It elim)6(inates)4( from)6( )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0622 Tw -14.3467 -1.1733 Td
[(consideration all )7(order-reduction )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.0563 Tw 13.5667 0 Td
[(techniques based on simplify)-13(i)-2(ng )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw -13.5667 -1.1733 Td
[(explicit model equations and their topological connections [6])8(.)-2( )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0006 Tc 0.3494 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 272.04 Tm
[(2.2 Desirable )350(Properties )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0008 Tc 0.7292 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 261.0603 Tm
(Other desirable properties of )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.7224 Tw 14.66 0 Td
(behavioral models include )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.4154 Tw -14.66 -1.1733 Td
[(transportability)-12( and cascadability)]TJ
14.1733 0 Td
[(. Transportability)-12( m)6(eans the )]TJ
0.002 Tw -14.1733 -1.1733 Td
[(m)6(odel )-7(can be used under a variety)-12( of different conditions, whether )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.6292 Tw T*
[(this refers to )7(the )7(signals )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.6219 Tw 12.8933 0 Td
[(stim)6(ulating the m)6(odel or the )]TJ
0.022 Tw -12.8933 -1.1733 Td
[(environm)6(ents)4( )-7(in )-7(which )-7(the behavioral m)6(odel is)4( to be placed in the )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0418 Tw T*
[(intended application. )7(Cascadability)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0356 Tw 14.22 0 Td
[( m)6(eans that the cascade of two )]TJ
0.549 Tw -14.22 -1.1733 Td
[(behavioral m)6(odels perform)6(s faithfully)-12( with )7(respect )7(to )7(the )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.122 Tw T*
[(performance )-7(of )-7(the cascade of th)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1222 Tw 13.7333 0 Td
(e respective components. Since )Tj
0.2822 Tw -13.7333 -1.1733 Td
[(cascading )-7(nonlinear )-7(components )-7(can create a wide variety)-12( of )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.1088 Tw T*
[(environm)6(ents for the individual behavioral )7(m)6(odels, )7(cascadability)-12( )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0018 Tw T*
[(im)6(plies a certain degree of transportability)-12(. )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0004 Tc -0.0004 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 139.86 Tm
[(2.3 )-350(Waveforms and Memory )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.001 Tc 0.0823 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 128.8803 Tm
[(Behind )-7(all )-7(of the techniques descri)]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0821 Tw 14.32 0 Td
(bed here is the notion that the )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.1824 Tw -14.32 -1.1733 Td
[(behavioral model relates )7(waveform)]TJ
0.1758 Tw 14.7 0 Td
[(s to waveform)5(s. That is, the )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.136 Tw -14.7 -1.1733 Td
[(output )-7(is not an instantaneous f)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.1357 Tw 13.18 0 Td
[(unction only)-12( of the input signal. )]TJ
0.0223 Tw -13.18 -1.1733 Td
[(Rather, )-7(the )-7(output )-7(depends upon the shape of the input waveform, )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0755 Tw T*
[(or equivalently)-12(, the output depends on the value of the input )7(and )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0622 Tw T*
[(past values of the input, and even past values of )7(the )7(output )7(itself. )]TJ
1 1 1 scn
/CS0 CS 0 0 0 SCN
0.72 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d
50.4 720 504.84 -309.72 re
58.02 456.66 152.04 51.24 re
W n
152.04 0 0 -51.24 58.02 507.9 cm
/Im0 Do
58.02 414.3 152.04 42.36 re
W n
152.04 0 0 -42.36 58.02 456.66 cm
/Im1 Do
101.22 421.86 86.4 14.04 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
-0.0041 Tc 0.0074 Tw 9 0 0 9 101.22 427.7403 Tm
[(P)-8(h)-11(y)16(s)-2(i)-6(cal)-6( De)-14(vi)-6(ce M)-8(o)-11(d)-11(el)]TJ
144 0 0 -55.2 137.22 543.9 cm
/Im2 Do
144 0 0 -38.52 137.22 488.7 cm
/Im3 Do
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0059 Tc -0.0026 Tw 9 0 0 9 194.82 456.6603 Tm
[(T)17(r)6(a)10(n)-1(s)8(i)4(s)8(t)4(or)6( Mode)10(l)]TJ
166.0601 0 0 -85.8 194.82 587.1 cm
/Im4 Do
1.44 w
194.1 587.82 167.16 -87.36 re
1 1 1 scn
0.72 w
209.22 522.3 64.92 -14.52 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0 Tc 0 Tw 9.96 0 0 9.96 209.58 513.6606 Tm
( )Tj
-0.0054 Tc 0.0087 Tw 9 0 0 9 212.1 513.6603 Tm
[(I)-6(C)-5( Level)-8( D)-17(e)-2(si)-8(gn)]TJ
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 709.5 cm
/Im5 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 697.7401 cm
/Im6 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 685.98 cm
/Im7 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 674.22 cm
/Im8 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 662.46 cm
/Im9 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 650.7 cm
/Im10 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 638.94 cm
/Im11 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 627.18 cm
/Im12 Do
129.6828 0 0 -11.76 404.46 615.42 cm
/Im13 Do
129.6828 0 0 -6.96 404.46 603.66 cm
/Im14 Do
1.44 w
403.62 710.22 131.16 -114.36 re
1 1 1 scn
0.72 w
445.26 702.3 86.52 -14.52 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0 Tc 0 Tw 9.96 0 0 9.96 445.5 693.6606 Tm
( )Tj
-0.003 Tc -0.007 Tw 9 0 0 9 448.02 693.6603 Tm
[(M)-7(o)-10(du)-10(le o)-10(r)-3( )-13(sub)-10(-)-3(sy)17(ste)-12(m)]TJ
164.131 0 0 -18.42 295.74 666.24 cm
/Im15 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.36 295.74 647.82 cm
/Im16 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.36 295.74 629.46 cm
/Im17 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.42 295.74 611.1 cm
/Im18 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.36 295.74 592.68 cm
/Im19 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.36 295.74 574.32 cm
/Im20 Do
164.131 0 0 -18.42 295.74 555.96 cm
/Im21 Do
164.131 0 0 -4.8 295.74 537.54 cm
/Im22 Do
398.28 593.52 m
397.56 594.24 l
389.82 589.68 l
390.54 588.96 l
398.28 593.52 l
388.5 591.36 m
385.5 586.68 l
392.04 587.58 l
388.5 591.36 l
1 1 1 scn
397.92 556.32 55.74 16.8 re
1 0 0 scn
/TT2 1 Tf
0.1541 Tc 0 Tw 6.42 0 0 6.42 403.5 567.18 Tm
[(E)-29(m)-88(b)-9(edd)-9(i)96(ng )]TJ
0.1835 Tc 0.757 -1.2056 Td
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0.9367 Tc 5.34 0 0 5.34 443.7 631.6804 Tm
0.0703 Tc 9.18 0 0 9.18 329.22 627.5999 Tm
[(\()-459(\))-218(:)-234( )-6( )-2595(\()-623(,)-725(,)-78(..)-6(.,)-529(,)-85(...)-6(,)-1680(\))]TJ
/TT3 1 Tf
0 Tc 5.34 0 0 5.34 446.52 631.6804 Tm
0.6019 Tc 9.18 0 0 9.18 323.52 627.5999 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 4.6601 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
5.8824 0.2156 Td
-2.3268 -0.1699 Td
1 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0.5354 Tc 9.12 0 0 9.12 331.38 609.2404 Tm
/TT3 1 Tf
0.5825 Tc -0.5987 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.1513 0.0525 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.5354 Tc 0.4079 -1.1117 Td
/TT3 1 Tf
0.6219 Tc -0.6382 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
-0.0501 Tc 0.0132 0.0459 Td
0 0 0 scn
342.36 625.62 m
342 624.78 l
347.88 623.28 l
348.24 624.12 l
342.36 625.62 l
347.34 622.32 m
351.48 622.8 l
348.48 625.14 l
347.34 622.32 l
345.42 628.02 m
345.12 627.18 l
372.54 622.92 l
372.84 623.76 l
345.42 628.02 l
372.18 621.9 m
376.26 622.8 l
372.96 624.78 l
372.18 621.9 l
1 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0.5232 Tc 9.18 0 0 9.18 330.24 591.4799 Tm
/TT3 1 Tf
0.7091 Tc -0.5686 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
-0.0585 Tc -0.0523 0.2157 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 28.08 0 0 29.34 341.16 597.061 Tm
0.2222 -1.3149 Td
0 0 0 scn
17.1 0 0 9.54 350.46 580.3818 Tm
1 0 0 SCN
0.54 w
397.92 574.62 55.8 -19.32 re
1 1 1 scn
0 0 0 SCN
398.1 610.8 84.06 -21.78 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT2 1 Tf
0.1541 Tc -0.0674 Tw 6.42 0 0 6.42 399.06 604.3199 Tm
[(M)-88(ul)96(t)67(i)96(v)9(ar)48(i)96(at)68(e f)77(u)-9(nc)9(t)67(i)96(ons)9( )]TJ
0.0867 Tc 0 Tw 4.1495 -1.5701 Td
[(fo)-67(r)-10( )]TJ
/TT4 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.8692 0 Td
/TT2 1 Tf
4.44 0 0 4.44 439.5 592.68 Tm
0.0867 Tc 6.42 0 0 6.42 442.68 594.24 Tm
(, )Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.7196 0 Td
/TT2 1 Tf
4.44 0 0 4.44 449.1 592.68 Tm
1 1 1 scn
0 0 1 SCN
0.72 w
338.82 659.1 100.92 -21.72 re
0 0 1 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
-0.0006 Tc 0.0006 Tw 12 0 0 12 345.78 644.58 Tm
[(B)6(e)3(havio)-11(r)2(al Model)]TJ
1 1 1 scn
0 0 0 SCN
317.22 443.1 208.92 -21.72 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT1 1 Tf
0.004 Tc -0.001 Tw 9.96 0 0 9.96 324.78 429.6596 Tm
[(Fi)5(gu)6(re 1 A)3( d)6(e)2(s)8(i)5(gn)6( an)6(d)6( )-12(m)30(o)-14(d)6(e)2(l)5(i)5(n)6(g h)6(i)5(erarch)6(y)]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0 Tc 0 Tw 9 0 0 9 540.42 414.3003 Tm
( )Tj
q /GS1 gs
/Fm0 Do
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/TT0 1 Tf
0.0012 Tc 0.1688 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 711.6003 Tm
[(W)5(e)-2( )-7(write )-7(this)4( in functional notation according to Equation 1.1. )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0759 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
(Here we assume the voltage signal )Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.0756 Tw 14.5867 0 Td
(is the input and the current is )Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw -14.5867 -1.1733 Td
(the output. )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.9133 TD
( )Tj
0.337 Tc 12 0 0 12 146.64 673.26 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.447 Tc -0.455 0.0003 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.69 -0.0003 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 7.2693 Tw 9 0 0 9 209.04 673.2603 Tm
( \(1.1\) )Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.0488 Tw -17.2267 -1.9333 Td
[(The functional can often be represented as a function of the )7(input )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.3763 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(waveform )-7(and )-7(other )-7(transforms of the input waveform. For )]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.0014 Tw T*
[(exam)6(ple, we m)6(a)-1(y)-11( have the rela)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw 12.44 0 Td
[(tionship given by)-12( Equation 1.2. )]TJ
0 Tc 0 Tw -12.44 -2.1333 Td
( )Tj
0.697 Tc 12 0 0 12 110.16 615.6 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.447 Tc -0.455 -0.0047 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
3.4662 Tc 1.69 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 8.145 0.265 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 3.216 Tw 9 0 0 9 245.52 615.5403 Tm
( \(1.2\) )Tj
0.0018 Tc 0.1549 Tw -21.28 -1.9333 Td
[(This)4( is)4( an exam)6(ple of a )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0 Tw 10.5067 0 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0013 Tc 0.1554 Tw 2.1733 0 Td
( functional. The output is still an )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.2491 Tw -12.68 -1.1733 Td
[(instantaneous )-7(function of the )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.2493 Tw 12.86 0 Td
(input waveform, but it does not )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.2823 Tw -12.86 -1.1733 Td
[(depend only)-12( on the values of the input signal, )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0025 Tc 0 Tw 21.04 0 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
-0.0003 Tc 0.2836 Tw 1.22 0 Td
[(\). A )7(more )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.1561 Tw -22.26 -1.1733 Td
[(complicated )-7(class )-7(of models is given by)-13( the )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0015 Tc 0 Tw 18.9667 0 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0004 Tc 0.1563 Tw 3.5667 0 Td
( model of )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw -22.5333 -1.1733 Td
(Equation 1.3. )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 0 -2.1333 TD
( )Tj
0.337 Tc 12 0 0 12 122.64 536.76 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.447 Tc -0.455 -0.0047 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.69 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
1.622 Tc 4.135 0.27 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 4.6026 Tw 9 0 0 9 233.04 536.7003 Tm
( \(1.3\) )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.0295 Tw -19.8933 -1.9333 Td
[(Feedback models embody)-13( the notion )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw 15.1467 0 Td
[(of memory)-12(, or internal )7(state. )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.2826 Tw -15.1467 -1.1733 Td
[(Static )-7(m)5(odels )-7(such )-7(as Equation 1.2 will produce AM to PM )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0292 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(distortion, but there is no notion of state or )7(true )7(memory)-12( )7(in )7(such )7(a )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.3695 Tw T*
[(model. It is the incorporation of )7(long-term )7(memory)-13( )7(bey)-13(ond )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0088 Tw T*
(otherwise static nonlinear behavioral)Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw 14.8133 0 Td
[( )-7(models that distinguishes the )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw -14.8133 -1.1733 Td
(newer behavioral modeling approaches. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
0.0005 Tc 0.3495 Tw 12 0 0 12 54 446.88 Tm
(2.4 Excitations )Tj
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0.1222 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 435.9003 Tm
(Excitation design refers to the set )Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.1151 Tw 14.3733 0 Td
[(of stim)6(uli needed to elicit the )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.2564 Tw -14.3733 -1.1733 Td
[(full dy)-13(namics of the sy)-13(stem re)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.2558 Tw 13.4 0 Td
[(sponse in order to identify)-12( )7(the )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.116 Tw -13.4 -1.1733 Td
(behavioral models. It is important)Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.1155 Tw 14.0133 0 Td
[( to m)6(a)-2(ke sure the excitation is )]TJ
0.502 Tw -14.0133 -1.1733 Td
[(sufficiently)-12( rich to construct a behavioral )7(model )7(that )7(can )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.5484 Tw T*
[(accurately)-12( )-7(repres)4(ent s)4(i)-1(gnals)4( \223)5(c)-1(los)4(e\224 to thos)4(e us)4(ed in the )]TJ
0.1485 Tw T*
(characterization or identification.)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.1425 Tw 13.6533 0 Td
[( Models identified from)5( sim)5(p)1(le )]TJ
0.0692 Tw -13.6533 -1.1733 Td
[(excitations m)5(a)-2(y)-12( be )7(less )7(transporta)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0626 Tw 13.8 0 Td
(ble than those constructed from )Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.0286 Tw -13.8 -1.1733 Td
[(a varied set of )7(excitations. )7(This )7(is)]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0218 Tw 13.6067 0 Td
[( es)4(pecially)-12( true for s)4(y)-12(s)4(t)-1(em)6(s)4( with )]TJ
-0.0022 Tc 0 Tw -13.6067 -1.1733 Td
[(me)-5(mory)-15(.)-5( )]TJ
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0005 Tc 0.0005 Tw 12 0 0 12 54 331.8 Tm
0.0005 Tc -0.0005 Tw 0 -1.335 TD
[(3.1 )-350(Dynamic Neural Netw)8(orks )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 0.3826 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 304.8003 Tm
[(Artificial Neural Networks \(ANNs\) [7,8])7( represent nonlinear )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1356 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(m)6(u)1(ltivariate function fitting m)6(e)-2(thods patterned )7(after )7(the )7(nervous )]TJ
-0.0005 Tc 0.0038 Tw T*
[(sy)-14(ste)-3(m)4(.)-4( )-7(The)-3( ba)-3(sis se)-3(t c)-3(onsists of )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw 13.24 0 Td
(nested sigmoidal functions which )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.7424 Tw -13.24 -1.1733 Td
[(can universally)-12( and )7(uniformly)]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.7355 Tw 14.2933 0 Td
( approximate differentiable )Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.1153 Tw -14.2933 -1.1733 Td
[(functions)4( )-7(in )-7(a com)6(p)1(act s)4(ubs)4(et of n-dim)6(e)-1(ns)4(ional Euclidian s)4(p)1(ace. )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.6689 Tw T*
[(Until very)-12( recently)-12(, ANNs for high-frequency)-12( electronic )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.1625 Tw T*
(modeling were applied almost excl)Tj
0.0009 Tc 14.6733 0 Td
[(usively)-12( to static )7(functions )7(of )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0486 Tw -14.6733 -1.1733 Td
[(the )-7(input )-7(variables alone. The app)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0494 Tw 13.8533 0 Td
(lication of ANNs to functionals )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.0823 Tw -13.8533 -1.1733 Td
[(of the inputs, that is, to functions )7(of )7(the )7(input )7(variables )7(and )7(their )]TJ
0.1956 Tw T*
[(tim)6(e )-7(derivatives, was first consider)]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.1955 Tw 14.7867 0 Td
[(ed in [9])8(.)-2( This is called the )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw -14.7867 -1.1733 Td
[(method of dy)-13(namic neural networks \(DNNs\). )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.0354 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(Excellent )-7(results have been )]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0.0366 Tw 11.3467 0 Td
(obtained from the DNN method for rf )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.3287 Tw -11.3467 -1.1733 Td
[(am)6(plifiers and m)6(i)-1(xers. Sim)6(p)1(le ex)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3222 Tw 14.58 0 Td
[(citations )-7(have been used to )]TJ
0.0222 Tw -14.58 -1.1733 Td
[(identify)-12( these models, )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.0231 Tw 9.1533 0 Td
[(such as continuous wave \(CW\) tones )7(swept )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0156 Tw -9.1533 -1.1733 Td
[(in amplitude and frequency)-12(.)-2( In fact)]TJ
0.0089 Tw 14.18 0 Td
(, simple single-tone excitations )Tj
0.3157 Tw -14.18 -1.1733 Td
[(were )-7(shown to predict the in)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.316 Tw 12.9667 0 Td
(termodulation response of these )Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.0019 Tw -12.9667 -1.1733 Td
(circuits to two tone excitations. )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.1028 Tw T*
(DNN models are nonlinear ordinary)Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.1022 Tw 14.88 0 Td
[( differential equations )7(which )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0217 Tw -14.88 -1.1733 Td
[(can )-7(therefore be im)6(plem)6(ented in generic com)6(m)6(e)-1(rcial tim)6(e-dom)6(ain )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1089 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(simulators. The solution of the circuit )7(equations )7(can )7(be )7(obtained )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0025 Tw T*
[(using )-7(any)-12( )-7(of )-7(the simulator algorithms including harmonic balance, )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw T*
(transient envelope, and shooting )Tj
13.2333 0 Td
(methods in the time domain. )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.2492 Tw 16.0867 70.7333 Td
[(Training, which is )7(the )7(process )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2427 Tw 13.5267 0 Td
(of determining the weights \(or )Tj
0.1561 Tw -13.5267 -1.1733 Td
[(coefficients\) in the basis set expansion for the ANNs,)-3( has been )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0558 Tw T*
(done in the time domain and in )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.0492 Tw 13.1067 0 Td
[(the )-7(frequency)-12( domain. Combined )]TJ
0.0025 Tw -13.1067 -1.1733 Td
[(time and frequency)-12( domain traini)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 13.38 0 Td
(ng has also been reported. )Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.1221 Tw -13.38 -1.62 Td
[(Proprietary)-12( )-7(software )-7(im)6(plem)6(ents the training and the attachm)6(e)-2(nt )]TJ
0.122 Tw T*
[(of )-7(the )-7(neural network m)6(odel to a com)6(m)6(e)-1(rcial sim)6(u)1(lator)]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0016 Tc 0.1217 Tw 23.08 0 Td
[( \()8(A)-1(gilent )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0 Tw -23.08 -1.1733 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0018 Tc 1.8333 0 Td
(\). )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.1758 Tw -1.8333 -1.62 Td
[(Limitations of the DNN approach include the ad hoc )7(nature )7(of )]TJ
0.4091 Tw T*
[(selecting the number )7(of )7(independe)]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.4017 Tw 15.4267 0 Td
(nt variables. That is, the )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.0225 Tw -15.4267 -1.1733 Td
(number of time derivatives of the )Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.0221 Tw 13.7667 0 Td
(candidate independent variables )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.0423 Tw -13.7667 -1.1733 Td
[(to include as dependent )7(variables )]TJ
0.0357 Tw 13.76 0 Td
(is not an algorithmic procedure. )Tj
0.0003 Tc 0.183 Tw -13.76 -1.1733 Td
(The DNN method depends on standard)Tj
0.001 Tc 0.1757 Tw 16.56 0 Td
[( )-7(issues related to neural )]TJ
0.4689 Tw -16.56 -1.1733 Td
[(network function fitting, including the neural net )7(topology)-12( )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.0698 Tw T*
[(\(number of hidden lay)-13(e)-3(rs\), numbe)]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0692 Tw 13.94 0 Td
[(r and ty)-12(pes of neurons, )7(and )7(the )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw -13.94 -1.1733 Td
(potential issues associated with overtraining. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
0.0005 Tc -0.0005 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 536.1 Tm
[(3.2 )-350(Nonlinear Time Series )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0006 Tc 0.5427 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 525.1203 Tm
(Nonlienar time series \(NLTS\) )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.5359 Tw 14.4067 0 Td
[([10-14])7( )-7(is a fundamentally)-12( )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.5096 Tw -14.4067 -1.1733 Td
[(nonlinear )-7(method based on concepts and procedures from )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0485 Tw T*
[(nonlinear dy)-12(nam)6(i)-1(cs)4(. The theory)-12( is)4( )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0489 Tw 14.1867 0 Td
[(routed in differential geometry)-12( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.1694 Tw -14.1867 -1.1733 Td
[(and )-7(is )-7(related )-7(to )-7(the Whitney)-13( embedding theorem of manifolds )]TJ
0.4227 Tw T*
[([14, 15])7(. The method assumes that the unknown nonlinear )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.3757 Tw T*
[(component of arbitrary)-12( complexity)-12( can be )7(represented )7(by)-12( )7(a )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.063 Tw T*
[(dy)-13(namical sy)-13(stem, governed )7(by)-13( )7(st)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0556 Tw 13.8733 0 Td
(ate equations in canonical form )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw -13.8733 -1.1733 Td
(as shown in Equations 1.4 and 1.5. )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 0 -2.1333 TD
( )Tj
0.337 Tc 12 0 0 12 400.32 432 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.3862 Tc -0.5 0.0003 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.735 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
2.21 Tc -1.69 0.58 Td
0 Tc 0.04 -0.33 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 6.0493 Tw 9 0 0 9 483.9 432.0003 Tm
( \(1.4\) )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw -18.4467 -2.2267 Td
( )Tj
0.3395 Tc 12 0 0 12 401.16 411.96 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.3712 Tc -0.485 0.0003 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.72 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
1.515 Tc 1.75 0.58 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 6.1026 Tw 9 0 0 9 483.42 411.9603 Tm
( \(1.5\) )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0 Tw -18.3933 -2.2267 Td
(Here )Tj
0.337 Tc 12 0 0 12 346.62 391.92 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.3862 Tc -0.5 0.0053 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.045 0.5747 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0017 Tc 0.0616 Tw 9 0 0 9 361.2 391.9203 Tm
[( is)4( the vector of s)4(tate variables)4(,)-2( )]TJ
0.337 Tc 0 Tw 12 0 0 12 487.86 391.92 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.41 Tc -0.58 0.0053 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.125 0.5747 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0.0622 Tw 9 0 0 9 502.44 391.9203 Tm
(is the vector of )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.0495 Tw -20.5067 -1.78 Td
[(measured inputs, )7(and )]TJ
0.337 Tc 0 Tw 12 0 0 12 406.44 375.9 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.3661 Tc -0.485 0.0053 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0008 Tc 0.0425 Tw 9 0 0 9 420.66 375.9003 Tm
(is a generic measured output sampled )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.1757 Tw -11.42 -1.4867 Td
[(in )-7(time \(time series\). The ope)]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.1759 Tw 12.6867 0 Td
[(rational methodology)-12( of apply)-12(i)-1(ng )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw -12.6867 -1.1733 Td
(nonlinear time series is given in Figure 2. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0011 Tc 0.0044 Tw 1.9467 -21.56 Td
[(F)-4(i)-3(gur)-4(e)-4( 2 Non-Line)-4(ar)-4( Time)-4( Se)-4(r)-4(i)-3(e)-4(s)1( e)-4(m)-1(be)-4(dding pr)-4(oc)-4(e)-4(ss )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0.0422 Tw -1.9467 -1.6 Td
[(The )-7(outputs, )-7(the )-7(inputs, )-7(and their time derivatives are unfolded in )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0891 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(higher and higher dim)5(e)-2(nsional spaces until )7(the )7(output )7(becom)5(e)-2(s )7(a )]TJ
0.1224 Tw T*
[(single-valued )-7(function )-7(of these variables. Algorithms to find the )]TJ
0.5224 Tw T*
[(proper choice of )7(variables )7(\(t)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.516 Tw 13.38 0 Td
(he embedding\) are based on )Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.7019 Tw -13.38 -1.1733 Td
[(inform)6(ation-theoretic principles)4( [16])8(. W)5(h)1(en the trajectory)-12( )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.4422 Tw T*
[(becomes a single valued function, the output )7(can )7(then )7(be )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw T*
[(des)4(c)-2(ribed according to Equation 1.6. )]TJ
1 1 1 scn
/CS0 CS 0 0 0 SCN
0.72 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d
316.8 338.4 244.62 -164.76 re
0 0 0 scn
354.78 216.96 1.68 30.24 re
345.12 219.84 73.32 1.68 re
0.388 0.675 1 scn
354.9 222.18 m
356.46 221.82 l
356.7 222.96 l
356.7 223.2 l
356.76 224.52 l
356.94 225.84 l
356.1 225.84 l
356.94 225.54 l
357.24 226.68 l
356.46 227.04 l
357.24 226.56 l
357.6 227.22 l
358.08 227.88 l
358.38 228.36 l
358.44 228.54 l
358.44 228.48 l
357.72 228.96 l
357.72 228.06 l
357.96 228.18 l
358.26 228.36 l
357.54 228.06 l
357.9 228 l
358.38 227.82 l
359.1 227.46 l
359.4 228.18 l
358.86 227.64 l
359.46 227.04 l
359.88 226.8 l
360.42 226.38 l
360.9 227.04 l
360.12 226.68 l
360.72 225.72 l
361.26 224.82 l
361.74 223.86 l
362.22 222.96 l
362.94 223.2 l
362.1 223.14 l
362.28 221.82 l
362.28 221.52 l
362.58 220.38 l
362.88 219.48 l
363.24 218.7 l
363.6 217.98 l
364.08 217.2 l
364.62 216.36 l
365.46 215.16 l
365.58 215.04 l
365.88 214.86 l
366.12 214.8 l
366.42 214.8 l
367.26 215.22 l
367.56 215.46 l
368.28 216 l
368.94 216.84 l
369.12 217.14 l
369.72 218.16 l
370.56 220.2 l
370.92 221.22 l
371.28 222.3 l
371.76 224.52 l
371.88 224.82 l
372.24 227.22 l
372.54 229.68 l
372.9 232.14 l
372.06 232.14 l
372.9 231.84 l
373.38 234.18 l
373.74 235.32 l
374.22 236.34 l
374.76 237.36 l
373.92 237.72 l
374.58 237.06 l
375.24 238.02 l
376.02 238.86 l
376.74 239.64 l
376.26 240.3 l
376.02 239.52 l
376.26 239.4 l
376.56 239.52 l
375.78 239.64 l
376.38 239.04 l
376.92 238.38 l
377.58 239.04 l
376.74 238.68 l
377.7 237.3 l
378.42 235.68 l
378.9 234 l
379.26 232.2 l
379.74 230.52 l
380.28 228.84 l
381.12 227.16 l
381.78 227.64 l
381.06 227.46 l
381.24 226.02 l
381.36 225.72 l
381.6 224.22 l
382.08 222.72 l
382.92 221.16 l
383.58 221.64 l
382.86 221.46 l
383.04 220.32 l
383.4 219.18 l
384.24 217.02 l
384.9 216.12 l
385.08 215.82 l
385.74 214.86 l
386.52 214.2 l
386.76 214.02 l
387.6 213.54 l
387.9 213.54 l
388.2 213.66 l
388.44 213.84 l
388.56 213.96 l
389.88 215.7 l
391.2 217.68 l
391.56 218.16 l
392.1 219.06 l
392.4 219.54 l
392.52 219.72 l
392.52 219.66 l
392.58 219.96 l
392.94 221.82 l
393.12 222.84 l
393.54 223.86 l
393.9 224.82 l
394.44 225.54 l
393.6 225.96 l
394.26 225.3 l
394.92 225.96 l
394.38 226.56 l
394.62 225.72 l
395.58 226.2 l
395.22 227.04 l
394.92 226.32 l
395.22 226.2 l
394.74 226.38 l
395.1 226.02 l
395.7 225.48 l
396.72 224.22 l
397.62 222.96 l
398.22 223.56 l
397.44 223.2 l
398.22 221.88 l
398.94 222.3 l
398.22 221.88 l
398.7 220.68 l
399.24 219.48 l
399.42 219.18 l
400.2 218.22 l
400.62 217.86 l
400.92 217.68 l
401.58 217.32 l
401.88 217.32 l
402.18 217.38 l
402.24 217.32 l
403.02 217.68 l
403.74 217.86 l
404.4 218.22 l
404.7 218.46 l
405.36 218.82 l
405.36 218.88 l
405.54 219 l
406.56 220.68 l
407.52 222.3 l
408.42 223.98 l
409.08 225.72 l
409.56 228 l
409.68 228.3 l
410.04 230.52 l
410.4 232.8 l
409.56 232.8 l
410.28 232.38 l
410.76 234.54 l
411.36 236.64 l
412.2 238.56 l
412.74 239.52 l
411.9 239.88 l
412.56 239.22 l
413.1 240.18 l
413.88 241.02 l
414.6 241.8 l
415.68 242.7 l
416.7 243.36 l
416.1 244.02 l
416.4 243.18 l
417.54 243.72 l
418.2 243.84 l
417.78 244.56 l
417.78 243.72 l
418.44 243.84 l
418.44 245.52 l
417.78 245.4 l
417.54 245.4 l
416.88 245.34 l
415.74 244.8 l
415.44 244.56 l
414.42 243.9 l
413.52 243 l
412.68 242.22 l
411.9 241.38 l
411.18 240.18 l
410.58 239.22 l
409.74 237.3 l
409.2 235.2 l
408.72 233.04 l
408.72 232.8 l
408.36 230.52 l
407.94 228.3 l
408.78 228.3 l
407.94 228.66 l
407.52 226.2 l
406.86 224.64 l
405.9 222.96 l
404.94 221.34 l
404.1 219.84 l
404.76 219.48 l
404.28 220.14 l
403.44 219.66 l
404.1 219 l
403.74 219.84 l
403.08 219.48 l
402.36 219.3 l
401.58 218.88 l
401.88 219 l
401.58 218.88 l
401.88 218.16 l
402.24 218.88 l
401.58 219.3 l
401.28 218.46 l
401.88 219.06 l
401.4 219.48 l
400.62 220.38 l
400.08 219.84 l
400.86 220.14 l
400.26 221.34 l
399.72 222.54 l
399.72 222.66 l
399.06 223.86 l
398.88 224.16 l
397.92 225.48 l
396.9 226.68 l
396.36 227.22 l
395.76 227.7 l
395.52 227.82 l
395.22 227.88 l
394.92 227.82 l
394.02 227.34 l
393.72 227.16 l
393.06 226.5 l
392.88 226.2 l
392.28 225.48 l
391.92 224.52 l
391.56 223.5 l
391.38 222.48 l
391.02 220.32 l
391.74 220.14 l
391.08 220.5 l
390.9 220.38 l
390.78 220.2 l
390.54 219.72 l
390.12 219.06 l
390.9 218.7 l
390.36 219.36 l
389.88 218.64 l
388.62 216.96 l
387.24 214.86 l
387.9 215.22 l
387.6 215.16 l
387.36 214.98 l
387.9 214.38 l
388.2 215.16 l
387.42 215.64 l
387.06 214.86 l
387.72 215.46 l
386.94 216.12 l
386.28 217.02 l
385.62 216.36 l
386.52 216.72 l
385.86 217.68 l
385.02 219.84 l
384.6 220.98 l
384.42 221.82 l
384.36 222 l
383.7 223.38 l
383.22 224.88 l
382.92 226.38 l
382.08 226.02 l
382.92 226.02 l
382.62 227.7 l
382.56 227.88 l
382.56 228 l
381.9 229.5 l
381.36 231.18 l
380.88 232.86 l
380.52 234.66 l
380.04 236.34 l
379.26 237.9 l
378.36 239.34 l
378.12 239.64 l
377.58 240.3 l
376.74 240.9 l
376.56 241.02 l
376.26 241.14 l
376.02 241.02 l
375.78 240.9 l
374.76 240.06 l
374.04 239.22 l
373.38 238.32 l
373.2 238.02 l
372.6 237 l
372.12 235.98 l
371.76 234.84 l
371.28 232.5 l
371.22 232.14 l
370.86 229.68 l
370.56 227.22 l
370.2 224.82 l
371.04 224.82 l
370.2 225.18 l
369.72 222.72 l
370.44 222.54 l
369.72 222.84 l
369.36 221.88 l
368.1 218.82 l
367.56 217.8 l
368.28 217.5 l
367.74 218.04 l
367.08 217.2 l
366.36 216.66 l
366.96 216 l
366.6 216.84 l
365.94 216.36 l
366.72 216.18 l
366.42 216.36 l
366.12 216.48 l
366.12 215.64 l
366.9 216 l
366.24 217.02 l
365.7 217.86 l
365.22 218.64 l
364.86 219.36 l
364.44 220.14 l
364.2 221.04 l
363.9 222.18 l
363.12 221.82 l
363.96 221.82 l
363.78 223.32 l
363.78 223.5 l
363.36 224.52 l
362.88 225.48 l
362.28 226.38 l
361.62 227.46 l
361.08 228 l
360.72 228.3 l
360.06 228.84 l
359.76 229.02 l
359.04 229.38 l
358.56 229.56 l
357.9 229.68 l
357.72 229.8 l
357.42 229.68 l
357.12 229.5 l
357.06 229.32 l
356.88 229.2 l
356.76 229.02 l
356.46 228.54 l
356.04 227.88 l
355.86 227.52 l
355.74 227.34 l
355.38 226.2 l
355.26 225.84 l
355.08 224.52 l
354.96 223.2 l
355.86 223.2 l
355.08 223.56 l
354.9 222.18 l
0 0 0 scn
/T1_0 1 Tf
-0.1022 Tc 0 Tw 13.5 0 0 13.5 330.06 232.8606 Tm
0 Tc 1.2222 0 Td
2.2622 -1.7911 Td
0.3333 0 Td
0.2356 Tc 0.2756 0 Td
352.92 273.72 1.68 26.16 re
344.76 276.18 62.82 1.68 re
0.388 0.675 1 scn
354.06 283.38 m
355.62 283.02 l
356.46 285.06 l
357.12 286.08 l
357.72 287.16 l
356.88 287.52 l
357.6 287.16 l
357.96 287.82 l
358.38 288.48 l
358.62 289.02 l
358.74 289.2 l
358.74 289.08 l
357.96 289.56 l
358.26 288.84 l
358.56 289.02 l
358.2 288.72 l
358.62 288.84 l
358.26 289.56 l
358.26 288.72 l
358.74 288.72 l
359.28 288.84 l
359.94 288.72 l
360.6 288.72 l
361.2 288.66 l
361.2 289.5 l
360.9 288.72 l
361.26 288.66 l
361.62 289.38 l
360.96 288.84 l
361.44 288.66 l
361.62 288.54 l
361.86 288.36 l
362.22 289.08 l
361.56 288.54 l
361.74 288.36 l
362.4 289.02 l
361.56 288.66 l
361.74 288.24 l
362.58 288.54 l
361.74 288.54 l
361.74 288.06 l
361.86 287.7 l
361.92 287.22 l
361.92 287.04 l
362.1 286.56 l
362.88 286.98 l
362.04 286.98 l
362.1 286.38 l
362.1 285.54 l
362.04 284.58 l
362.04 283.74 l
362.22 283.2 l
362.94 283.5 l
362.1 283.38 l
362.22 282.66 l
362.28 282 l
362.46 280.74 l
362.58 280.5 l
362.76 279.48 l
363.12 278.58 l
363.54 277.86 l
363.96 277.02 l
364.56 276.18 l
365.22 274.98 l
365.4 274.74 l
365.7 274.56 l
365.94 274.5 l
366.24 274.5 l
367.08 274.98 l
367.38 275.16 l
368.04 275.88 l
368.7 276.72 l
368.88 277.02 l
369.42 278.04 l
370.26 280.38 l
370.62 281.52 l
370.92 282.54 l
371.4 284.82 l
371.4 285.06 l
371.76 287.22 l
372.06 289.32 l
372.42 291.18 l
371.58 291.18 l
372.42 290.88 l
372.9 292.68 l
373.62 294.48 l
374.22 295.32 l
373.38 295.56 l
374.04 295.02 l
374.58 295.86 l
375.36 296.58 l
376.2 297.36 l
375.6 298.02 l
375.36 297.24 l
375.6 297.18 l
375.9 297.24 l
375.12 297.36 l
375.72 296.82 l
376.26 296.22 l
377.1 295.08 l
377.76 295.74 l
376.92 295.38 l
377.58 294.24 l
377.94 293.16 l
378.36 292.02 l
378.78 290.7 l
379.26 289.38 l
380.04 287.82 l
380.76 288.24 l
380.04 288.06 l
380.22 286.56 l
380.52 284.88 l
380.58 284.52 l
381.06 283.02 l
381.72 281.4 l
382.44 281.82 l
381.72 281.58 l
381.9 280.38 l
382.26 279.24 l
383.1 276.9 l
383.7 275.82 l
383.88 275.52 l
384.42 274.68 l
385.2 273.9 l
385.44 273.72 l
386.28 273.18 l
386.28 273.24 l
386.58 273.18 l
386.88 273.24 l
387.12 273.48 l
387.36 273.54 l
388.02 274.74 l
388.62 275.82 l
389.88 277.68 l
389.1 278.16 l
389.88 277.68 l
390.6 279 l
390.78 279.54 l
390.9 279.72 l
390.9 279.84 l
391.02 279.9 l
391.08 280.74 l
391.26 281.52 l
391.62 283.56 l
392.04 286.02 l
391.2 286.02 l
392.04 285.66 l
392.58 288.18 l
393.12 290.58 l
393.54 291.72 l
393.9 292.74 l
394.26 293.58 l
394.62 294.36 l
393.9 294.66 l
394.44 294.06 l
394.92 294.54 l
394.26 295.2 l
394.62 294.36 l
395.1 294.66 l
394.74 295.5 l
394.44 294.72 l
394.74 294.66 l
395.04 294.72 l
394.26 294.84 l
394.38 294.54 l
394.92 295.2 l
394.2 294.84 l
394.38 294.36 l
394.56 293.7 l
394.74 292.98 l
395.52 293.22 l
394.62 293.22 l
394.86 292.32 l
395.04 291.36 l
395.22 289.2 l
395.52 287.04 l
395.58 286.02 l
395.76 285.06 l
395.88 284.22 l
395.94 283.5 l
396.06 283.08 l
396.12 282.54 l
396.36 282.06 l
397.08 282.48 l
396.36 282.18 l
396.6 281.34 l
397.2 280.32 l
397.86 279.18 l
398.76 277.68 l
399.6 276.66 l
400.38 275.58 l
401.1 274.86 l
401.52 274.56 l
401.76 274.38 l
402.18 274.2 l
402.18 274.32 l
402.42 274.2 l
402.72 274.2 l
403.2 274.5 l
403.44 274.68 l
403.92 275.22 l
404.88 276.54 l
405.06 276.84 l
405.6 277.68 l
404.76 277.98 l
405.42 277.38 l
405.9 278.04 l
406.26 278.58 l
406.68 279 l
406.68 279.06 l
406.86 279.18 l
407.52 280.08 l
406.68 280.38 l
407.28 279.84 l
408.06 280.56 l
408.9 281.34 l
409.86 282.18 l
410.76 282.9 l
411.6 283.86 l
412.2 284.7 l
412.38 285 l
412.86 286.08 l
413.22 288 l
413.4 288.72 l
413.52 289.08 l
413.58 289.74 l
413.76 290.82 l
413.94 291.72 l
413.1 291.72 l
413.88 291.36 l
414.18 292.32 l
414.24 292.98 l
414.42 293.58 l
414.72 294.36 l
415.02 295.32 l
415.44 296.4 l
415.92 297.84 l
415.08 298.08 l
415.68 297.54 l
415.86 297.84 l
415.44 297.36 l
416.52 297.84 l
417.42 298.32 l
418.26 298.74 l
419.04 299.16 l
420.24 299.82 l
421.26 300.24 l
422.04 300.66 l
422.7 300.9 l
424.02 301.56 l
423.24 303.06 l
422.04 302.52 l
421.38 302.22 l
420.6 301.86 l
419.58 301.38 l
418.38 300.72 l
417.6 300.36 l
416.76 299.88 l
415.86 299.4 l
414.72 298.86 l
414.54 298.68 l
414.36 298.38 l
413.88 297.06 l
413.4 295.92 l
413.1 295.02 l
412.86 294.24 l
412.68 293.58 l
412.56 292.98 l
412.26 292.02 l
412.26 291.72 l
412.08 290.82 l
411.9 289.74 l
411.78 289.08 l
412.68 289.08 l
411.78 289.38 l
411.6 288.66 l
411.42 287.7 l
411.24 286.5 l
410.76 285.66 l
411.6 285.36 l
410.94 285.9 l
410.4 285.06 l
409.56 284.16 l
408.6 283.38 l
407.7 282.54 l
406.86 281.82 l
406.08 281.04 l
405.9 280.74 l
405.42 280.02 l
406.08 279.66 l
405.6 280.32 l
405.06 279.84 l
404.7 279.24 l
404.22 278.58 l
404.04 278.34 l
403.44 277.5 l
404.28 277.2 l
403.68 277.74 l
403.2 277.08 l
402.24 275.88 l
402.78 275.34 l
402.54 276.06 l
402.18 275.82 l
402.72 275.82 l
402.42 275.88 l
402.42 275.04 l
402.78 275.82 l
402.42 276 l
402.18 275.22 l
402.72 275.82 l
402.36 276.06 l
401.58 276.84 l
400.86 277.86 l
400.02 278.88 l
399.42 278.34 l
400.2 278.58 l
399.42 279.84 l
398.76 280.98 l
398.22 282 l
397.92 282.72 l
397.86 282.72 l
397.74 283.2 l
397.62 283.74 l
396.78 283.5 l
397.62 283.5 l
397.56 284.22 l
397.44 285.06 l
397.26 286.02 l
397.2 287.04 l
396.9 289.2 l
396.72 291.36 l
396.54 292.32 l
396.36 293.22 l
396.36 293.58 l
396.12 294.36 l
395.94 295.02 l
395.76 295.5 l
395.58 295.74 l
395.28 296.16 l
395.04 296.22 l
394.74 296.34 l
394.44 296.22 l
394.02 295.92 l
393.72 295.74 l
393.24 295.32 l
393.06 295.02 l
392.7 294.24 l
392.28 293.4 l
391.92 292.38 l
391.56 291.24 l
391.02 288.84 l
390.42 286.32 l
390.36 286.02 l
389.94 283.56 l
389.58 281.52 l
389.4 280.74 l
389.4 280.32 l
390.12 280.08 l
389.4 280.5 l
389.28 280.38 l
389.04 279.66 l
388.62 279 l
388.44 278.58 l
388.44 278.52 l
387.06 276.48 l
386.4 275.4 l
385.92 274.38 l
386.88 274.74 l
386.58 274.86 l
386.28 274.74 l
386.04 274.56 l
386.58 274.02 l
386.94 274.74 l
386.1 275.34 l
385.74 274.5 l
386.4 275.16 l
385.62 275.88 l
385.08 276.72 l
384.42 276.18 l
385.26 276.48 l
384.72 277.56 l
383.88 279.9 l
383.52 281.04 l
383.28 282 l
383.22 282.18 l
382.62 283.68 l
382.2 285.18 l
381.36 284.88 l
382.2 284.88 l
381.9 286.56 l
381.6 288.36 l
381.54 288.54 l
381.54 288.66 l
380.88 290.04 l
379.92 292.68 l
379.56 293.82 l
379.2 294.9 l
378.54 296.04 l
378.36 296.34 l
377.52 297.42 l
376.92 298.02 l
376.2 298.68 l
375.9 298.74 l
375.6 298.86 l
375.36 298.74 l
375.12 298.68 l
374.1 297.84 l
373.38 297.06 l
372.78 296.22 l
372.6 295.92 l
372.06 295.08 l
371.28 293.34 l
370.86 291.54 l
370.74 291.18 l
370.38 289.32 l
370.08 287.22 l
369.72 285.06 l
370.56 285.06 l
369.78 285.48 l
369.36 283.02 l
369.06 282.18 l
368.7 281.04 l
367.86 278.7 l
367.26 277.68 l
368.04 277.38 l
367.44 277.98 l
366.78 277.08 l
366.12 276.36 l
366.72 275.82 l
366.42 276.54 l
365.7 276.06 l
366.54 275.88 l
366.24 276.06 l
365.94 276.18 l
365.94 275.34 l
366.72 275.7 l
366.12 276.84 l
365.58 277.68 l
365.1 278.52 l
364.74 279.24 l
364.38 280.08 l
364.2 281.16 l
363.36 280.74 l
364.2 280.74 l
363.96 282 l
363.9 282.66 l
363.78 283.56 l
363.78 283.68 l
363.6 284.4 l
362.88 284.04 l
363.72 284.04 l
363.72 284.58 l
363.78 285.54 l
363.78 286.38 l
363.72 286.98 l
363.72 287.22 l
363.42 287.82 l
362.7 287.4 l
363.54 287.58 l
363.42 288.36 l
362.58 288.06 l
363.42 288.06 l
363.42 288.54 l
363.36 288.9 l
363.12 289.32 l
362.94 289.56 l
362.76 289.74 l
362.46 289.98 l
362.28 290.04 l
361.92 289.32 l
362.46 289.98 l
362.22 290.04 l
361.92 290.22 l
361.56 290.34 l
361.2 290.34 l
360.6 290.4 l
359.94 290.4 l
359.28 290.52 l
358.74 290.4 l
357.96 290.4 l
357.78 290.34 l
357.72 290.34 l
357.42 290.16 l
357.36 289.98 l
357.12 289.86 l
357.06 289.68 l
356.76 289.08 l
356.4 288.48 l
356.1 287.88 l
356.1 287.82 l
355.56 286.74 l
354.9 285.72 l
354.42 284.7 l
354.06 283.38 l
0 0 0 scn
/T1_0 1 Tf
-0.0444 Tc 13.5 0 0 13.5 330.06 286.8606 Tm
0 Tc 1.28 0 Td
1.7067 -1.5422 Td
0.3333 0 Td
0.2356 Tc 0.2756 0 Td
501 257.7 m
499.26 257.7 l
499.2 211.32 l
500.88 211.32 l
501 257.7 l
491.4 224.34 m
490.74 222.72 l
549.36 198.36 l
550.02 199.98 l
491.4 224.34 l
509.7 227.88 m
508.5 229.14 l
463.56 184.86 l
464.76 183.66 l
509.7 227.88 l
0.388 0.675 1 scn
516.18 211.98 m
516.72 210.36 l
517.86 210.84 l
518.82 211.32 l
519.66 211.86 l
519.9 212.04 l
520.68 212.64 l
521.88 213.96 l
522.9 215.22 l
523.08 215.52 l
523.86 217.02 l
524.52 218.52 l
525 219.96 l
525.42 221.46 l
525.42 221.82 l
525.24 223.8 l
525.18 225.84 l
525 227.88 l
524.7 230.04 l
524.4 230.82 l
524.34 231.18 l
523.86 231.96 l
523.68 232.2 l
522.9 232.98 l
522 233.64 l
521.7 233.82 l
520.56 234.36 l
519.36 234.84 l
517.92 235.32 l
516.54 235.68 l
516.18 235.68 l
513.06 236.34 l
510 236.7 l
506.88 237 l
505.56 237.06 l
504.36 237.18 l
504.24 237.18 l
502.2 237.06 l
500.16 237.06 l
498.06 237 l
496.02 236.64 l
495.36 236.52 l
495.06 236.52 l
494.22 236.22 l
492.66 235.68 l
491.88 235.38 l
491.34 235.14 l
490.92 234.96 l
490.74 234.84 l
490.56 234.66 l
490.5 234.48 l
489.9 233.82 l
490.74 233.46 l
490.08 234.06 l
489.72 233.46 l
488.76 232.56 l
488.16 232.14 l
488.76 231.54 l
488.4 232.32 l
487.74 231.96 l
486.9 231.54 l
486 231.18 l
485.7 231 l
485.58 230.82 l
483.72 227.82 l
482.22 224.88 l
482.22 224.64 l
481.74 222.72 l
482.58 222.72 l
481.74 223.02 l
481.38 221.16 l
481.26 220.8 l
481.02 218.88 l
480.9 217.98 l
480.9 217.02 l
481.02 216.12 l
481.02 215.7 l
481.26 214.86 l
481.68 214.02 l
482.22 213.18 l
482.4 212.88 l
483.06 212.16 l
484.02 211.38 l
484.26 211.2 l
485.4 210.54 l
486.84 209.88 l
487.08 210.72 l
486.66 210.12 l
487.08 209.64 l
487.68 209.16 l
488.04 208.8 l
488.34 208.38 l
489.18 207.66 l
489.42 207.48 l
489.84 207.3 l
490.26 207.18 l
490.68 207.12 l
491.04 207.12 l
491.52 207 l
492.06 206.82 l
492.72 206.7 l
492.84 207.54 l
492.54 206.82 l
492.36 206.88 l
492.9 206.46 l
493.56 205.98 l
493.86 205.8 l
495.24 205.02 l
496.02 204.72 l
496.86 204.54 l
497.88 204.3 l
499.08 204 l
499.26 204.84 l
498.9 204.12 l
500.52 203.34 l
502.02 202.68 l
503.7 202.14 l
505.38 201.66 l
509.04 201 l
509.34 200.88 l
513.18 200.34 l
513.24 201.18 l
513.18 200.34 l
513.72 200.22 l
514.2 200.16 l
515.22 200.04 l
515.7 199.98 l
516.06 199.86 l
516.54 199.86 l
519 199.98 l
521.34 200.16 l
526.02 200.46 l
530.58 201 l
535.5 201.72 l
535.56 201.84 l
535.86 201.96 l
536.88 202.8 l
537.72 203.46 l
538.5 203.88 l
539.16 204.48 l
539.7 205.02 l
540.36 205.62 l
540.9 206.46 l
541.08 206.7 l
541.74 207.54 l
541.74 207.66 l
542.58 209.04 l
543.36 210.3 l
543.48 210.54 l
543.54 210.96 l
543.84 211.86 l
544.08 213.3 l
544.5 214.68 l
544.74 216.18 l
544.86 216.84 l
545.04 217.38 l
545.16 217.98 l
545.22 218.34 l
545.22 218.64 l
545.34 218.82 l
545.34 219 l
545.22 219.96 l
545.22 221.88 l
545.34 222.72 l
545.34 223.56 l
545.4 224.34 l
545.52 225.3 l
545.52 225.84 l
545.4 226.5 l
545.4 227.22 l
545.34 228.3 l
545.22 228.96 l
545.16 229.8 l
544.74 231.66 l
544.74 231.96 l
544.32 233.82 l
544.02 234.54 l
543.54 235.38 l
542.82 236.52 l
542.58 236.82 l
541.56 237.84 l
540.48 238.8 l
539.22 239.7 l
538.02 240.66 l
536.88 241.56 l
535.98 242.64 l
535.32 242.04 l
536.16 242.34 l
535.2 243.54 l
534.84 244.02 l
534.66 244.32 l
534.06 244.8 l
533.82 244.98 l
533.16 245.34 l
532.2 245.82 l
531.24 246.18 l
530.16 246.66 l
527.82 247.32 l
525.24 247.98 l
524.88 247.98 l
522.42 248.4 l
520.08 248.82 l
519.06 249 l
518.22 249.06 l
518.16 249.06 l
514.86 248.88 l
513.18 248.82 l
511.5 248.64 l
510.9 248.52 l
510.18 248.4 l
508.56 248.04 l
508.2 248.04 l
507.54 247.86 l
506.88 247.8 l
506.52 247.68 l
506.52 247.56 l
506.34 247.5 l
505.74 247.32 l
505.2 246.9 l
504.72 246.72 l
504.42 246.54 l
503.88 246.3 l
503.4 246 l
502.86 245.82 l
502.56 245.7 l
502.08 245.52 l
501.54 245.34 l
500.76 245.16 l
499.92 244.8 l
499.02 244.38 l
497.76 244.02 l
496.56 243.54 l
496.5 243.54 l
495.84 243.3 l
495.06 243 l
494.7 242.88 l
494.34 242.7 l
494.16 242.7 l
494.22 242.64 l
494.16 242.64 l
493.86 242.4 l
493.08 241.8 l
493.68 241.14 l
493.38 241.98 l
492.42 241.14 l
492.84 240.48 l
492.42 241.2 l
491.88 241.02 l
490.56 240.66 l
490.26 240.48 l
489.9 240.18 l
489.72 240.06 l
489.66 240 l
489.18 239.64 l
488.4 239.04 l
487.56 238.38 l
486.72 237.66 l
486 237 l
485.22 236.4 l
484.92 236.16 l
484.86 236.04 l
484.08 235.32 l
483.36 234.3 l
483.18 234 l
482.52 232.86 l
481.86 231.66 l
481.2 230.34 l
480.66 229.14 l
480.18 228.06 l
479.76 227.16 l
479.76 227.04 l
479.7 226.8 l
479.7 226.68 l
479.88 224.64 l
480.06 222.36 l
480.24 220.2 l
480.66 217.86 l
480.66 217.38 l
480.84 217.02 l
481.02 216.72 l
481.2 216.36 l
481.5 216.18 l
481.92 216 l
482.22 216.72 l
481.86 216 l
483.06 215.34 l
484.2 214.86 l
485.34 214.5 l
486.42 214.14 l
488.88 213.66 l
489.24 213.54 l
490.56 213.36 l
491.88 213.12 l
492.66 213 l
493.5 212.82 l
495.06 212.52 l
495.72 212.46 l
496.26 212.34 l
496.74 212.22 l
496.92 212.22 l
501.66 212.64 l
506.22 213 l
508.5 213.36 l
510.66 213.72 l
511.02 213.84 l
513.06 214.32 l
515.16 214.98 l
515.16 215.04 l
515.4 215.16 l
516.06 215.7 l
516.66 216.18 l
517.5 216.84 l
518.04 217.2 l
518.34 217.5 l
518.58 217.8 l
518.82 218.04 l
519 218.34 l
519.24 218.82 l
519.66 219.48 l
519.66 219.66 l
519.72 219.96 l
519.72 221.16 l
520.08 224.16 l
520.08 225.72 l
520.02 226.56 l
520.02 226.86 l
519.84 227.64 l
519.54 228.36 l
519.06 228.96 l
518.88 229.2 l
518.34 229.86 l
518.04 230.04 l
517.32 230.52 l
516.36 230.88 l
516 231 l
515.04 231.18 l
514.86 230.46 l
515.16 231.18 l
515.4 231.06 l
515.04 231.36 l
514.74 231.72 l
514.38 232.14 l
514.08 232.32 l
513.66 232.56 l
513.54 232.56 l
513 232.8 l
512.22 232.98 l
511.86 232.98 l
510.24 233.22 l
509.52 233.34 l
508.86 233.46 l
508.5 233.52 l
508.32 233.52 l
502.92 233.34 l
500.34 233.22 l
497.7 233.04 l
497.04 232.98 l
496.2 232.86 l
494.58 232.56 l
494.34 232.56 l
493.56 232.38 l
493.02 232.32 l
492.66 232.2 l
492.66 232.14 l
492.54 232.14 l
492.24 231.96 l
492.18 231.72 l
491.04 230.22 l
491.88 229.98 l
491.22 230.52 l
490.2 229.2 l
489.06 227.88 l
488.88 227.64 l
488.04 226.2 l
487.92 226.2 l
487.5 225.36 l
486.9 224.46 l
486.72 224.04 l
486.42 223.8 l
486.36 223.5 l
486.42 223.5 l
486.24 223.14 l
486.36 222.96 l
486.66 221.22 l
487.02 219.54 l
487.56 217.8 l
488.22 216 l
489.24 214.38 l
489.42 214.14 l
490.02 213.3 l
490.74 212.52 l
491.52 211.86 l
492.42 211.2 l
492.72 211.02 l
493.74 210.48 l
495 209.88 l
495.24 210.72 l
494.7 210.12 l
496.26 209.04 l
496.56 208.86 l
498.42 207.96 l
500.58 207.18 l
502.86 206.64 l
503.22 206.52 l
505.68 206.16 l
508.2 205.8 l
513.24 205.38 l
515.04 205.38 l
516.72 205.5 l
518.22 205.5 l
519.66 205.38 l
524.58 205.38 l
526.74 205.62 l
529.02 205.86 l
529.32 205.98 l
531.54 206.46 l
533.88 207.18 l
533.88 207.3 l
534.18 207.48 l
534.36 207.54 l
535.5 209.64 l
536.34 211.62 l
537.06 213.48 l
537.72 215.52 l
537.72 215.82 l
537.54 218.52 l
537.48 221.22 l
537.18 224.16 l
536.7 227.04 l
536.58 227.34 l
536.22 228.72 l
535.86 230.16 l
535.32 231.54 l
534.54 232.98 l
533.82 234.3 l
533.58 234.54 l
532.56 235.86 l
531.48 237.18 l
530.16 238.38 l
529.56 237.72 l
530.16 238.38 l
529.68 238.8 l
528.9 239.34 l
528.18 239.82 l
527.88 240 l
527.04 240.54 l
525.18 241.56 l
524.22 241.98 l
523.2 242.16 l
522.18 242.4 l
521.88 242.52 l
520.56 242.7 l
518.34 243.06 l
518.22 243.18 l
517.38 243.3 l
517.38 242.4 l
517.74 243.3 l
516.9 243.36 l
516.54 243.48 l
516.24 243.54 l
515.88 243.54 l
515.7 243.66 l
510.54 243.66 l
508.56 243.54 l
506.7 243.36 l
505.02 243.06 l
504.72 243 l
504 242.82 l
503.34 242.52 l
502.68 242.16 l
502.38 241.98 l
502.02 241.5 l
503.22 240.36 l
503.58 240.72 l
503.04 241.32 l
503.34 240.54 l
504 240.9 l
504.66 241.2 l
505.38 241.38 l
505.02 242.22 l
505.02 241.38 l
506.7 241.68 l
508.56 241.86 l
510.54 241.98 l
515.82 241.98 l
515.7 242.82 l
515.52 241.98 l
515.4 241.98 l
515.58 241.98 l
515.88 241.86 l
516.24 241.8 l
517.08 241.68 l
517.38 241.56 l
518.04 241.5 l
518.16 242.34 l
518.04 241.5 l
520.56 241.02 l
521.88 240.84 l
521.88 241.68 l
521.52 240.84 l
522.84 240.54 l
523.56 240.36 l
524.52 240 l
526.38 238.98 l
527.22 238.38 l
527.52 239.22 l
526.92 238.56 l
527.7 238.14 l
528.48 237.54 l
529.02 237.06 l
529.08 237.06 l
530.22 235.98 l
531.36 234.66 l
532.38 233.34 l
532.98 234 l
532.2 233.64 l
532.98 232.32 l
533.7 230.88 l
534.24 229.5 l
534.66 228.06 l
535.02 226.68 l
535.86 227.04 l
535.02 227.04 l
535.5 224.16 l
535.74 221.22 l
535.86 218.52 l
536.04 215.7 l
536.88 215.82 l
536.16 216 l
535.5 214.14 l
534.72 212.22 l
533.88 210.3 l
532.98 208.38 l
533.34 208.8 l
533.04 208.62 l
533.58 208.02 l
533.34 208.8 l
530.88 208.02 l
528.66 207.54 l
529.02 206.7 l
529.02 207.54 l
526.74 207.3 l
524.58 207.12 l
519.66 207.12 l
518.22 207.18 l
516.72 207.18 l
515.04 207.12 l
513.24 207.12 l
513.24 206.22 l
513.36 207.12 l
508.2 207.48 l
505.68 207.84 l
503.22 208.2 l
503.22 207.36 l
503.52 208.2 l
501.24 208.8 l
499.08 209.52 l
497.22 210.48 l
496.86 209.64 l
497.52 210.3 l
495.84 211.38 l
495.54 211.5 l
494.4 212.04 l
493.38 212.64 l
493.08 211.8 l
493.68 212.46 l
492.72 213.12 l
492 213.72 l
491.22 214.5 l
490.68 215.34 l
490.02 214.68 l
490.86 215.04 l
489.84 216.66 l
489.18 218.46 l
488.58 220.2 l
488.22 221.88 l
487.92 223.32 l
487.86 222.84 l
487.92 223.14 l
487.08 223.14 l
487.86 222.66 l
487.92 222.84 l
488.04 223.14 l
488.34 223.38 l
488.52 223.8 l
489.06 224.7 l
489.42 225.48 l
488.7 225.84 l
489.42 225.36 l
490.5 226.98 l
489.72 227.22 l
490.26 226.68 l
491.4 228 l
492.42 229.32 l
492.66 229.56 l
493.56 230.88 l
493.08 230.64 l
493.38 230.82 l
492.84 231.36 l
493.02 230.52 l
493.26 230.64 l
493.68 230.7 l
494.22 230.82 l
495 231 l
494.58 231.72 l
494.58 230.88 l
496.2 231.18 l
497.04 231.3 l
497.76 231.36 l
500.34 231.54 l
502.92 231.66 l
508.38 231.84 l
508.32 232.68 l
508.2 231.84 l
508.5 231.84 l
508.86 231.72 l
509.52 231.66 l
510.24 231.54 l
511.86 231.3 l
511.86 232.14 l
511.56 231.36 l
512.34 231.18 l
513.06 231 l
513.24 231.84 l
512.88 231.06 l
513.42 230.7 l
513.72 231.54 l
513.18 230.88 l
513.54 230.52 l
513.84 230.16 l
514.74 229.56 l
516 229.32 l
516 230.16 l
515.7 229.32 l
516.66 228.96 l
517.38 228.48 l
517.68 229.2 l
517.08 228.66 l
517.68 228 l
518.34 228.66 l
517.5 228.3 l
517.92 227.7 l
518.22 226.98 l
518.4 226.2 l
519.18 226.56 l
518.34 226.56 l
518.4 225.72 l
518.4 224.16 l
518.04 221.16 l
518.04 219.84 l
518.88 219.96 l
518.22 220.32 l
517.68 219.48 l
517.38 219 l
517.2 218.7 l
517.92 218.34 l
517.38 219 l
516.84 218.46 l
516.24 218.04 l
515.4 217.38 l
514.86 216.96 l
514.38 216.48 l
514.86 215.82 l
514.56 216.54 l
512.4 215.88 l
510.36 215.46 l
510.66 214.62 l
510.66 215.46 l
508.5 215.04 l
506.22 214.68 l
501.66 214.32 l
496.86 213.96 l
496.86 213.12 l
497.04 213.84 l
496.74 213.96 l
496.26 214.02 l
495.72 214.14 l
495.06 214.2 l
493.5 214.5 l
492.66 214.68 l
492.18 214.68 l
490.56 215.04 l
489.24 215.22 l
489.24 214.38 l
489.54 215.22 l
487.08 215.7 l
486 216.12 l
484.86 216.48 l
483.72 216.96 l
482.7 217.38 l
482.58 217.5 l
482.16 217.8 l
481.86 217.02 l
482.4 217.56 l
482.22 217.98 l
481.56 217.32 l
482.4 217.68 l
482.22 218.04 l
482.22 218.22 l
481.38 218.04 l
482.22 218.16 l
481.92 220.2 l
481.74 222.36 l
481.56 224.64 l
481.38 226.86 l
480.54 226.8 l
481.26 226.38 l
481.74 227.46 l
482.22 228.48 l
482.76 229.68 l
483.42 231 l
484.08 232.2 l
484.74 233.34 l
484.02 233.7 l
484.56 233.04 l
485.34 234.06 l
486 234.84 l
485.4 235.5 l
486 234.84 l
486.42 235.2 l
487.2 235.8 l
487.92 236.4 l
488.76 237.18 l
489.66 237.84 l
490.38 238.38 l
490.86 238.8 l
490.92 238.86 l
491.52 239.22 l
490.92 239.82 l
491.22 239.04 l
492.54 239.4 l
493.2 239.7 l
493.26 239.7 l
494.04 240.36 l
494.34 240.54 l
495.06 241.2 l
494.4 241.86 l
494.7 241.02 l
494.76 241.14 l
495 241.14 l
495.36 241.32 l
495.72 241.38 l
496.5 241.68 l
497.22 242.04 l
496.86 242.82 l
497.16 241.98 l
498.42 242.4 l
499.56 242.82 l
500.58 243.18 l
501.42 243.54 l
502.2 243.72 l
502.74 243.9 l
503.22 244.14 l
503.52 244.2 l
504.06 244.38 l
504.54 244.68 l
505.08 244.98 l
505.38 245.16 l
505.86 245.34 l
506.4 245.7 l
507.18 246.06 l
506.7 246.84 l
506.88 246 l
507.18 246.06 l
507.54 246.18 l
508.2 246.3 l
508.86 246.48 l
508.56 247.2 l
508.56 246.36 l
510.18 246.72 l
510.9 246.84 l
511.68 246.9 l
513.18 247.14 l
514.86 247.2 l
518.22 247.38 l
518.16 248.22 l
518.04 247.38 l
519.06 247.32 l
520.08 247.14 l
522.42 246.72 l
524.88 246.3 l
524.88 247.14 l
524.58 246.36 l
527.16 245.7 l
529.5 245.04 l
530.58 244.56 l
531.54 244.2 l
532.5 243.72 l
533.16 243.36 l
533.52 244.14 l
532.86 243.54 l
533.4 243.06 l
534.06 243.66 l
533.22 243.36 l
533.82 242.7 l
534.54 241.68 l
534.72 241.38 l
535.68 240.36 l
536.82 239.4 l
538.02 238.5 l
539.22 237.54 l
540.36 236.64 l
541.38 235.56 l
541.98 236.16 l
541.2 235.86 l
542.16 234.54 l
542.4 233.88 l
542.7 233.16 l
543.18 231.3 l
543.9 231.66 l
543.06 231.66 l
543.48 229.8 l
543.54 228.96 l
543.72 228 l
544.5 228.18 l
543.66 228.06 l
543.72 227.22 l
543.72 226.5 l
543.84 225.84 l
543.84 225.3 l
543.72 224.34 l
543.66 223.56 l
543.66 222.72 l
543.54 221.88 l
543.54 219.96 l
543.66 218.88 l
544.5 219 l
543.72 219.18 l
543.66 219.3 l
543.66 219 l
543.54 218.64 l
543.48 218.04 l
543.24 217.5 l
543.18 216.84 l
542.88 215.34 l
542.52 213.96 l
542.22 212.52 l
542.04 211.98 l
541.98 211.62 l
541.86 211.2 l
541.98 211.14 l
541.02 209.7 l
540.24 208.38 l
541.02 208.02 l
540.36 208.38 l
539.52 207.36 l
540.36 207 l
539.7 207.66 l
539.16 206.82 l
538.5 206.22 l
537.9 205.68 l
537.24 205.14 l
536.52 204.66 l
535.68 204 l
534.84 203.22 l
535.02 203.34 l
535.32 202.62 l
535.2 203.34 l
530.58 202.68 l
526.02 202.14 l
521.34 201.84 l
519 201.66 l
516.42 201.54 l
516.42 200.7 l
516.54 201.54 l
516.06 201.54 l
515.7 201.66 l
515.22 201.72 l
514.2 201.84 l
513.72 201.96 l
513.42 201.96 l
513.36 202.02 l
509.34 202.62 l
509.34 201.72 l
509.7 202.62 l
506.04 203.22 l
504.36 203.7 l
502.68 204.3 l
501.18 204.96 l
499.74 205.62 l
499.5 205.62 l
498.54 205.86 l
497.52 206.16 l
496.68 206.34 l
495.9 206.64 l
494.52 207.36 l
494.22 206.52 l
494.76 207.18 l
494.16 207.66 l
493.38 208.2 l
493.08 208.32 l
493.02 208.32 l
492.06 208.5 l
491.52 208.68 l
491.04 208.8 l
491.04 207.96 l
491.34 208.68 l
490.92 208.8 l
490.5 208.86 l
490.08 209.04 l
489.72 208.32 l
490.38 208.86 l
490.02 209.22 l
489.54 209.64 l
489.24 210 l
488.88 210.36 l
488.34 210.84 l
487.68 211.38 l
487.38 211.5 l
486.06 212.16 l
484.92 212.82 l
484.56 211.98 l
485.22 212.64 l
484.26 213.36 l
483.66 214.14 l
483 213.48 l
483.84 213.84 l
483.24 214.68 l
482.88 215.52 l
482.58 216.36 l
481.86 216.12 l
482.7 216.12 l
482.58 217.02 l
482.58 217.98 l
482.7 218.88 l
483 220.8 l
482.16 220.8 l
483 220.5 l
483.36 222.36 l
483.42 222.72 l
483.84 224.34 l
483 224.52 l
483.72 224.16 l
485.34 227.16 l
487.02 229.98 l
486.54 229.68 l
486.84 229.86 l
486.24 230.46 l
486.54 229.56 l
487.56 229.98 l
488.4 230.34 l
489.06 230.7 l
489.36 230.88 l
490.02 231.36 l
490.92 232.2 l
491.34 232.86 l
491.52 233.16 l
491.88 233.64 l
491.7 233.52 l
491.16 234.06 l
491.52 233.34 l
491.58 233.34 l
492 233.52 l
492.54 233.82 l
493.26 234.06 l
494.88 234.66 l
495.72 234.96 l
495.36 235.68 l
495.36 234.84 l
496.26 235.02 l
498.06 235.32 l
500.16 235.38 l
502.2 235.38 l
504.36 235.5 l
504.24 236.34 l
504.24 235.5 l
505.56 235.38 l
506.88 235.32 l
510 235.02 l
513.06 234.66 l
516.18 234 l
516.18 234.84 l
515.88 234.06 l
517.32 233.7 l
518.7 233.22 l
519.9 232.8 l
521.04 232.2 l
521.34 232.98 l
520.74 232.38 l
521.7 231.72 l
522.42 231 l
523.02 231.66 l
522.24 231.3 l
522.72 230.52 l
523.56 230.82 l
522.72 230.82 l
523.08 229.8 l
523.32 227.88 l
523.5 225.84 l
523.56 223.8 l
523.74 221.64 l
524.58 221.7 l
523.86 221.88 l
523.38 220.56 l
522.9 219.18 l
522.24 217.68 l
521.52 216.18 l
522.24 215.88 l
521.7 216.48 l
520.68 215.16 l
519.42 213.84 l
518.7 213.3 l
519.24 212.7 l
519 213.48 l
518.16 212.88 l
517.2 212.46 l
516.18 211.98 l
0.388 0.675 1 SCN
1.68 w 1 j 1 J
510.06 247.14 m
502.56 240.9 l
511.92 238.56 l
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
0.4009 Tc 14.88 0 0 14.88 486.24 188.4659 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.4556 Tc -0.5968 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.1814 0.0479 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.3968 Tc -0.2823 3.9924 Td
/TT1 1 Tf
0.4392 Tc -0.5282 0 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.3968 Tc 4.4597 -4.2299 Td
/TT1 1 Tf
0.4392 Tc -0.5282 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.0806 0.0479 Td
490.26 275.7 1.74 54 re
482.16 283.86 63 1.68 re
/TT0 1 Tf
0.3968 Tc 14.88 0 0 14.88 529.86 266.5859 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
0.4392 Tc -0.5282 0 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.0806 0.0479 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.3968 Tc -3.4839 3.5771 Td
/TT1 1 Tf
0.4392 Tc -0.5282 0.0041 Td
0.388 0.675 1 scn
504.36 295.38 m
504.9 293.82 l
506.88 294.48 l
508.74 294.9 l
510.54 295.5 l
512.4 296.04 l
512.4 296.16 l
512.7 296.34 l
512.88 296.4 l
514.38 298.86 l
515.58 301.08 l
516.84 303.36 l
518.16 305.4 l
518.16 305.58 l
518.22 305.88 l
518.22 306 l
518.16 307.74 l
518.04 309.66 l
517.86 311.52 l
517.74 312.42 l
517.68 312.84 l
517.5 313.56 l
516.72 315.54 l
515.7 317.34 l
515.52 317.58 l
514.32 319.2 l
512.82 320.58 l
511.2 321.84 l
510.9 322.02 l
509.22 323.16 l
507.54 324 l
505.68 324.66 l
505.38 324.72 l
505.32 324.72 l
503.52 324.66 l
501.54 324.54 l
499.68 324.36 l
498.84 324.18 l
498.42 324.18 l
497.58 323.88 l
497.16 323.7 l
496.86 323.52 l
496.56 323.04 l
496.38 322.74 l
496.02 322.08 l
495.72 321.36 l
495.42 320.7 l
495.18 319.92 l
495 319.38 l
494.88 318.9 l
494.88 318.84 l
493.86 315.72 l
492.66 312.54 l
491.52 309.42 l
490.38 306.18 l
490.26 305.88 l
490.26 305.82 l
490.5 303.06 l
490.56 300.24 l
490.68 297.42 l
491.16 294.48 l
491.34 293.52 l
491.4 293.22 l
491.88 292.08 l
492.42 291.18 l
492.66 290.88 l
494.34 289.08 l
495.36 288.24 l
495.66 288.06 l
497.88 286.68 l
500.4 285.54 l
502.86 284.52 l
505.2 283.86 l
506.34 283.56 l
507.42 283.32 l
507.72 283.32 l
509.16 283.38 l
514.38 283.38 l
516.24 283.68 l
516.54 283.68 l
518.34 284.04 l
520.02 284.7 l
520.32 284.88 l
521.7 285.72 l
522.42 286.38 l
523.2 287.04 l
524.58 288.54 l
525.24 289.2 l
525.84 289.74 l
526.08 290.16 l
526.32 290.34 l
526.38 290.58 l
526.5 290.58 l
527.04 292.5 l
527.7 294.54 l
528.18 296.7 l
528.18 297.06 l
528.48 299.22 l
528.54 301.38 l
528.48 302.52 l
528.24 303.54 l
528.24 303.84 l
528 304.86 l
527.52 305.88 l
527.04 306.84 l
526.86 307.08 l
526.32 307.86 l
524.34 310.32 l
522.24 312.36 l
520.08 314.16 l
517.86 315.66 l
517.56 315.84 l
515.22 317.22 l
512.7 318.36 l
510.06 319.38 l
507.06 320.16 l
506.88 320.22 l
506.82 320.22 l
504.84 320.16 l
502.74 320.04 l
500.7 319.92 l
499.68 319.74 l
499.26 319.68 l
498.36 319.38 l
498.66 318.66 l
498.42 319.38 l
498 319.26 l
497.7 319.08 l
497.4 318.84 l
497.16 318.36 l
496.92 318.06 l
496.68 317.52 l
496.08 316.2 l
495.54 314.7 l
495.06 313.08 l
494.7 311.58 l
494.34 310.2 l
494.22 309.66 l
494.16 309.06 l
494.04 308.88 l
494.04 308.82 l
494.16 307.92 l
494.16 306.84 l
494.22 305.4 l
494.34 303.9 l
494.7 300.9 l
494.76 300.66 l
495.18 299.22 l
495.66 298.02 l
496.08 297.18 l
496.26 296.88 l
497.04 296.16 l
497.88 295.38 l
499.08 294.66 l
500.16 294.06 l
501.36 293.7 l
503.82 292.98 l
506.4 292.38 l
506.7 292.38 l
509.22 292.02 l
511.68 291.72 l
512.7 291.66 l
513.54 291.54 l
513.72 291.54 l
515.88 291.72 l
518.16 291.84 l
520.38 292.02 l
522.84 292.32 l
523.74 292.56 l
524.04 292.68 l
525.06 293.16 l
525.36 293.34 l
526.32 294 l
527.22 294.72 l
529.02 296.34 l
529.86 297.06 l
529.2 297.72 l
529.56 296.88 l
530.58 297.66 l
530.7 297.84 l
530.88 298.08 l
531 298.08 l
532.5 302.58 l
531.66 302.88 l
532.5 302.52 l
532.68 303.24 l
532.98 303.9 l
533.16 304.56 l
533.16 304.74 l
533.22 304.86 l
533.22 305.22 l
533.04 306.42 l
532.98 307.74 l
532.74 309.06 l
532.68 309.42 l
532.5 310.56 l
532.02 311.58 l
531.48 312.54 l
531.24 312.84 l
530.58 313.68 l
529.68 314.52 l
528.72 315.36 l
527.58 316.02 l
527.34 316.2 l
524.88 317.58 l
522.36 318.72 l
519.84 319.74 l
517.5 320.4 l
516.42 320.7 l
515.34 320.88 l
515.16 321 l
514.86 320.88 l
513.72 320.52 l
512.82 320.22 l
512.04 319.92 l
511.5 319.74 l
510.54 319.26 l
510.24 319.08 l
509.7 318.66 l
509.22 318.06 l
508.56 317.22 l
508.2 316.74 l
507.66 316.2 l
507.06 315.54 l
506.34 314.7 l
506.16 314.4 l
505.5 312.18 l
505.5 311.88 l
505.2 309.84 l
505.2 307.86 l
505.5 306.06 l
505.56 305.82 l
506.04 304.2 l
506.88 302.7 l
507.06 302.4 l
508.02 301.02 l
509.22 299.7 l
510.54 298.5 l
511.92 297.36 l
512.22 297.18 l
513.84 296.16 l
515.4 295.2 l
518.88 293.34 l
522.24 291.66 l
523.74 291 l
525.24 290.7 l
525.66 290.58 l
527.16 290.34 l
527.16 291.18 l
526.74 290.4 l
528.48 290.04 l
528.66 290.88 l
528.48 290.04 l
529.2 289.86 l
530.22 289.56 l
530.58 289.5 l
531 289.38 l
531.24 289.38 l
531.48 289.32 l
531.84 289.32 l
532.98 289.5 l
532.56 290.22 l
532.56 289.38 l
533.58 289.5 l
534.54 289.68 l
534.84 289.68 l
535.32 289.86 l
535.56 290.04 l
535.86 290.22 l
535.98 290.22 l
536.52 290.82 l
537.06 291.48 l
537.24 291.72 l
538.2 293.22 l
538.56 293.88 l
538.98 294.54 l
539.16 294.9 l
539.16 295.08 l
539.22 295.38 l
539.04 298.38 l
538.98 301.38 l
538.74 304.38 l
538.5 307.5 l
537.66 307.38 l
538.5 307.5 l
538.32 308.58 l
538.2 309 l
537.9 310.08 l
537.48 311.22 l
537 312.18 l
536.82 312.42 l
535.5 314.34 l
534 315.9 l
532.2 317.34 l
531.9 317.52 l
530.04 318.72 l
528.06 319.86 l
526.02 320.88 l
525 321.42 l
523.86 322.2 l
522.42 322.92 l
521.04 323.58 l
519.66 324.18 l
518.34 324.42 l
517.92 324.54 l
517.38 324.54 l
516.84 324.42 l
516.42 324.42 l
516 324.24 l
515.7 324.06 l
515.34 323.7 l
516.54 322.5 l
516.9 322.86 l
516.36 323.4 l
516.66 322.68 l
517.08 322.86 l
516.84 323.58 l
516.84 322.74 l
517.38 322.86 l
517.92 322.86 l
517.92 323.7 l
517.68 322.86 l
519 322.56 l
520.38 322.02 l
521.82 321.36 l
523.2 320.58 l
524.34 319.86 l
525.24 319.38 l
527.4 318.24 l
529.38 317.16 l
531.24 315.9 l
531.66 316.68 l
531 316.08 l
532.74 314.7 l
534.24 313.08 l
535.56 311.22 l
536.16 311.88 l
535.38 311.52 l
535.86 310.56 l
536.34 309.42 l
536.58 308.34 l
537.48 308.58 l
536.58 308.58 l
536.82 307.2 l
536.88 307.2 l
537.06 304.38 l
537.24 301.38 l
537.36 298.38 l
537.54 295.32 l
538.38 295.38 l
537.66 295.74 l
537.54 295.56 l
537.36 295.2 l
537 294.54 l
536.58 293.88 l
535.68 292.38 l
536.4 292.08 l
535.86 292.68 l
535.32 292.02 l
534.9 291.54 l
535.38 290.88 l
534.9 291.54 l
534.36 291.24 l
535.02 290.58 l
534.66 291.48 l
534.18 291.24 l
534.54 290.52 l
534.54 291.36 l
533.58 291.18 l
532.56 291.06 l
532.32 291.06 l
531.48 290.88 l
531.66 291 l
531.66 290.16 l
531.9 290.88 l
531.9 291 l
531.66 291 l
531.24 291.06 l
530.88 291.18 l
529.86 291.48 l
528.9 291.66 l
528.84 291.66 l
527.4 292.02 l
527.16 292.02 l
525.66 292.32 l
525.66 291.48 l
525.9 292.32 l
524.4 292.56 l
523.02 293.16 l
519.54 294.9 l
516.06 296.82 l
514.5 297.72 l
512.88 298.74 l
512.58 298.02 l
513.18 298.56 l
511.74 299.7 l
510.42 300.9 l
509.22 302.22 l
508.32 303.66 l
507.66 303 l
508.5 303.36 l
507.66 304.86 l
507.18 306.42 l
506.34 306.06 l
507.18 306.06 l
506.88 307.86 l
506.88 309.84 l
507.18 311.88 l
506.34 311.88 l
507.06 311.52 l
507.72 313.86 l
506.88 314.16 l
507.54 313.5 l
508.32 314.34 l
508.86 315 l
509.4 315.54 l
509.82 316.02 l
510.42 316.86 l
510.9 317.4 l
511.5 317.88 l
510.9 318.42 l
511.2 317.7 l
511.68 317.88 l
512.16 318.18 l
512.7 318.36 l
513.42 318.66 l
514.38 318.9 l
515.4 319.26 l
515.16 319.26 l
515.16 320.16 l
514.92 319.26 l
515.82 319.08 l
516.84 318.84 l
519.18 318.18 l
521.7 317.16 l
524.22 316.02 l
526.68 314.58 l
526.92 315.42 l
526.38 314.76 l
527.52 314.16 l
528.48 313.32 l
529.38 312.42 l
530.04 311.58 l
530.7 312.24 l
529.86 311.88 l
530.4 310.92 l
530.88 310.08 l
531.06 308.82 l
531.9 309.06 l
531.06 309.06 l
531.24 307.74 l
531.36 306.42 l
531.66 304.92 l
532.38 305.16 l
531.66 305.4 l
531.54 305.4 l
531.54 305.22 l
531.36 304.56 l
531.06 303.9 l
530.88 303.18 l
530.16 300.9 l
529.38 298.68 l
529.56 298.92 l
529.38 298.68 l
530.16 298.38 l
529.68 299.04 l
528.9 298.5 l
528.66 298.32 l
527.82 297.54 l
526.02 295.92 l
525.06 295.2 l
524.16 294.54 l
524.7 294 l
524.4 294.72 l
523.38 294.24 l
523.74 293.4 l
523.74 294.24 l
522.54 293.88 l
520.38 293.7 l
518.16 293.52 l
515.88 293.4 l
513.54 293.22 l
513.66 292.38 l
513.72 293.22 l
512.7 293.34 l
511.68 293.4 l
509.22 293.7 l
506.7 294.06 l
506.7 293.22 l
507.06 294 l
504.42 294.54 l
502.02 295.32 l
500.76 295.68 l
499.74 296.22 l
498.84 296.82 l
498.42 296.04 l
499.08 296.58 l
498.24 297.36 l
497.52 298.08 l
496.92 297.54 l
497.7 297.84 l
497.16 298.74 l
496.74 299.88 l
496.38 301.32 l
495.54 300.9 l
496.38 300.9 l
496.02 303.9 l
495.9 305.4 l
495.84 306.84 l
495.84 307.92 l
495.72 309 l
494.88 308.88 l
495.72 308.58 l
495.84 309 l
495.9 309.54 l
496.26 310.92 l
496.68 312.42 l
497.16 314.04 l
497.7 315.54 l
498.24 316.86 l
498.54 317.4 l
497.7 317.7 l
498.36 317.16 l
498.66 317.58 l
498.9 317.88 l
498.36 318.42 l
498.66 317.7 l
498.9 317.76 l
499.92 318.06 l
499.68 318.9 l
499.68 318.06 l
500.7 318.24 l
502.74 318.36 l
504.84 318.42 l
507 318.54 l
506.88 319.38 l
506.7 318.54 l
509.4 317.76 l
512.04 316.74 l
514.56 315.66 l
516.9 314.22 l
517.32 315.06 l
516.66 314.4 l
518.88 312.9 l
521.04 311.16 l
523.08 309.06 l
525 306.84 l
525.66 305.88 l
526.32 306.42 l
525.42 306.18 l
525.9 305.22 l
526.38 304.2 l
526.68 303.18 l
527.4 303.54 l
526.56 303.54 l
526.74 302.52 l
526.86 301.38 l
526.74 299.22 l
526.5 297.06 l
527.34 297.06 l
526.56 297.36 l
526.08 295.2 l
525.42 293.16 l
524.88 291.18 l
525.66 290.88 l
525.06 291.48 l
524.88 291.36 l
524.58 291 l
524.04 290.4 l
523.38 289.74 l
522 288.24 l
521.22 287.58 l
520.68 287.04 l
519.06 286.08 l
519.66 285.48 l
519.36 286.32 l
517.68 285.66 l
515.88 285.24 l
516.24 284.52 l
516.24 285.36 l
514.38 285.06 l
509.16 285.06 l
507.66 285 l
507.66 284.16 l
507.84 284.88 l
507 285.18 l
505.86 285.48 l
503.52 286.08 l
501.06 287.16 l
498.54 288.24 l
496.26 289.68 l
496.02 288.9 l
496.56 289.5 l
495.54 290.34 l
494.7 291.18 l
493.86 292.08 l
493.26 291.48 l
494.04 291.84 l
493.5 292.74 l
493.02 293.88 l
492.18 293.52 l
493.02 293.52 l
492.72 294.72 l
492.36 297.42 l
492.24 300.24 l
492.18 303.06 l
492 305.88 l
491.16 305.88 l
492 305.58 l
493.08 308.82 l
494.22 311.88 l
495.42 315.06 l
496.5 318.36 l
495.66 318.66 l
496.5 318.36 l
496.56 318.72 l
496.74 319.26 l
497.04 320.04 l
497.34 320.7 l
497.58 321.42 l
498 322.08 l
497.16 322.38 l
497.76 321.84 l
498.06 322.26 l
497.52 322.86 l
497.76 322.08 l
498.18 322.26 l
499.08 322.56 l
498.84 323.34 l
498.84 322.5 l
499.68 322.68 l
501.54 322.86 l
503.52 322.92 l
505.5 323.04 l
505.38 323.88 l
505.08 323.04 l
506.88 322.38 l
508.56 321.54 l
510.24 320.4 l
510.66 321.24 l
510 320.58 l
511.56 319.38 l
513.06 318 l
514.32 316.38 l
514.86 316.92 l
514.08 316.68 l
515.16 314.88 l
515.88 313.08 l
516.06 312.18 l
516.9 312.42 l
516.06 312.42 l
516.18 311.52 l
516.36 309.66 l
516.42 307.74 l
516.54 305.82 l
517.38 305.88 l
516.72 306.36 l
515.22 304.02 l
514.02 301.74 l
512.82 299.52 l
511.5 297.36 l
511.86 297.66 l
511.56 297.42 l
512.16 296.88 l
511.86 297.66 l
509.88 297.06 l
508.08 296.52 l
506.22 296.04 l
504.36 295.38 l
525.36 325.2 m
515.88 323.16 l
523.08 316.74 l
0 0 0 scn
423.24 267.36 m
424.08 265.98 l
451.08 281.4 l
450.24 282.84 l
423.24 267.36 l
451.86 279.54 m
455.1 284.7 l
449.04 284.34 l
451.86 279.54 l
424.26 267.18 m
422.94 266.16 l
455.76 225.18 l
457.08 226.2 l
424.26 267.18 l
454.02 224.22 m
459.6 221.7 l
458.34 227.64 l
454.02 224.22 l
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1 i
/RelativeColorimetric ri
/GS0 gs
/TT0 1 Tf
9 0 0 9 54 708.0003 Tm
( )Tj
/C2_0 1 Tf
16.6771 Tc 11.82 0 0 19.26 96.48 690.3025 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.8721 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 165.9 697.3799 Tm
-0.0004 Tc 12 0 0 12 62.76 691.98 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
14.6881 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 168.84 697.3799 Tm
0.3712 Tc 12 0 0 12 56.94 692.0436 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 1.72 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
6.632 Tc 4.015 0.045 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 13.0826 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 675.6003 Tm
[( )1920(\(1.6\) )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.4087 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(Notice that Equation 1.6 is a feedback model of the )7(ty)-12(pe )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1091 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(represented by)-12( Equation 1.3. )7(N)]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.1017 Tw 12.9133 0 Td
[(LTS)4( m)6(odels)4( therefore can handle )]TJ
-0.0006 Tc 0.7306 Tw -12.9133 -1.1733 Td
[(sy)-14(ste)-3(m)4(s with me)-3(mory)-14(.)-4( Equa)-3(ti)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.7223 Tw 14.1067 0 Td
[(on )-7(1.6 essentially)-12( defines, )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.2818 Tw -14.1067 -1.1733 Td
[(im)6(plicitly)-12(, )-7(a nonlinear differential equation for the behavioral )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.502 Tw T*
[(m)6(odel. )-7(The )-7(function f is defined by)-12( suitable m)6(u)1(ltivariate )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.2957 Tw T*
[(approxim)6(a)-2(tion )-7(m)6(e)-2(thods. Multivariate poly)-12(nom)6(ials, radial basis )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.1554 Tw T*
[(functions,)-2( and artificial neural )]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0.1566 Tw 12.9667 0 Td
[(networks have been used.)-3( ANNs )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0888 Tw -12.9667 -1.1733 Td
[(generally)-12( give the best )7(results, )7(due)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0824 Tw 14.3133 0 Td
[( to their asy)-12(m)5(ptotic properties )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.2822 Tw -14.3133 -1.1733 Td
[(and becaus)4(e)-2( they)-12( give very)-12( )7(s)4(m)6(ooth )7(res)4(u)1(lts)4( )7(for )7(approxim)6(a)-2(ting )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.016 Tw T*
(discrete measured and simulated )Tj
0.0008 Tc 13.36 0 Td
[(data. In [10])7( and )7([11])7(, )7(MATLAB )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0493 Tw -13.36 -1.1733 Td
[(was )-7(used )-7(to train the ANN functions which were then attached to )]TJ
0.002 Tc 0 Tw T*
(the )Tj
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw 1.48 0 Td
(Agilent ADS)Tj
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw 4.9867 0 Td
[( simulator by)-12( custom code. )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0095 Tw -6.4667 -1.62 Td
(NLTS models have been construc)Tj
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw 13.6067 0 Td
[(ted )-7(from )-7(simulated data and also )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0219 Tw -13.6067 -1.1733 Td
[(from)6( )-7(s)4(t)-1(ate-of-the-art nonlinear m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ent s)4(y)-12(s)4(t)-1(em)6(s)4( of the vector )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw T*
[(nonlinear network analy)-13(zer \(VNNA\) ty)-13(pe [17].)-3( )]TJ
/TT2 1 Tf
0.0012 Tc 0.2755 Tw 0 -35.48 TD
[(Figu)4(re 3 Non)4(lin)4(ear Netw)-10(ork)4( meas)4(u)4(remen)4(ts)4(: \(a\) in)4(cid)4(e)-2(n)4(t)1( )]TJ
-0.0009 Tc 0.6242 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(w)-12(ave)-4(s at a single)-4( fr)-4(e)-4(que)-4(nc)-4(y)-8( sc)-4(atte)-4(r)-4( fundame)-4(ntal )7(and )]TJ
0.1976 Tw T*
[(har)-4(m)-1(onic)-4( fr)-4(e)-4(que)-4(nc)-4(ie)-4(s.)-4( \(b\) by)-8( apply)-8(i)-3(ng tw)-12(o offse)-4(t)-1( tone)-4(s )7(at )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.1096 Tw T*
[(ports 1 & 2 a large volume of the device signal space )7(can )7(be )]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.0014 Tw T*
[(covered)5( in)5( a s)4(in)5(g)2(le meas)4(u)5(remen)5(t. )]TJ
0.0004 Tc -0.0004 Tw 12 0 0 12 54 128.16 Tm
[(3.3 )-350(Comparison betw)8(een methods )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0008 Tc 0.0225 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 117.1803 Tm
[(The NLTS methodology)-12( can be cons)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0161 Tw 14.8933 0 Td
(idered a superset of the DNN )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.0295 Tw -14.8933 -1.1733 Td
[(approach.)-3( Up to this point,)-3( the work )7(on )7(DNNs )7(has )7(been )7(limited )7(to )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0091 Tw T*
[(static models [9])7(,)-2( although there )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0093 Tw 13.2333 0 Td
(is nothing fundamental about this )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.4425 Tw -13.2333 -1.1733 Td
(restriction. Moreover, NLTS ha)Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.4353 Tw 14.0467 0 Td
[(s)4( )-7(as)4(s)4(o)1(ciated algorithm)6(s)4( with )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.2895 Tw -14.0467 -1.1733 Td
[(which )-7(to define, more sy)-13(stema)]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.2881 Tw 13.44 0 Td
[(tically)-11(, the choice of variables)4( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.3561 Tw 15.88 70.74 Td
[(\(how many)-13( time derivatives of )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3489 Tw 14.3267 0 Td
(the variables to use for the )Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.1618 Tw -14.3267 -1.1733 Td
[(em)6(bedding\). )-7(The )-7(notion of phas)4(e)-1( s)4(p)2(ace dens)4(ity)-12(, inherent in the )]TJ
0.6084 Tw T*
[(nonlinear tim)6(e s)4(e)-1(ries)4( approach, is)4( a )7(way)-12( )7(to )7(gauge )7(the )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.5689 Tw T*
[(com)6(p)1(leteness )-7(of )-7(the excitations with im)6(plications for the )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.3759 Tw T*
[(transportability)-12( of the m)5(odel. While sy)-12(stem)5(s with )7(long-term)5( )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.0629 Tw T*
[(memory)-13( can be modeled )7(with )7(Equa)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0561 Tw 14.52 0 Td
(tion 1.6, the process of NLTS )Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.5421 Tw -14.52 -1.1733 Td
[(m)6(odel identification can get cum)6(b)1(ersom)6(e)-2( if )7(the )7(problem)6(s )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.0085 Tw T*
[(cons)4(idered have tim)6(e-s)4(cales)4( of )7(ve)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0022 Tw 13.5533 0 Td
[(ry)-12( different orders of magnitude. )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw -13.5533 -1.1733 Td
(A new technique is proposed to ame)Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.0018 Tw 14.5867 0 Td
[(liorate this difficulty)-12( in [18])8(. )]TJ
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0009 Tc 0.0009 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 607.5 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0.1889 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 596.5203 Tm
[(Traditionally)-12(, microwave modeling techniques in the )7(frequency)-12( )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.4092 Tw T*
[(domain )-7(have been limited to )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.4091 Tw 13.7133 0 Td
(narrow-band models, that are )Tj
0 Tc 0.05 Tw -13.7133 -1.1733 Td
[(described as memory)-13(less or quasi)]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0.0432 Tw 13.66 0 Td
[(-memory)-13(l)-2(ess \(high frequency)-13( or )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0962 Tw -13.66 -1.1733 Td
[(short-term memory)-13(\). These te)]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.0897 Tw 12.2533 0 Td
[(rms )-7(correspond to the narrow-band )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3489 Tw -12.2533 -1.1733 Td
[(AM)4( to AM)4( and AM)4( to P)4(M)4( )7(characteris)4(tics)4( )7(of )7(the )7(s)4(y)-12(s)4(t)-1(em)6(, )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.4496 Tw T*
[(respectively)-13(.)-3( Such modeling me)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.4423 Tw 14.2133 0 Td
[(thods )-7(have been applied to )]TJ
0.129 Tw -14.2133 -1.1733 Td
[(wireless power am)6(plifiers. Excitation designs are usually)-12( sim)6(p)1(le )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.3362 Tw T*
(single-tone measurements of th)Tj
0.0016 Tc 0.3351 Tw 13.5467 0 Td
[(e am)6(plifier, and the )7(m)6(odel )7(is )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.3624 Tw -13.5467 -1.1733 Td
[(identified by)-12( fitting odd-order poly)-12(nom)5(ial functions )7(to )7(these )]TJ
0.002 Tc 0 Tw T*
[(characteris)5(tics)5(.)-1( )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.1628 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(Several )-7(extensions to such mode)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.1627 Tw 13.7267 0 Td
[(ls to account for ')-6(l)-2(ong-term')-6( or )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.2763 Tw -13.7267 -1.1733 Td
[(low-frequency)-13( memory)-13( effects ha)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2694 Tw 14.3933 0 Td
[(ve )-7(been proposed in [19,20])7( )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0159 Tw -14.3933 -1.1733 Td
[(based )-7(on Wiener-Volterra theory)-12(, though mostly)-12( these approaches )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(rem)6(a)-2(in lim)6(ited to narrow-band sy)-12(stem)6(s and weak nonlinearities. )]TJ
0.1423 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(An extension to the Volterra technique [21])7( allows the )7(Volterra )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.5025 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(kernels in the nonlinear frequency)-12( domain solution to )7(be )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0751 Tw T*
[(calculated as)4( a function of the )7(in)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0689 Tw 13.4867 0 Td
(stantaneous envelope amplitude. )Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.2686 Tw -13.4867 -1.1733 Td
[(The kernel functions)4( them)6(s)4(e)-1(lves)4( are calculated from)6( two-tone )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw T*
[(measurements )-7(using a single fixed )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw 14.06 0 Td
(carrier tone and a second swept )Tj
0.3287 Tw -14.06 -1.1733 Td
[(tone to describe the kernel as a function )7(of )7(the )7(distance )7(in )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.2426 Tw T*
[(frequency)-13( )-7(from the carrier. Good results for power amplifier )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.809 Tw T*
[(m)6(odeling )-7(across )-7(a m)6(u)1(lti-channel bandwidth have been )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw T*
(demonstrated. )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.042 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(An attem)6(p)1(t to incorporate this )]TJ
0.0421 Tw 12.4867 0 Td
[(nonlinear m)6(odeling into a )7(transient )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3422 Tw -12.4867 -1.1733 Td
[(sim)6(u)1(lator has been dem)6(onstrated in [22])7(. Here the )7(am)6(plifier )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.1759 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(model itself computes )7(the )7(narro)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1691 Tw 13.3733 0 Td
(w-band spectral response to the )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.149 Tw -13.3733 -1.1733 Td
[(tim)6(e-dom)6(ain m)6(odulated input. This approach is )7(successful )7(for )7(a )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0553 Tw T*
[(single )-7(com)6(ponent )-7(instance, )-7(but )-7(m)6(a)-1(y)-12( be difficult to scale to m)6(u)1(lti-)]TJ
0 Tc 0.6767 Tw T*
[(component sy)-13(stem simulation,)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.6693 Tw 13.5667 0 Td
[( )-7(where it would be more )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.3223 Tw -13.5667 -1.1733 Td
(appropriate to perform the simulation in a harmonic balance )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw T*
[(sim)5(u)1(lator )]TJ
/TT2 1 Tf
0.0003 Tc 0.3497 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 248.04 Tm
[(4.1 Describing )350(Functions )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0011 Tc 0.3556 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 237.0603 Tm
[(The describing function technique is )7(an )7(inherently)-12( )7(nonlinear )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.196 Tw T*
(formulation based in the freque)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.1959 Tw 13.36 0 Td
[(ncy)-12( domain [23])7(. The )7(model )7(is )]TJ
0.1692 Tw -13.36 -1.1733 Td
[(based )-7(on the assumption of a harmonic balance solution of the )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.0087 Tw T*
[(circuit equations, which )7(can )7(therefor)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw 14.7 0 Td
(e be written as Fourier Series )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.1824 Tw -14.7 -1.1733 Td
[(according to Equations)3( 1.7 )7(and )7(1.)]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.1753 Tw 14.3467 0 Td
[(8. The expans)4(ion coefficients)4( )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.016 Tw -14.3467 -1.1733 Td
(are complex number representing )Tj
0.0093 Tw 13.74 0 Td
(the harmonic components of the )Tj
0.0011 Tc 0 Tw -13.74 -1.1733 Td
(signal. )Tj
0 Tc 0 -2.1333 TD
( )Tj
0.0004 Tc 12 0 0 12 385.32 154.5 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
5.5049 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 444.6 151.4999 Tm
0 Tc -2.2222 -1.2051 Td
0.4842 Tc 12 0 0 12 376.08 154.5036 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 12 0 3.899 12 477.5995 154.5 Tm
12 0 0 12 400.08 154.5 Tm
18 0 0 18 424.38 151.743 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 4.216 Tw 9 0 0 9 500.4 154.5003 Tm
( \(1.7\) )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw -20.28 -3.4467 Td
( )Tj
0.0012 Tc 12 0 0 12 384.54 123.54 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
5.5049 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 443.1 120.4799 Tm
0 Tc -2.1197 -1.1966 Td
0.447 Tc 12 0 0 12 379.08 123.4836 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 12 0 3.899 12 476.0995 123.48 Tm
12 0 0 12 399.36 123.48 Tm
18 0 0 18 423.66 120.783 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 4.3826 Tw 9 0 0 9 498.9 123.4803 Tm
( \(1.8\) )Tj
0.2961 Tw -20.1133 -2.9333 Td
(A describing function model can )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.2958 Tw 14.86 0 Td
[(be defined by)-12( the )7(complex )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.009 Tw -14.86 -1.1733 Td
[(mapping relating )7(the )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0 Tw 8.56 0 Td
6 0 0 6 397.92 85.02 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw 9 0 0 9 400.56 86.5203 Tm
(s as nonlinear functions of the )Tj
/TT1 1 Tf
0 Tc 0 Tw 12.3133 0 Td
6 0 0 6 516.9 85.02 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw 9 0 0 9 519.54 86.5203 Tm
[(s. Usually)-12(, )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.389 Tw -22.4067 -1.1733 Td
[(however, )-7(a )-7(change )-7(of variables is done and the describing )]TJ
1 1 1 scn
/CS0 CS 0 0 0 SCN
0.72 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d
50.4 489.6 237.96 -284.04 re
0.54 w
58.32 485.28 222.18 -275.7 re
0.988 0.004 0.157 scn
82.8 445.62 m
81.54 445.86 l
81.72 445.86 l
81.72 446.16 l
81.96 446.16 l
81.96 446.34 l
82.14 446.34 l
82.14 446.64 l
82.32 446.64 l
82.32 446.82 l
82.98 446.82 l
82.98 447.12 l
84.3 447.12 l
84.3 446.82 l
84.9 446.82 l
84.9 446.64 l
85.14 446.64 l
85.14 446.34 l
85.38 446.34 l
85.38 444.72 l
85.14 444.72 l
85.14 443.52 l
84.9 443.52 l
84.9 442.32 l
85.14 442.32 l
83.82 442.32 l
83.82 442.86 l
83.64 442.86 l
83.64 442.56 l
83.46 442.56 l
83.46 442.32 l
82.8 442.32 l
82.8 442.14 l
81.96 442.14 l
81.96 442.32 l
81.54 442.32 l
81.54 442.56 l
81.3 442.56 l
81.3 443.04 l
81.06 443.04 l
81.06 444.06 l
81.3 444.24 l
81.3 444.42 l
81.54 444.42 l
81.54 444.72 l
81.96 444.72 l
81.96 444.96 l
82.8 444.96 l
82.8 445.14 l
84.12 445.14 l
84.12 444.42 l
83.64 444.42 l
83.64 444.24 l
82.8 444.24 l
82.62 444.06 l
82.32 444.06 l
82.32 443.52 l
82.14 443.52 l
82.32 443.34 l
82.32 443.16 l
83.46 443.16 l
83.46 443.34 l
83.64 443.34 l
83.64 443.52 l
83.82 443.52 l
83.82 444.24 l
84.12 444.42 l
84.12 445.32 l
84.3 445.32 l
84.3 445.86 l
84.12 445.86 l
84.12 445.92 l
83.82 445.92 l
83.82 446.16 l
83.46 446.16 l
83.46 445.92 l
82.98 445.92 l
82.98 445.86 l
82.8 445.86 l
82.8 445.62 l
87.24 442.02 m
87.42 442.74 l
87.66 442.74 l
87.66 443.04 l
88.02 443.04 l
88.02 443.22 l
88.38 443.22 l
88.38 443.46 l
88.56 443.46 l
88.56 443.64 l
88.8 443.64 l
88.8 443.94 l
89.34 443.94 l
88.56 439.44 l
87.84 439.44 l
88.38 442.44 l
88.02 442.44 l
88.02 442.26 l
87.66 442.26 l
87.42 442.02 l
87.24 442.02 l
0.988 0.004 0.157 SCN
0.78 w 1 j 1 J
82.5 437.04 m
92.4 437.04 l
95.58 437.34 m
91.32 439.74 l
95.58 437.34 l
91.32 435.06 l
91.32 439.74 l
95.58 437.34 l
103.5 458.22 m
103.5 475.32 l
103.5 479.28 m
101.04 475.38 l
103.5 479.28 l
105.84 475.38 l
101.04 475.38 l
103.5 479.28 l
112.62 467.1 m
112.62 467.52 l
111.36 469.98 l
110.34 467.52 l
112.62 467.52 l
112.62 467.1 l
110.34 467.1 l
109.86 466.32 l
109.56 466.08 l
109.56 465.6 l
109.86 465.6 l
109.86 465.42 l
110.34 465.42 l
110.34 465.12 l
108.42 465.12 l
108.42 465.42 l
108.78 465.42 l
108.78 465.6 l
109.08 465.84 l
109.08 466.08 l
109.38 466.08 l
109.38 466.5 l
111.54 471.42 l
113.82 466.32 l
114 466.08 l
114 465.84 l
114.3 465.84 l
114.3 465.6 l
114.6 465.6 l
114.6 465.42 l
115.08 465.42 l
115.08 465.12 l
112.62 465.12 l
112.62 465.42 l
112.98 465.42 l
112.98 465.6 l
113.28 465.6 l
113.28 466.08 l
112.98 466.08 l
112.98 466.32 l
112.62 467.1 l
120.12 463.5 m
120.12 463.74 l
120.18 463.74 l
120.18 463.8 l
120.36 463.8 l
120.36 464.04 l
120.54 464.22 l
120.54 464.82 l
120.12 464.82 l
120.12 465.3 l
120.18 465.3 l
120.18 465.54 l
120.78 465.54 l
120.78 465.12 l
120.84 465.12 l
120.84 464.22 l
120.78 464.22 l
120.78 464.04 l
120.54 464.04 l
120.54 463.8 l
120.36 463.8 l
120.36 463.74 l
120.18 463.74 l
120.18 463.5 l
120.12 463.5 l
124.74 469.38 m
125.34 469.38 l
125.34 469.2 l
125.76 469.2 l
125.76 468.9 l
126 468.9 l
126 468.72 l
126.18 468.72 l
126.18 468.18 l
126.36 468.18 l
126.36 467.52 l
126.54 467.52 l
126.54 466.8 l
126.36 466.8 l
126.36 466.2 l
126.18 466.2 l
126.18 465.72 l
126 465.72 l
126 465.54 l
125.76 465.54 l
125.76 465.24 l
125.58 465.24 l
125.58 465 l
124.74 465 l
124.74 465.24 l
125.1 465.24 l
125.1 465.54 l
125.34 465.54 l
125.34 465.72 l
125.58 465.72 l
125.58 466.2 l
125.76 466.2 l
125.76 468 l
125.58 468 l
125.58 468.72 l
125.34 468.72 l
125.34 468.9 l
125.1 468.9 l
125.1 469.2 l
124.74 469.2 l
124.74 463.02 l
124.26 463.02 l
124.26 465 l
123.6 465 l
123.42 465.24 l
123.24 465.24 l
123.24 465.54 l
123.06 465.54 l
123.06 465.72 l
122.76 465.72 l
122.76 466.2 l
122.58 466.2 l
122.58 468.18 l
122.76 468.18 l
122.76 468.72 l
123.06 468.72 l
123.06 468.9 l
123.24 468.9 l
123.24 469.2 l
123.6 469.2 l
123.6 469.38 l
124.26 469.38 l
124.26 469.2 l
123.78 469.2 l
123.78 468.9 l
123.6 468.9 l
123.6 468.72 l
123.42 468.48 l
123.42 467.7 l
123.24 467.7 l
123.24 466.8 l
123.42 466.68 l
123.42 466.02 l
123.6 466.02 l
123.6 465.54 l
123.78 465.54 l
123.78 465.24 l
124.26 465.24 l
124.26 471.72 l
124.74 471.72 l
124.74 469.38 l
116.76 466.08 m
117.36 466.38 l
117.54 466.38 l
117.54 462.42 l
117.84 462.42 l
117.84 462.24 l
116.76 462.24 l
116.76 462.42 l
117.06 462.42 l
117.06 466.08 l
116.76 466.08 l
116.76 465.84 l
116.76 466.08 l
128.34 466.08 m
129.12 466.38 l
129.3 466.38 l
129.3 462.42 l
129.6 462.42 l
129.6 462.24 l
128.52 462.24 l
128.52 462.42 l
128.82 462.42 l
128.82 466.08 l
128.52 466.08 l
128.52 465.84 l
128.34 466.08 l
88.98 458.4 m
131.58 458.4 l
103.5 455.04 m
103.5 454.74 l
102.84 454.74 l
102.36 452.7 l
102.36 452.34 l
102.06 452.34 l
102.06 451.62 l
101.94 451.62 l
101.94 451.02 l
101.76 451.02 l
101.76 450.54 l
101.46 450.54 l
101.46 450.06 l
101.28 450.06 l
101.28 449.82 l
101.04 449.52 l
101.04 449.34 l
100.8 449.34 l
100.62 449.16 l
100.38 449.16 l
100.38 448.86 l
99.42 448.86 l
99.42 449.16 l
99.3 449.16 l
99.3 449.52 l
99.42 449.52 l
99.42 449.82 l
99.6 449.82 l
99.6 449.52 l
99.9 449.52 l
99.9 449.34 l
99.6 449.34 l
99.6 449.16 l
100.38 449.16 l
100.38 449.34 l
100.62 449.34 l
100.62 449.52 l
100.8 449.52 l
100.8 450.06 l
101.04 450.06 l
101.04 450.72 l
101.28 450.72 l
101.28 451.62 l
102.06 454.74 l
101.28 454.74 l
101.46 455.04 l
102.06 455.04 l
102.06 455.22 l
102.36 455.22 l
102.36 455.7 l
102.6 455.7 l
102.6 456.24 l
102.84 456.24 l
102.84 456.6 l
103.08 456.6 l
103.08 456.9 l
103.32 456.9 l
103.32 457.14 l
103.5 457.14 l
103.5 457.2 l
103.98 457.2 l
103.98 457.44 l
104.82 457.44 l
104.82 457.2 l
105 457.2 l
105 457.14 l
105.3 457.14 l
105.3 456.6 l
104.7 456.6 l
104.7 457.2 l
103.98 457.2 l
103.98 457.14 l
103.74 457.14 l
103.74 456.9 l
103.5 456.9 l
103.5 456.42 l
103.32 456.42 l
103.32 455.7 l
103.08 455.7 l
103.08 455.04 l
102.84 455.04 l
103.5 455.04 l
106.02 452.46 m
106.02 452.22 l
105.6 452.22 l
105.6 452.04 l
105.36 452.04 l
105.36 451.56 l
105.18 451.56 l
105.18 451.14 l
105.12 451.14 l
105.12 450.36 l
104.88 450.36 l
104.88 448.32 l
105.6 448.32 l
105.6 448.86 l
105.84 448.86 l
105.84 449.22 l
106.02 449.22 l
106.02 449.76 l
106.26 449.94 l
106.26 450.84 l
106.44 450.84 l
106.44 452.04 l
106.26 452.04 l
106.26 452.22 l
106.02 452.22 l
106.02 452.46 l
106.44 452.46 l
106.44 452.22 l
106.62 452.22 l
106.62 451.86 l
106.92 451.86 l
106.92 450.12 l
106.62 450.12 l
106.62 449.46 l
106.44 449.46 l
106.44 449.04 l
106.26 449.04 l
106.26 448.86 l
106.02 448.86 l
106.02 448.56 l
105.84 448.56 l
105.84 448.32 l
105.6 448.32 l
105.6 448.26 l
104.88 448.26 l
104.88 448.32 l
104.64 448.32 l
104.64 448.56 l
104.46 448.56 l
104.46 449.22 l
104.22 449.22 l
104.22 449.94 l
104.46 449.94 l
104.46 450.84 l
104.64 450.84 l
104.64 451.32 l
104.88 451.32 l
104.88 451.56 l
105.12 451.86 l
105.12 452.04 l
105.18 452.04 l
105.18 452.22 l
105.6 452.22 l
105.6 452.46 l
106.02 452.46 l
0 1 0 scn
82.68 412.8 m
83.94 419.28 l
85.38 419.28 l
84.9 417.06 l
84.9 417.36 l
85.38 417.36 l
85.38 417.6 l
85.92 417.6 l
85.92 417.78 l
86.4 417.78 l
86.4 417.6 l
86.94 417.6 l
86.94 417.36 l
87.24 417.36 l
87.24 417.06 l
87.42 417.06 l
87.42 416.7 l
87.72 416.7 l
87.72 414.48 l
87.42 414.48 l
87.42 414.06 l
87.24 414.06 l
87.24 413.58 l
86.94 413.58 l
86.94 413.4 l
86.76 413.4 l
86.76 413.1 l
86.1 413.1 l
86.1 412.8 l
84.9 412.8 l
84.9 413.1 l
84.42 413.1 l
84.42 414.78 l
84.42 414.06 l
84.6 414.06 l
84.6 413.76 l
85.08 413.76 l
85.08 413.58 l
85.56 413.58 l
85.56 413.76 l
85.92 413.76 l
85.92 414.06 l
86.1 414.06 l
86.1 414.48 l
86.4 414.48 l
86.4 415.2 l
86.58 415.2 l
86.58 415.98 l
86.4 415.98 l
86.4 416.4 l
86.1 416.4 l
86.1 416.7 l
85.08 416.7 l
85.08 416.4 l
84.9 416.4 l
84.9 416.28 l
84.6 416.28 l
84.6 415.86 l
84.42 415.86 l
84.42 413.1 l
84.12 413.1 l
84.12 413.4 l
83.94 413.4 l
83.94 413.58 l
83.76 412.8 l
82.68 412.8 l
89.22 412.68 m
89.46 413.22 l
89.46 413.4 l
89.88 413.4 l
89.88 413.7 l
90.3 413.7 l
90.3 413.88 l
90.48 413.88 l
90.78 414.06 l
90.96 414.06 l
90.96 414.3 l
91.14 414.3 l
91.14 414.48 l
91.62 414.48 l
90.78 409.98 l
89.88 409.98 l
90.48 412.98 l
90.3 412.98 l
90.3 412.8 l
89.88 412.8 l
89.7 412.68 l
89.22 412.68 l
82.14 424.26 m
86.22 426.66 l
82.14 424.26 l
86.22 421.98 l
86.22 426.66 l
82.14 424.26 l
0 1 0 SCN
86.1 423.96 m
96 423.96 l
101.46 387.84 m
101.46 402.9 l
101.4 407.28 m
98.76 403.02 l
101.4 407.28 l
103.56 403.02 l
98.76 403.02 l
101.4 407.28 l
112.98 388.14 m
112.98 394.2 l
112.68 398.22 m
110.22 394.32 l
112.68 398.22 l
115.14 394.32 l
110.22 394.32 l
112.68 398.22 l
123.6 388.14 m
123.6 392.1 l
123.3 396.3 m
120.84 392.1 l
123.3 396.3 l
125.7 392.1 l
120.84 392.1 l
123.3 396.3 l
87.84 388.32 m
130.44 388.32 l
102.36 384.84 m
102.36 384.66 l
101.58 384.66 l
101.22 382.56 l
101.22 382.44 l
100.92 382.14 l
100.92 381.42 l
100.74 381.42 l
100.74 380.76 l
100.56 380.76 l
100.56 380.22 l
100.38 380.22 l
100.38 379.86 l
100.14 379.86 l
100.14 379.56 l
99.9 379.56 l
99.9 379.44 l
99.42 378.96 l
99.12 378.96 l
99.12 378.72 l
98.28 378.72 l
98.28 378.96 l
97.98 378.96 l
97.98 379.44 l
98.28 379.44 l
98.28 379.56 l
98.46 379.56 l
98.46 379.44 l
98.76 379.44 l
98.76 379.14 l
98.46 379.14 l
98.46 378.96 l
99.12 378.96 l
99.12 379.14 l
99.42 379.14 l
99.42 379.44 l
99.6 379.44 l
99.6 379.86 l
99.9 379.86 l
99.9 380.76 l
100.14 380.76 l
100.14 381.42 l
100.92 384.66 l
100.14 384.66 l
100.38 384.84 l
100.92 384.84 l
100.92 385.14 l
101.22 385.14 l
101.22 385.44 l
101.4 385.44 l
101.4 385.92 l
101.58 385.92 l
101.58 386.34 l
101.88 386.34 l
101.88 386.64 l
102.06 386.64 l
102.06 386.82 l
102.36 386.82 l
102.36 387 l
102.84 387 l
102.84 387.3 l
103.68 387.3 l
103.68 387 l
103.86 387 l
103.86 386.82 l
104.04 386.82 l
104.04 386.64 l
103.86 386.64 l
103.86 386.34 l
103.38 386.34 l
103.38 387 l
102.84 387 l
102.84 386.82 l
102.6 386.82 l
102.6 386.64 l
102.36 386.64 l
102.36 386.16 l
102.06 386.16 l
102.06 385.44 l
101.88 385.44 l
101.88 384.84 l
101.58 384.84 l
102.36 384.84 l
104.82 382.14 m
104.82 382.02 l
104.46 382.02 l
104.46 381.84 l
104.22 381.84 l
104.22 381.42 l
103.98 381.42 l
103.98 380.94 l
103.74 380.94 l
103.74 380.04 l
103.68 380.04 l
103.68 378.12 l
104.22 378.12 l
104.46 378.42 l
104.46 378.66 l
104.64 378.66 l
104.64 379.02 l
104.82 379.02 l
104.82 379.62 l
105 379.62 l
105 380.52 l
105.3 380.52 l
105.3 381.84 l
105 381.84 l
105 382.02 l
104.82 382.02 l
104.82 382.14 l
105.3 382.14 l
105.3 382.02 l
105.48 382.02 l
105.48 381.66 l
105.66 381.66 l
105.66 379.86 l
105.48 379.86 l
105.48 379.32 l
105.3 379.32 l
105.3 378.84 l
105 378.84 l
105 378.66 l
104.82 378.66 l
104.82 378.42 l
104.64 378.42 l
104.64 378.12 l
104.46 378.12 l
104.46 377.94 l
103.68 377.94 l
103.68 378.12 l
103.5 378.12 l
103.5 378.42 l
103.2 378.42 l
103.2 378.84 l
103.02 378.84 l
103.02 379.62 l
103.2 379.86 l
103.2 380.52 l
103.5 380.76 l
103.5 381.12 l
103.68 381.12 l
103.68 381.42 l
103.74 381.66 l
103.74 381.84 l
103.98 381.84 l
103.98 382.02 l
104.22 382.02 l
104.46 382.14 l
104.82 382.14 l
247.74 407.22 m
249.06 413.88 l
250.5 413.88 l
250.02 411.6 l
250.2 411.78 l
250.5 411.78 l
250.68 412.08 l
251.76 412.08 l
251.94 411.78 l
252.12 411.78 l
252.12 411.6 l
252.42 411.6 l
252.42 411.42 l
252.6 411.42 l
252.6 411 l
252.9 411 l
252.9 409.08 l
252.6 409.08 l
252.6 408.42 l
252.42 408.42 l
252.42 408.12 l
252.12 408.12 l
252.12 407.88 l
251.94 407.88 l
251.94 407.58 l
251.76 407.58 l
251.76 407.4 l
251.46 407.4 l
251.28 407.22 l
250.68 407.22 l
250.68 406.92 l
250.5 406.92 l
250.2 407.22 l
249.54 407.22 l
249.54 407.4 l
249.24 407.4 l
249.24 407.58 l
249.06 407.58 l
249.06 408.12 l
249.24 409.08 l
249.24 408.9 l
249.54 408.72 l
249.54 408.18 l
249.72 408.18 l
250.02 408.12 l
250.86 408.12 l
250.86 408.18 l
251.04 408.18 l
251.04 408.42 l
251.28 408.42 l
251.28 408.9 l
251.46 408.9 l
251.46 410.82 l
251.28 410.82 l
251.28 411 l
251.04 411 l
251.04 411.18 l
250.5 411.18 l
250.5 411 l
250.02 411 l
250.02 410.82 l
249.72 410.82 l
249.72 410.28 l
249.54 410.28 l
249.54 409.62 l
249.24 409.62 l
249.24 409.08 l
249.06 408.12 l
248.82 407.22 l
247.74 407.22 l
255.12 407.52 m
254.28 407.52 l
254.28 407.82 l
254.46 407.82 l
254.46 408.18 l
254.76 408.18 l
254.76 408.42 l
254.94 408.42 l
255.12 408.72 l
256.5 408.72 l
256.5 408.42 l
256.74 408.42 l
256.74 408 l
256.98 408 l
256.98 406.98 l
256.74 406.98 l
256.74 406.62 l
256.68 406.62 l
256.68 406.32 l
256.5 406.32 l
256.5 406.2 l
256.26 406.2 l
256.26 405.9 l
256.02 405.9 l
256.02 405.72 l
255.84 405.72 l
255.84 405.48 l
255.6 405.48 l
255.6 405.3 l
255.36 405.3 l
255.36 405 l
255.12 405 l
256.74 405 l
256.68 404.28 l
253.92 404.28 l
253.92 404.7 l
254.1 404.7 l
254.1 405 l
254.28 405 l
254.28 405.3 l
254.46 405.3 l
254.46 405.48 l
254.76 405.72 l
254.94 405.9 l
255.12 406.2 l
255.36 406.32 l
255.6 406.32 l
255.6 406.62 l
255.84 406.62 l
255.84 406.8 l
256.02 406.8 l
256.02 407.22 l
256.26 407.22 l
256.26 407.82 l
256.02 407.82 l
256.02 408 l
255.36 408 l
255.36 407.7 l
255.12 407.7 l
255.12 407.52 l
262.56 417.78 m
258.18 415.38 l
262.56 417.78 l
258.18 420.3 l
258.18 415.38 l
262.56 417.78 l
258.96 417.48 m
248.04 417.48 l
229.14 442.26 m
229.14 468.42 l
228.78 472.62 m
226.08 468.42 l
228.78 472.62 l
231.24 468.42 l
226.08 468.42 l
228.78 472.62 l
240.6 442.32 m
240.6 455.34 l
240.24 459.42 m
237.9 455.22 l
240.24 459.42 l
242.7 455.4 l
237.9 455.22 l
240.24 459.42 l
251.04 442.32 m
251.04 450.24 l
250.68 454.32 m
248.34 450.06 l
250.68 454.32 l
253.14 450.06 l
248.34 450.06 l
250.68 454.32 l
215.22 442.62 m
257.82 442.62 l
229.8 439.14 m
229.8 438.96 l
229.14 438.96 l
228.78 436.86 l
228.78 436.56 l
228.48 436.56 l
228.48 435.78 l
228.3 435.78 l
228.3 435.24 l
228.12 435.06 l
228.12 434.58 l
227.7 434.58 l
227.7 434.16 l
227.52 434.16 l
227.52 433.86 l
227.22 433.86 l
227.22 433.68 l
227.04 433.44 l
226.86 433.44 l
226.86 433.38 l
226.56 433.38 l
226.56 433.08 l
225.84 433.08 l
225.84 433.38 l
225.54 433.38 l
225.54 433.68 l
225.84 433.68 l
225.84 433.86 l
226.02 433.86 l
226.02 433.68 l
226.08 433.68 l
226.08 433.44 l
226.02 433.44 l
226.02 433.38 l
226.56 433.38 l
226.56 433.44 l
226.86 433.44 l
226.86 433.68 l
227.04 433.68 l
227.04 434.16 l
227.22 434.34 l
227.22 435.06 l
227.52 435.06 l
227.52 435.78 l
228.48 438.96 l
227.52 438.96 l
227.7 439.14 l
228.48 439.14 l
228.48 439.44 l
228.78 439.56 l
228.78 439.74 l
228.84 439.74 l
228.84 440.22 l
229.14 440.22 l
229.14 440.76 l
229.32 440.76 l
229.32 441.06 l
229.5 441.06 l
229.5 441.24 l
229.8 441.24 l
229.8 441.42 l
230.28 441.42 l
230.28 441.72 l
231.24 441.72 l
231.24 441.42 l
231.42 441.42 l
231.42 441.24 l
231.72 441.24 l
231.72 441.06 l
231.42 441.06 l
231.42 440.76 l
230.94 440.76 l
230.94 441.42 l
230.28 441.42 l
230.28 441.24 l
230.1 441.24 l
230.1 441.06 l
229.8 441.06 l
229.8 440.46 l
229.5 440.46 l
229.5 439.92 l
229.32 439.92 l
229.32 439.14 l
229.14 439.14 l
229.8 439.14 l
232.26 436.44 m
232.26 436.38 l
232.02 436.38 l
232.02 436.14 l
231.78 436.14 l
231.78 435.96 l
231.6 435.78 l
231.6 435.24 l
231.42 435.24 l
231.42 434.58 l
231.24 434.58 l
231.24 433.38 l
230.94 433.38 l
230.94 432.96 l
231.24 432.78 l
231.24 432.48 l
231.78 432.48 l
232.02 432.78 l
232.02 432.96 l
232.08 432.96 l
232.08 433.38 l
232.26 433.38 l
232.26 433.98 l
232.44 434.28 l
232.44 435.06 l
232.74 435.06 l
232.74 436.14 l
232.44 436.14 l
232.44 436.38 l
232.26 436.38 l
232.26 436.44 l
232.74 436.44 l
232.74 436.38 l
232.92 436.38 l
232.92 435.96 l
233.1 435.96 l
233.1 434.34 l
232.92 434.34 l
232.92 433.74 l
232.74 433.56 l
232.74 433.38 l
232.44 433.14 l
232.44 432.96 l
232.26 432.96 l
232.26 432.78 l
232.08 432.78 l
232.08 432.48 l
232.02 432.48 l
232.02 432.36 l
231.24 432.36 l
231.24 432.48 l
230.94 432.48 l
230.76 432.78 l
230.76 433.14 l
230.58 433.14 l
230.58 434.28 l
230.76 434.28 l
230.76 435.06 l
230.94 435.06 l
230.94 435.48 l
231.24 435.48 l
231.24 435.96 l
231.42 435.96 l
231.42 436.14 l
231.6 436.14 l
231.6 436.38 l
231.78 436.38 l
232.02 436.44 l
232.26 436.44 l
1 1 1 scn
0 0 0 SCN
1.14 w 0 j 0 J
134.4 447.84 67.68 -40.02 re
0 0 0 scn
117.6 431.34 17.88 1.2 re
117.6 422.88 17.88 1.2 re
202.74 432.06 17.94 1.2 re
202.74 423.6 17.94 1.2 re
1 1 1 scn
138.78 413.22 59.64 28.62 re
0 0 0 scn
/TT0 1 Tf
-0.0314 Tc 0 Tw 8.28 0 0 8.28 152.76 431.4 Tm
-0.0103 Tc 0.0652 -1.1884 Td
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 359.46 cm
/Im0 Do
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 343.5 cm
/Im1 Do
209.9711 0 0 -16.02 64.02 327.54 cm
/Im2 Do
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 311.52 cm
/Im3 Do
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 295.56 cm
/Im4 Do
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 279.6 cm
/Im5 Do
209.9711 0 0 -16.02 64.02 263.64 cm
/Im6 Do
209.9711 0 0 -15.96 64.02 247.62 cm
/Im7 Do
209.9711 0 0 -5.7 64.02 231.66 cm
/Im8 Do
q /GS1 gs
/Fm0 Do
42 0 obj
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/CS0 cs 0 0 0 scn
1 i
/RelativeColorimetric ri
/GS0 gs
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0006 Tc 0.2094 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 711.6003 Tm
(functions are defined in terms of)Tj
0.001 Tc 0.209 Tw 14.0933 0 Td
( incident and scattered waves )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.0825 Tw -14.0933 -1.1733 Td
(rather than voltages and currents.)Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.0821 Tw 13.6667 0 Td
[( The com)6(p)1(lex scattered wave )7(is )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.1886 Tw -13.6667 -1.1733 Td
[(therefore repres)4(ented as)4( a nonlinear com)6(p)1(lex \(but )7(not )7(analy)-12(tic\) )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0022 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
(function of the incident wa)Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw 10.8133 0 Td
[(ves given by)-12( Equation 1.9. )]TJ
0 Tc 0 Tw -10.8133 -2.1333 Td
( )Tj
0.582 Tc 12 0 0 12 180.06 660.72 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
1.285 Tc -2.3 0.0003 Td
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 0.815 -0.0003 Td
/C2_1 1 Tf
1.265 Tc -0.67 0.83 Td
0 Tc 2.62 -0.25 Td
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 8.6026 Tw 9 0 0 9 197.04 660.7203 Tm
( \(1.9\) )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.0292 Tw -15.8933 -1.9333 Td
[(The components of the )7(vector )7(re)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0227 Tw 13.1267 0 Td
(present the harmonic components )Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.1289 Tw -13.1267 -1.1733 Td
[(of )-7(the )-7(waves )-7(in )-7(the frequency)-12( domain. The length of the vector )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.1229 Tw T*
[(corresponds )-7(to the number of fre)]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.1226 Tw 13.7133 0 Td
[(quency)-13( components kept in the )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1958 Tw -13.7133 -1.1733 Td
[(approximation of the signal. In this theory)-12(, the waves have )7(an )]TJ
0.0018 Tc 0.1015 Tw T*
[(abs)4(o)2(lute s)4(ize as)4(s)4(o)2(ciated with th)]TJ
0.0949 Tw 12.9933 0 Td
[(em)6(, unlike the cas)4(e of \(linear\) S)5(-)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0891 Tw -12.9933 -1.1733 Td
[(parameters which are defined )7(only)-12( )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0826 Tw 14.5533 0 Td
[(in term)5(s of ratios of scattered )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.2558 Tw -14.5533 -1.1733 Td
[(to )-7(incident waves. Describing )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.256 Tw 13.1933 0 Td
(functions reduce to standard S-)Tj
0.0014 Tc 0.0019 Tw -13.1933 -1.1733 Td
[(param)6(e)-1(ters in the lim)6(it of sm)6(all signals. )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0557 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
(The function f in Equation 1.9 is )Tj
0.049 Tw 13.7 0 Td
[(expanded )-7(in )-7(a suitable bases set )]TJ
0.4823 Tw -13.7 -1.1733 Td
[(and fitted from)6( a set of data )7(obtained )7(by)-12( )7(m)6(easuring )7(\(or )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.2828 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(simulating\) )-7(the )-7(response of the sy)-13(stems to incident waves of )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0494 Tw T*
[(vary)-13(ing amplitudes and recording )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.049 Tw 13.9533 0 Td
[(the magnitude and phase )7(of )7(the )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2294 Tw -13.9533 -1.1733 Td
[(response. Applications based )7(on )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.2222 Tw 14.06 0 Td
(real microwave )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 6.9 0 Td
(measurements )Tj
0.0004 Tc 0.0163 Tw -20.96 -1.1733 Td
(require the VNNA instrument describe)Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.0154 Tw 15.6333 0 Td
[(d earlier,)-2( in order to get the )]TJ
-0.0002 Tc 0.0769 Tw -15.6333 -1.1733 Td
[(re)-3(la)-3(tive)-3( pha)-3(se)-3(s be)-3(twe)-3(e)-3(n suc)-3(c)-3(e)-3(ssive)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0757 Tw 14.2267 0 Td
( harmonics. The model can be )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.1358 Tw -14.2267 -1.1733 Td
[(directly)-12( implemented in a harmoni)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.1357 Tw 14.4133 0 Td
[(c balance simulator by)-12( )7(using, )]TJ
0.2357 Tw -14.4133 -1.1733 Td
[(for example, a frequency)-12( domai)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.2358 Tw 13.7267 0 Td
(n nonlinear modeling element, )Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw -13.7267 -1.1733 Td
[(s)4(u)1(ch as)4( the F)4(r)1(equency)-12( Dom)6(a)-1(in Device \(F)4(DD\) in )]TJ
/TT1 1 Tf
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw 19.66 0 Td
(Agilent ADS)Tj
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0033 Tc 0 Tw 4.9867 0 Td
(. )Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.3418 Tw -24.6467 -1.62 Td
[(A us)4(eful interm)6(ediate cas)4(e ex)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3422 Tw 13.2267 0 Td
(ists between the full nonlinear )Tj
0.109 Tw -13.2267 -1.1733 Td
(describing functions and the linear )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.1091 Tw 14.66 0 Td
[(S-parameter case. In )7([24])7( )7(the )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.5156 Tw -14.66 -1.1733 Td
[(describing functions are linearized )7(around )7(the )7(fundamental )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.4088 Tw T*
[(response to a large am)6(plitude signal, which can be )7(highly)-12( )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0757 Tw T*
[(nonlinear. The resulting approximate model has )7(the )7(property)-12( )7(that )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.1955 Tw T*
(it is linear in the harmonics ar)Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.1895 Tw 13.1467 0 Td
[(ound )-7(this fundamental response. )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.6029 Tw -13.1467 -1.1733 Td
(This \223harmonic superposition\224 )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.5962 Tw 14.4 0 Td
[(approximation )-7(is useful in )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw -14.4 -1.1733 Td
[(simplify)-12(i)-1(ng )-7(the excitation design and the subsequent identification )]TJ
(of the approximate model for a power amplifier. )Tj
0.0001 Tc 0.0899 Tw 0 -1.62 TD
[(Unlike DNN and NLTS models,)-3( )7(whic)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0827 Tw 15.6133 0 Td
(h can be used in all modes )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.2225 Tw -15.6133 -1.1733 Td
(of simulation, describing functi)Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.2162 Tw 13.2467 0 Td
[(on models can be used only)-13( in )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.1951 Tw -13.2467 -1.1733 Td
[(harm)6(onic )-7(balance and linear anal)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.1957 Tw 14.0467 0 Td
[(y)-12(s)4(is in the frequency)-12( domain. )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0086 Tw -14.0467 -1.1733 Td
[(They)-12( can not be used directly)-12( to )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0094 Tw 13.2067 0 Td
[(simulate the response of )7(a )7(sy)-13(stem )]TJ
0.0027 Tw -13.2067 -1.1733 Td
(to modulated signals such as W-CDMA. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0007 Tc 0.3507 Tw 12 0 0 12 54 284.28 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0017 Tc 0.335 Tw 9 0 0 9 54 273.3003 Tm
[(Thes)4(e )-7(techniques)4( )-7(com)6(b)2(ine )-7(s)4(o)2(m)6(e)-1( as)4(pects)4( of the tim)6(e dom)6(ain )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.5697 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(formulations with some )7(as)]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.5625 Tw 12.2867 0 Td
[(pects of the frequency)-12( domain )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0221 Tw -12.2867 -1.1733 Td
[(techniques. The basic assum)6(p)1(tion is that the solution )7(of )7(the )7(circuit )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.329 Tw T*
(equations can be represented by)Tj
14.1333 0 Td
[( a Fourier Series, sim)6(ilar )7(to )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.3291 Tw -14.1333 -1.1733 Td
(Equations 1.7 and 1.8, but this )Tj
0.0018 Tc 0.3215 Tw 14.42 0 Td
[(tim)6(e the coefficients)4( of this)4( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.182 Tw -14.42 -1.1733 Td
[(expansion )-7(can )-7(vary)-12( in tim)6(e. That is, the solution of the circuit )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw T*
(equations is assumed to be gi)Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw 11.72 0 Td
[(ven by)-12( equations 1.10 and 1.11: )]TJ
0 Tc 0 Tw -11.72 -2.1333 Td
( )Tj
0.0004 Tc 12 0 0 12 115.44 190.8 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
7.2399 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 174.72 187.7399 Tm
0 Tc -2.2222 -1.1966 Td
0.4842 Tc 12 0 0 12 106.2 190.7436 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 12 0 3.899 12 219.8995 190.74 Tm
12 0 0 12 130.2 190.74 Tm
18 0 0 18 154.5 188.043 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 3.0493 Tw 9 0 0 9 242.52 190.7403 Tm
( \(1.10\) )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw -20.9467 -3.4467 Td
( )Tj
0.337 Tc 12 0 0 12 114.66 159.72 Tm
/TT1 1 Tf
7.2399 Tc 7.02 0 0 7.02 173.22 156.7199 Tm
0 Tc -2.1197 -1.2051 Td
0.447 Tc 12 0 0 12 109.2 159.7236 Tm
/C2_0 1 Tf
0 Tc 12 0 3.899 12 218.3995 159.72 Tm
12 0 0 12 129.48 159.72 Tm
18 0 0 18 153.78 157.023 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0007 Tc 3.216 Tw 9 0 0 9 241.02 159.7203 Tm
( \(1.11\) )Tj
0.0017 Tc 0.2816 Tw -20.78 -2.9333 Td
[(Thes)4(e )-7(tim)6(e-dependent )-7(coefficients)4( are the com)6(p)2(lex envelopes)4(.)-2( )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.4621 Tw T*
[(The transient envelope solution technique [2,3])8( is efficient )]TJ
0.0554 Tw T*
[(provided that the tim)6(e vary)-12(ing coefficients)4( )7(vary)-12( )7(s)4(l)-1(owly)-12( )7(com)6(p)1(ared )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.3956 Tw T*
[(with )-7(the carriers. This is )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.3958 Tw 11.9533 0 Td
[(usually)-12( the case for narrow-band )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw -11.9533 -1.1733 Td
(communication circuits excited by)Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw 13.8533 0 Td
[( digitally)-12( modulated signals. )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.2823 Tw 15.4667 68.9467 Td
[(By)-12( addressing the envelope behavior in the time-domain, the )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0159 Tw T*
[(long-term memory)-12( effects can be included in )7(the )7(nonlinear )7(model. )]TJ
-0.0005 Tc 0.5705 Tw T*
[(Sy)-14(stems with long-term memory)]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.5687 Tw 14.8667 0 Td
[( can have very)-12( different )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.016 Tw -14.8667 -1.1733 Td
[(behaviors depending on the )7(dy)-13(namics)]TJ
0.0094 Tw 15.2 0 Td
( of the envelopes It becomes )Tj
0.0017 Tc 0.0083 Tw -15.2 -1.1733 Td
[(im)6(portant )-7(to s)4(tim)6(ulate the s)4(y)-12(s)4(tem)6( in way)-12(s)4( that affect the dy)-12(nam)6(ics)4( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.082 Tw T*
(of the envelopes. Excitation de)Tj
0.0007 Tc 0.0826 Tw 12.7267 0 Td
[(signs will need to )7(go )7(well )7(bey)-13(ond )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.1155 Tw -12.7267 -1.1733 Td
(the conventional two-tone techni)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.1159 Tw 13.52 0 Td
[(ques. Using digitally)-12( modulated )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.3765 Tw -13.52 -1.1733 Td
(signals or band-limited noise ma)Tj
0.0021 Tc 0.3679 Tw 14.5733 0 Td
[(y)-11( be neces)5(s)5(a)-1(ry)-11(. S)5(p)2(ecialized )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw -14.5733 -1.1733 Td
[(hardware sy)-13(stems have been de)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0022 Tw 12.6467 0 Td
[(veloped to do this [17, 21])7(. )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0621 Tw -12.6467 -1.62 Td
[(A key)-12( requirem)6(e)-2(nt is the ability)-12( for the m)6(odeler to interface )7(with )]TJ
0.3155 Tw T*
[(the envelope sim)6(u)1(lator. Som)6(e)-2( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.3094 Tw 13.42 0 Td
[(models )-7(are based on variables )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.3221 Tw -13.42 -1.1733 Td
[(characteristic )-7(of )-7(the envelope and RF carriers independently)-12(. )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.1285 Tw T*
[(M)4(o)2(s)4(t)-1( )-7(s)4(i)-1(m)6(u)2(lators)4( )-7(do )-7(not )-7(y)-12(e)-1(t have the interface to directly)-12( enable )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0025 Tw T*
(modelers to exploit su)Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.0021 Tw 8.88 0 Td
(ch behavioral models. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0007 Tc 0.3507 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 550.68 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0014 Tc 0.0753 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 539.7003 Tm
[(Behavioral m)6(odeling techniques)4( have recently)-12( been increas)4(ing )7(in )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0355 Tw T*
[(sophistication and capability)-12(. Severa)]TJ
0.0288 Tw 14.8267 0 Td
[(l techniques, notably)-12( those in )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.1957 Tw -14.8267 -1.1733 Td
[(the )-7(frequency)-12( domain and the enve)]TJ
0.0017 Tc 0.195 Tw 15.0533 0 Td
[(lope dom)6(ain, are intim)6(ately)-12( )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.4292 Tw -15.0533 -1.1733 Td
[(related )-7(to )-7(the )-7(underly)-12(i)-1(ng simulator algorithm used in their )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.8758 Tw T*
(solution. Successful applica)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.8692 Tw 12.9133 0 Td
(tion of behavioral modeling )Tj
0.1492 Tw -12.9133 -1.1733 Td
[(techniques to im)5(portant desi)]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1491 Tw 11.7733 0 Td
[(gn challenges will depend upon )7(the )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.2556 Tw -11.7733 -1.1733 Td
[(ease of interfacing with the underly)-12(i)-1(ng )7(simulation )7(engine, )7(the )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.4354 Tw T*
[(ability)-12( to sy)-12(stem)6(atically)-12( apply)-12( the techniques )7(to )7(significant )]TJ
0.182 Tw T*
[(quantities )-7(of data, and the ability)-12( to distribute these behavioral )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.2156 Tw T*
[(m)6(odels )-7(to custom)6(ers. Finally)-12(, the ability)-12( to perform)6( waveform)6( )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.1485 Tw T*
[(m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ents)4( at m)6(i)-1(crowave frequencies)4( in order to apply)-12( )7(thes)4(e )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.2354 Tw T*
[(techniques to real data will be a big advantage to get )7(around )]TJ
0.2221 Tw T*
[(accuracy)-12( lim)6(itations)4( of building behavioral m)6(odels)4( )7(from)6( )7(lower )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw T*
[(level m)6(odels. )]TJ
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0007 Tc 0.3507 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 378.78 Tm
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0004 Tc 0.0163 Tw 9 0 0 9 317.88 367.8003 Tm
(Thanks to Hassan Tanbakuchi, Domi)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.0092 Tw 14.94 0 Td
(nique Schreurs, Alex Pekker, )Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.0422 Tw -14.94 -1.1733 Td
[(Darry)-12(l )-7(Okahata, Alex Cognata, Br)]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0427 Tw 13.94 0 Td
[(ian Hughes, Derry)-13( Hornbuckle, )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.4358 Tw -13.94 -1.1733 Td
[(Jerry)-12( Gladstone, and Agilent )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.4292 Tw 13.5267 0 Td
(Technologies Management for )Tj
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw -13.5267 -1.1733 Td
(supporting this work. )Tj
/TT2 1 Tf
-0.0014 Tc 0.3514 Tw 12 0 0 12 317.88 310.5 Tm
[(8. REFERENCES )350( )]TJ
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 298.5 Tm
[([1])6( )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.1821 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 298.5003 Tm
[(Kundert, )-7(K. S., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. A., Sim)6(u)1(lation of )]TJ
0.6754 Tw T*
[(nonlinear circuits in the frequency)-12( dom)6(ain. IEEE )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.5561 Tw T*
[(Transactions )-7(on )-7(Computer-Aided Design of Integrated )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.0031 Tw T*
[(Circuits and Sy)-13(stems CAD-5\(4\) pp.521-535 \(1986\). )]TJ
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 251.22 Tm
[([2])6( )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.2765 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 251.2203 Tm
(Sharrit, D. A new method of)Tj
0.0006 Tc 0.2761 Tw 12.8067 0 Td
[( analy)-13(s)3(is of )7(communication )]TJ
0.0002 Tc 0.3165 Tw -12.8067 -1.1733 Td
[(sy)-13(stem)5(s. IEEE MTTS')-6(96 W)4(orkshop on )7(Nonlinear )7(CAD )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0025 Tw T*
(\(June 1996\). )Tj
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 214.5 Tm
[([3])6( )]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0419 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 214.5003 Tm
[(Ngoy)-12(a, E, and Larcheveque, R. )7(Envelop )7(transient )7(analy)-12(s)4(is: )7(a )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.2224 Tw T*
[(new method for the transient and )7(steady)-12( )7(state )7(analy)-12(s)3(is )7(of )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.4156 Tw T*
[(m)6(i)-1(crowave )-7(com)6(m)6(unication circuits and sy)-12(stem)6(s. IEEE )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.0029 Tw T*
[(MTTS')-6(96 \(June 1996\) pp1365-68. )]TJ
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 167.22 Tm
[([4])6( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 167.2203 Tm
[(Kundert, )-7(K. )-7(S., )-7(White, J. K., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. An )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.6757 Tw T*
[(envelope-following )-7(method for the efficient transient )]TJ
0.3022 Tw T*
[(sim)6(u)1(lation )-7(of )-7(switching )-7(power and filter circuits. IEEE )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.4293 Tw T*
[(ICCAD-88 International Conference on )7(Computer-Aided )]TJ
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw T*
(Design \(November 1988\) pp. 446-449. )Tj
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 109.38 Tm
[([5])6( )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.2488 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 109.3803 Tm
[(Kundert, )-7(K. )-7(S., )-7(White, J. K., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.1093 Tw T*
[(Steady)-13(-State Methods for simulating )7(analog )7(and )7(microwave )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.002 Tw T*
(circuits. Kluwer Acad)Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.0028 Tw 8.8267 0 Td
(emic Publishers 1990 )Tj
q /GS1 gs
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1 i
/RelativeColorimetric ri
/GS0 gs
/TT0 1 Tf
0.0027 Tc 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 710.5801 Tm
[([6])6( )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.7292 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 710.5803 Tm
(Phillips, J.R. Projection-ba)Tj
12.2333 0 Td
[(sed approaches for m)5(odel )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1824 Tw -12.2333 -1.1733 Td
[(reduction of weakly)-12( nonlinear )7(tim)5(e-vary)-12(ing )7(sy)-12(tesm)5(s. )7(IEEE )]TJ
0.3824 Tw 0 -1.1733 TD
[(Trans. Computer-aided design of )7(integrated )7(circuits )7(and )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw T*
[(sy)-13(stems, Vol 22, No. 2, \(February)-13(,)-3( 2003\) )]TJ
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 663.3 Tm
[([7])6( )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.1159 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 663.3003 Tm
[(Zhang, Q. J. and Gupta, )7(K. )7(C.)]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.1097 Tw 12.6533 0 Td
( Neural networks for RF and )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw -12.6533 -1.1733 Td
(microwave design. Artech House \(2000\). )Tj
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 637.14 Tm
[([8])6( )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1291 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 637.1403 Tm
[(Hay)-12(k)1(in, )-7(S. Neural Networks: a comprehensive foundation. )127( )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.0022 Tw T*
(2nd ed. Prentice-Hall \(1999\). )Tj
0.0027 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 610.98 Tm
[([9])6( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.1754 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 610.9803 Tm
[(Xu, )-7(J., )-7(Yagoub, M. C. E., Ding, )]TJ
14.22 0 Td
(R., Zhang, Q. J. Neural )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.2291 Tw -14.22 -1.1733 Td
[(based )-7(dy)-12(namic modeling of nonlinear microwave circuits. )227( )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw T*
(IEEE MTT-S 2002 \(June 2002\) pp. 1101-1104. )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 574.26 Tm
[([10])7( )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.3558 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 574.2603 Tm
(Wood, J. and Root, D. E. )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.3557 Tw 12.46 0 Td
[(The behavioral modeling )7(of )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.3364 Tw -12.46 -1.1733 Td
(microwave/RF ICs using non-linear)Tj
0.0013 Tc 0.3287 Tw 15.38 0 Td
[( )-7(time series analy)-12(s)4(is. )327( )327( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw -15.38 -1.1733 Td
(IEEE IMS2003 \(June 2003\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 537.54 Tm
[([11])7( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.2087 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 537.5403 Tm
[(Root, )-7(D. )-7(E., Wood, J., Pekker, )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.2092 Tw 13.6867 0 Td
[(A. Sy)-12(stematic behavioral )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2627 Tw -13.6867 -1.1733 Td
(modeling of nonlinear microwav)Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.2618 Tw 13.94 0 Td
[(e/RF circuits in the tim)6(e )]TJ
0 Tc 0.0633 Tw -13.94 -1.1733 Td
[(domain )-7(using techniques from non)]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.0614 Tw 14.1533 0 Td
[(linear dy)-11(nam)6(ical s)4(y)-11(s)4(tem)6(s)4(.)-1( )60( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw -14.1533 -1.1733 Td
(IEEE BMAS 2002 \(October 2002\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 490.26 Tm
[([12])7( )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1022 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 490.2603 Tm
[(Schreurs, )-7(D., Wood, J., Tufilla)]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.1019 Tw 12.72 0 Td
(ro, N., Barford, L. and Root, )Tj
0.0007 Tc 0.2626 Tw -12.72 -1.1733 Td
[(D. )-7(E. Construction of behavioural models for microwave )]TJ
0.0015 Tc 0.4285 Tw T*
[(devices)4( from)6( tim)6(e-dom)6(ain large-s)4(i)-1(gnal )7(m)6(eas)4(urem)6(ents)4( )7(to )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0494 Tw T*
[(speed up high-level design )7(simula)]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.0421 Tw 13.82 0 Td
(tions. International Journal )Tj
0.001 Tc 0.0357 Tw -13.82 -1.1733 Td
[(of RF)4( and M)4(i)-1(crowave Com)6(puter-Aided )7(Engineering: )7(S)4(p)1(ecial )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0427 Tw T*
[(Issue )-7(on )-7(')-6(M)3(easurement Techniques for Effective CAD')-6( 13\(1\) )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0025 Tw T*
(pp. 54-61 \(2003\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 411.3 Tm
[([13])7( )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0623 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 411.3003 Tm
[(Schreurs, D.,Wood, J., )7(Tufillaro)]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.0553 Tw 13.0667 0 Td
(, N., Usikov, D., Barford, L. )Tj
0.0011 Tc 0.4422 Tw -13.0667 -1.1733 Td
[(and Root, D. E. The construction )7(and )7(evaluation )7(of )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2561 Tw T*
(behavioral models for micr)Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.2559 Tw 11.64 0 Td
(owave devices based on time-)Tj
0.0015 Tc 0.3618 Tw -11.64 -1.1733 Td
[(dom)6(ain large-s)4(i)-1(gnal m)6(eas)4(urem)6(en)]TJ
0.0014 Tc 0.3619 Tw 14.0133 0 Td
[(ts. International )7(Electron )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.1757 Tw -14.0133 -1.1733 Td
[(Devices )-7(Meeting 2000, \(Decem)6(ber 2000\) IEDM Technical )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0025 Tw T*
(Digest pp. 819 -822. )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 342.9 Tm
[([14])7( )]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0084 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 342.9003 Tm
[(Kantz, H. and S)4(c)-1(hreiber, T. Nonlinear )7(Tim)6(e)-1( )7(S)4(e)-1(ries)4( )7(Analy)-12(s)4(is)4(, )]TJ
0.0003 Tc 0.003 Tw T*
[(Cambridge University)-13( Press \(1997\) )]TJ
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 54 316.7401 Tm
[([15])7( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0094 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 316.7403 Tm
[(Stark, )-7(J. )-7( Delay)-13( embeddings and )]TJ
-0.0007 Tc 0.0107 Tw 13.2667 0 Td
[(forc)-3(e)-3(d)-1( sy)-14(ste)-3(m)4(s,)-4( J.)-4( Nonline)-3(a)-3(r)-1( )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.0024 Tw -13.2667 -1.1733 Td
(Science, 9 pp255-332 \(1999\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 710.5801 Tm
[([16])7( )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.3754 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 710.5803 Tm
[(Kennel, M. B., Brown, )7(R., )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.369 Tw 12.7267 0 Td
(Abarbanel., H. Determining )Tj
0.0357 Tw -12.7267 -1.1733 Td
[(em)6(bedding dim)6(e)-2(ns)4(ion for phas)4(e)-2(-s)4(pace recons)4(truction us)4(ing )7(a )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.2626 Tw T*
[(geometrical )-7(construction, )-7(Phy)-13(s)3(. )-7(Rev. A 45 pp3403-3411 )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0 Tw T*
(\(1992\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 663.3 Tm
[([17])7( )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1491 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 663.3003 Tm
[(Verspecht, J., Verbey)-12(st, F.. Vanden Bossche, M. )7(Network )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.156 Tw T*
[(analy)-13(s)3(is bey)-13(ond )7(S-parameters)]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1489 Tw 12.2867 0 Td
(: characterizing and modeling )Tj
0.0008 Tc 0.9959 Tw -12.2867 -1.1733 Td
(component behaviour under modulated large-signal )Tj
0.4225 Tw T*
[(operating conditions)3(. ARF)4(T)-2(G )7(56 )7(Colorado )7(\(Decem)5(ber )]TJ
0.0001 Tc 0 Tw T*
(2000\) )Tj
0.0028 Tc 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 605.46 Tm
[([18])7( )]TJ
0.0009 Tc 0.1558 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 605.4603 Tm
[(Schreurs, )-7(D. )-7(and )-7(Rem)5(l)-1(ey)-12(, )-7(K. Use of m)5(u)1(ltisine signals for )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.2421 Tw T*
(efficient behavioural modelling )Tj
0.0005 Tc 0.2362 Tw 13.6133 0 Td
(of RF circuits with short-)Tj
0.0007 Tc 0.0026 Tw -13.6133 -1.1733 Td
[(memory)-13( effects. ARFTG 61Philadelphia \(June 2003\). )]TJ
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 568.7401 Tm
[([19])7( )]TJ
0.0012 Tc 0.2955 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 568.7403 Tm
[(Ku, H., McKinley)-12(, M. D., Kenney)-12(,)-2( J. S. )7( )7(Extraction )7(of )]TJ
0.5355 Tw T*
[(accurate behavioral m)6(odels)4( for power )7(am)6(plifiers)4( )7(with )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.0096 Tw T*
[(m)5(e)-2(m)5(ory)-13( effects using two-tone)]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0017 Tw 12.52 0 Td
[( m)6(easurem)6(ents. IEEE MTT-S)4( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw -12.52 -1.1733 Td
(2002 \(June 2002\) pp. 139-142. )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 521.46 Tm
[([20])7( )]TJ
0.002 Tc 0.5013 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 521.4603 Tm
[(Reig, )-7(P)5(., )-7(LeG)4(a)-1(llou, N)4(., N)4(e)-1(bus)5(, J)5(-)2(M)5(., and N)4(goy)-11(a, E. )500( )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.409 Tw T*
[(Accurate RF)4( and m)6(i)-1(crowave )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.4029 Tw 13.3667 0 Td
[(sy)-13(stem level modeling of )]TJ
0.0008 Tc 0.0492 Tw -13.3667 -1.1733 Td
[(wideband )-7(nonlinear )-7(circuits. )-7( IEEE MTT-S2000 \(June 2000\) )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.0023 Tw T*
(pp. 79-82. )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 474.1801 Tm
[([21])7( )]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.0014 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 474.1803 Tm
[(LeG)4(a)-1(llou, )-7(N)4(., )-7(N)4(goy)-11(a, )-7(E., Buret, H)4(., Barataud, D)4(., and N)4(e)-1(bus)4(, )]TJ
0.0004 Tc 0.1163 Tw T*
(J-M. An improved behavioral)Tj
0.0007 Tc 0.1093 Tw 12.6133 0 Td
( modeling technique for high )Tj
0.0009 Tc 0.2358 Tw -12.6133 -1.1733 Td
[(power am)5(plifiers with m)5(e)]TJ
11.02 0 Td
[(m)5(o)1(ry)-12(. IEEE )7(MTT-S2001 )7(\(May)-12( )]TJ
0.0024 Tw -11.02 -1.1733 Td
(2001\) pp. 983-986. )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 426.9 Tm
[([22])7( )]TJ
0.0007 Tc 0.0693 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 426.9003 Tm
[(Tuinenga, P., Models rush )7(in )7(wh)]TJ
0.0016 Tc 0.0617 Tw 13.4067 0 Td
[(ere s)4(i)-1(m)6(u)2(lators)4( fear to tread: )]TJ
0.0011 Tc 0.1422 Tw -13.4067 -1.1733 Td
[(extending the baseband-equivalent m)6(e)-2(thod. . IEEE BMAS )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw T*
(2002 \(October 2002\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 390.18 Tm
[([23])7( )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.2694 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 390.1803 Tm
[(Verspecht, )-7(J. Describing func)]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.269 Tw 12.6933 0 Td
(tions can better model hard )Tj
0.0012 Tc 0.3088 Tw -12.6933 -1.1733 Td
[(nonlinearities in the frequency)-12( dom)6(ain )7(than )7(the )7(Volterra )]TJ
0.001 Tc 0.389 Tw T*
[(theory)-12(. Annex to Ph.D. )7(dissertation, )7(Vrije )7(Universiteit )]TJ
0.0006 Tc 0.0027 Tw T*
(Brussel \(1995\). )Tj
0.0028 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 342.9 Tm
[([24])7( )]TJ
0.0019 Tc 0.0681 Tw 9 0 0 9 335.88 342.9003 Tm
[(V)4(e)-1(rs)4(pecht, )-7(J)4(., )-7(V)4(e)-1(rbey)-11(s)4(t, F)5(.. V)4(a)-1(nden Bos)4(s)4(c)-1(he, M)4(., V)4(a)-1(n Es)4(ch, )]TJ
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0.0003 Tc 0.123 Tw 11.4333 0 Td
[(benefits from frequency)-13( )7(domain )]TJ
0.0013 Tc 0.1154 Tw -11.4333 -1.1733 Td
[(behavioral )-7(m)6(odels)4( of m)6(i)-1(xers)4( and am)6(plifiers)4(, in P)4(r)1(oceedings)4( )]TJ
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(of 29th European Microwave Conf. \(1999\)., pp29-32. )Tj
0 Tc 0 Tw 10.02 0 0 10.02 317.88 295.62 Tm
( )Tj
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18 0 0 18 54 271.9806 Tm
( )Tj
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