Inducing node specification in active shape models for accurate lung-field segmentation
29 April 2005 Inducing node specification in active shape models for accurate lung-field segmentation
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We have developed an active shape model (ASM)-based segmentation scheme that uses the original Cootes et al. formulation for the underlying mechanics of the ASM but improves the model by fixating selected nodes at specific structural boundaries called transitional landmarks. Transitional landmarks identify the change from one boundary type (such as lung-field/heart) to another (lung-field/diaphragm). This results in a multi-segmented lung-field boundary where each segment correlates to a specific boundary type (lung-field/heart, lung-field/aorta, lung-field/rib-cage, etc.). The node-specified ASM is built using a fixed set of equally spaced feature nodes for each boundary segment. This allows the nodes to learn local appearance models for a specific boundary type, rather than generalizing over multiple boundary types, which results in a marked improvement in boundary accuracy. In contrast, existing lung-field segmentation algorithms based only on ASM simply space the nodes equally along the entire boundary without specification. We have performed extensive experiments using multiple datasets (public and private) and compared the performance of the proposed scheme with other contour-based methods. Overall, the improved accuracy is 3-5 &percent; over the standard ASM and, more importantly, it corresponds to increased alignment with salient anatomical structures. Furthermore, the automatically generated lung-field masks lead to the same fROC for lung-nodule detection as hand-drawn lung-field masks. The accurate landmarks can be easily used for detecting other structures in the lung field. Based on the related landmarks (mediastinum-heart transition, heart-diaphragm transition), we have extended the work to heart segmentation.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Amit Singhal, Mark Bolin, Hui Luo, Wei Hao, and Jiebo Luo "Inducing node specification in active shape models for accurate lung-field segmentation", Proc. SPIE 5747, Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, (29 April 2005); Logo
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