Image-dependent gamut mapping using a variable anchor point
2 January 1998 Image-dependent gamut mapping using a variable anchor point
Shin Dong Kim, Cheol-Hee Lee, Kyeong-Man Kim, Chae-Soo Lee, Yeong-Ho Ha
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Currently many devices reproduce electronic images in a variety of ways. However, the colors that are reproduced are different from the original color due to the differences in the gamut between devices. In this paper, an image dependent gamut mapping method is proposed. This method clips the chroma while compensating for the change of lightness caused by the lightness scaling required for a reproduction gamut. In this paper, the anchor point, which is the color center point in the mapping, is set at a lower point than the conventional mapping method. As a result, this reduces the difference between the original image on the monitor and the results on the reproduction device. Our mapping algorithm is applied to the gamut mapping between the monitor and printer. Consequently, the printer output image is highly consistent with the corresponding monitor image.
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Shin Dong Kim, Cheol-Hee Lee, Kyeong-Man Kim, Chae-Soo Lee, and Yeong-Ho Ha "Image-dependent gamut mapping using a variable anchor point", Proc. SPIE 3300, Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts III, (2 January 1998); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Image processing

Image compression

RGB color model

Color centers

Color reproduction

Electronic components


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