Development for SSV on a parallel processing system (PARAGON)
27 December 1995 Development for SSV on a parallel processing system (PARAGON)
Benny M. Gothard, Mark Allmen, Michael J. Carroll, Dan Rich
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Proceedings Volume 2591, Mobile Robots X; (1995)
Event: Photonics East '95, 1995, Philadelphia, PA, United States
A goal of the surrogate semi-autonomous vehicle (SSV) program is to have multiple vehicles navigate autonomously and cooperatively with other vehicles. This paper describes the process and tools used in porting UGV/SSV (unmanned ground vehicle) autonomous mobility and target recognition algorithms from a SISD (single instruction single data) processor architecture (i.e., a Sun SPARC workstation running C/UNIX) to a MIMD (multiple instruction multiple data) parallel processor architecture (i.e., PARAGON-a parallel set of i860 processors running C/UNIX). It discusses the gains in performance and the pitfalls of such a venture. It also examines the merits of this processor architecture (based on this conceptual prototyping effort) and programming paradigm to meet the final SSV demonstration requirements.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Benny M. Gothard, Mark Allmen, Michael J. Carroll, and Dan Rich "Development for SSV on a parallel processing system (PARAGON)", Proc. SPIE 2591, Mobile Robots X, (27 December 1995);
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