Multidimensional image and structure data representation: a generalization of the ACR-NEMA standards (Proceedings Only)
22 September 1992 Multidimensional image and structure data representation: a generalization of the ACR-NEMA standards (Proceedings Only)
Jayaram K. Udupa, Hsiu-Mei Hung, Dewey Odhner, Roberto J. Goncalves, Supun Samarasekera
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Proceedings Volume 1808, Visualization in Biomedical Computing '92; (1992)
Event: Visualization in Biomedical Computing, 1992, Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Multidimensional image data are becoming increasingly common in biomedical imaging. Three-dimensional visualization and analysis techniques based on three-dimensional image data have become an established discipline in biomedicine. Some imaging problems generate image data of even higher dimensions. It often becomes necessary to consider the higher dimensional data as a whole to adequately answer the underlying imaging questions. In spite of this established need for convenient exchange of image and image-derived information, no exchange protocols are available that adequately meet the needs of multidimensional imaging systems. This paper describes an exchange protocol that has been designed after careful consideration of the common requirements of methodologies for visualization and analysis of multidimensional data. It is based on and is a generalization of the widely accepted ACR- NEMA standards specified for two-dimensional images. It is implemented and actively being used in a data-, application-, and machine-independent software environment called 3DVIEWNIX, being developed in the authors'' department, for the visualization and analysis of multidimensional images.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jayaram K. Udupa, Hsiu-Mei Hung, Dewey Odhner, Roberto J. Goncalves, and Supun Samarasekera "Multidimensional image and structure data representation: a generalization of the ACR-NEMA standards (Proceedings Only)", Proc. SPIE 1808, Visualization in Biomedical Computing '92, (22 September 1992);
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Biomedical optics


Visual analytics

Imaging devices

Imaging systems

3D image processing

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