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application/pdfIEEEIGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium;2018; ; ;10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519136Hyperspectral dataremote sensingagricultureforestrymachine learningdeep learningDeep Learning-Based Methodological Approach for Vineyard Early Disease Detection Using Hyperspectral DataJonas HruskaTelmo AdaoLuis PaduaPedro MarquesEmanuel PeresAntonio SousaRaul MoraisJoaquim Joao Sousa
IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium9063 July 201810.1109/IGARSS.2018.85191369066
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