Waiting online: a review and research agenda
Although waiting on the Internet is widely recognised as a crucial factor in the evolution of e‐commerce and the Internet in general, it is not a widespread topic of research. This article identifies and reviews 21 papers based on 13 separate empirical studies on waiting on the Internet. The literature draws from the areas of marketing, system response time studies and quality of service studies. Having reviewed the existing literature, this article proposes an agenda for future research. Recommendations are made to extend the range of research methodologies applied to this topic, to broaden the definition of waiting on the Internet to include other forms of online waiting, and to continue the interdisciplinary approach to research on online waiting.
Ryan, G. and Valverde, M. (2003), "Waiting online: a review and research agenda", Internet Research, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 195-205. https://doi.org/10.1108/10662240310478213
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