Discovering drug–target (protein) interactions (DTIs) is of great significance for researching and developing novel drugs, having a tremendous advantage to pharmaceutical industries and patients. However, the prediction of DTIs using wet-lab experimental methods is generally expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, different machine learning-based methods have been developed for this purpose, but there are still substantial unknown interactions needed to discover. Furthermore, data imbalance and feature dimensionality problems are a critical challenge in drug-target datasets, which can decrease the classifier performances that have not been significantly addressed yet. This paper proposed a novel drug–target interaction prediction method called PreDTIs. First, the feature vectors of the protein sequence are extracted by the pseudo-position-specific scoring matrix (PsePSSM), dipeptide composition (DC) and pseudo amino acid composition (PseAAC); and the drug is encoded with MACCS substructure fingerings. Besides, we propose a FastUS algorithm to handle the class imbalance problem and also develop a MoIFS algorithm to remove the irrelevant and redundant features for getting the best optimal features. Finally, balanced and optimal features are provided to the LightGBM Classifier to identify DTIs, and the 5-fold CV validation test method was applied to evaluate the prediction ability of the proposed method. Prediction results indicate that the proposed model PreDTIs is significantly superior to other existing methods in predicting DTIs, and our model could be used to discover new drugs for unknown disorders or infections, such as for the coronavirus disease 2019 using existing drugs compounds and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 protein sequences.
Keywords: drug–target interaction, drug chemical structure, protein sequence, data imbalance, feature selection, SARS-CoV-2
Prediction of new drug–target (protein) interactions (DTIs) is a fundamental stage in the drug development and drug discovery pipeline [1–3]. Drug repurposing is a growing trend in pharmaceutical science for drug discovery giving emphasis on identifying the unknown interactions between existing drugs and new target proteins. The development of the human genome and the expansion of the molecular medicine project are useful to predict the new target of drugs. In the past years, lots of efforts have been imposed on discovering unknown drugs, but very few new drugs got approvals by the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) and reached people [4], whereas a huge number of drugs got a rejection in the clinical tests because of the unacceptable toxicity [5]. The wet-lab experiments of DTIs are usually time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly [6]; therefore, such failures are not easy to accept and wasted a lot of money. Generally, the cost of novel drugs is about $1.8 billion, and it takes approximately 13 years to develop [7]. Therefore, researchers are highly motivated to build machine learning (ML)-based techniques to detect DTIs, which can successfully reduce the search space of the drug–target candidates to be examined by wet-lab experiments to minimize the effort and cost. Recently, ML-based computational methods become more beneficial due to large heterogeneous drugs and protein data. Various online databases are available to use for the application in the prediction of the drug–target interactions (DTIs) [8], such as KEGG [9, 10], DrugBank [11], TTD [12,13] and STITCH [14].
Different ML methods have recently been applied to predict DTIs based on the various types of datasets [15, 16]. The computational drug–target methods can be divided into three groups: ligand-based methods [17,18], docking-based methods [19,20] and chemogenomic methods [21]. The ligand-based methods discover DTIs based on the similarity of the proteins’ ligands. The docking-based methods exploit three-dimensional (3D) structure data of a protein and then execute models to evaluate the prediction probability that it binds with a specific drug through binding affinity and energy. Finally, chemogenomic methods [22] generally use the genomic and chemical information of target proteins and drugs. However, the first and second categories methods have some limitations due to the insufficiently known ligands and 3D structures of proteins. Therefore, chemogenomics methods are more popular to identify DTIs. The prediction task of the chemogenomic model could be solved by using sophisticated ML algorithms [23]. Here, the model takes known interaction data together with information (chemical and sequence) of the drugs–proteins involved to train the algorithm and consequently detect new interactions from the trained algorithm. According to the current review paper [24], the ML methods can be classified as similarity-based approaches or feature-based approaches [21,22,25]. Similarity-based approaches include matrix factorization [27–30], kernel-based approaches and graph-based approaches [31]. Different ML classifiers [32] such as XGBoost [33], deep learning [34], SVM [35], fuzzy logic [36,37] and nearest neighbor [1] have been effectively applied on these types of prediction purposes. Whereas feature-based approaches consider drug chemical and protein sequence feature vectors as input and represent the class label by binary value (1 and 0), indicating the interacted and non-interacted pairs in the datasets. These methods can discover possible interactions from features that are more effective. Yamanishi et al. [38] combined chemical structures of drug compounds and sequences information of target proteins in a unified space to contract the drug-protein interactions network. Furthermore, the same author proposed an integrated model to detect the pharmacological similarity of molecular compounds in a bipartite graph (BG) inference [39]. This model combined chemical and pharmacological information with the topological network and used a distance learning classifier to train the model. The primary purpose of this model was to discover potential similar DTIs using pharmacological effect. Based on the similarity-based network of genomics data, Hao et al. [40] introduced a robust regularized least squares with kernel fusion (RLS-KF) classifier that utilizes nonlinear kernel fusion (KF) technique with different kernel matrices to obtain the shared and complementary information for identifying new DTIs. Another approach, called KBMF2K, was introduced in [27] that integrates dimensionality reduction (DR), matrix factorization and binary classifiers. This method provides full derivation using variational approximation.
Li et al. [41] extracted the PSSM features of proteins from the amino acid sequence and the drug chemical structure transferred to substructure fingerprints, where a discriminative vector-based ML algorithm is developed. To minimize feature dimensionality, principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to make features into the low-dimensional space for protein and drugs. Finally, the local binary pattern (LBP) technique is used to evaluate the LBP histogram from the reduced features. Rayhan et al. [42] developed a boosting classifier-based method to predict potential DTIs from gold standard datasets using evolutionary information and structural features of target proteins. In this work, the authors proposed a cluster undersampling technique (CUS) to handle the data imbalance problem. Similarly, Wang et al. [43] employed a rotation forest (RF) classifier with an autocovariance method to detect interactions from PSSM (protein features) and fingerprint (drug features) vectors. In another work, a DNN-deep learning method is proposed in [44], a LASSO-random forest approach is introduced in [45] and an ensemble method with a random projection is proposed in [46]. Recently, our previous work [47] presented XGBoost based approach with sequence, evolutionary and structural information to identify DTIs. In this paper, a cluster-based undersampling technique was proposed to manage the data imbalance issue, and also a new feature selection method was developed to select the optimal set of features. In another work [26], structural features extracted from protein sequences, an oversampling-SMOTE, are independently employed for balancing the drug-target datasets. During the prediction of DTIs, the high-dimensionality of features is a complex issue. Therefore, DR is an essential part of the prediction task. There are different types of DR techniques, such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [48], PCA [49], genetic algorithm (GA) [50] and relief [51] have been applied to select the suitable features from the datasets for accurate prediction. Considering the advantages of related approaches, more related approaches have also been proposed. Thafar et al. [52] introduced a method DTiGEMS+ that predicts DTIs using graph mining graph embedding and similarity techniques. Their method combines feature-based and similarity-based approaches and models the prediction of potential DTIs as a link identification problem in a heterogeneous network. DTiGEMS+ uses the heterogeneous network by enhancing the positive DTIs graph using two more matching graphs: target–target similarity and drug–drug similarity. DTiGEMS+ incorporates multiple target–target similarities and drug–drug similarities into a heterogeneous graph after utilizing a similarity selection technique and a fusion algorithm. In most recent studies, ML methods, similarity metrics and handcrafted features have been proposed to discover DTIs. Manoochehr et al. [53] claimed that these approaches could not learn the fundamental associations between drugs and targets. Therefore, they proposed a novel framework for identifying DTIs that acquire latent features from DTI network. Another recent work was introduced in [54] that uses a deep-walk embedding concept to predict DTIs from a molecular association’s network. This network is constructed by combining the associations among protein, drug, disease, micro RNA and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). Moreover, we summarized some of the exiting methods related to DTI in Table 1.
Table 1.
Authors | Datasets | Methodology/techniques | Cross-validation | Performance parameters |
Yuan et al. [50] | DrugBank | Classifier: ensemble learning and LambdaMART, feature extraction: GD (general descriptors-RDKit), composition, transition and distribution (CTD-PROFEAT) | 5-fold CV | Area under precision-recall curve (AUPR) |
Li et al. [51] | Gold standard dataset | Classifier: discriminative vector machine, feature extraction: PSSM and local binary pattern and fingerprint, feature dimension reduction: PCA | 5-fold CV | Pre, ACC, SE, MCC, AUC |
Meng et al. [52] | Gold standard dataset | Classifier: RVM feature extraction: BIGP, PSSM feature dimension reduction: PCA | 5-fold CV | Ac, SE, Precision, MCC |
Luo et al. [53] | DrugBank, HPRD, comparative toxicogenomics, SIDER | Method: vector space projection scheme (network integration pipeline) | 10-fold CV | AUPR |
He et al. [54] | Davis, Metz, KIBA | Method: SimBoost and SimBoostQuant | 5-fold CV | RMSE, AUC, AUPR, CI |
Laarhoven et al. [55] | Gold standard dataset | Classifier: RLS, feature generation: similarity matrices | 10-fold CV | AUC |
Buza et al. [51] | Gold standard dataset, kinase | Method: projection-based ensemble-BLMs, ECkNN | 5-fold CV | AUC, AUPR |
Kuang et al. [56] | DrugBank | Method: RLS (regularized least squares) and semi-supervised link prediction | 10-fold CV | AUC, AUPR |
Cheng et al. [57] | Gold standard dataset, DrugBank | Method: three supervised similarity network-based inference | 10-fold CV | AUC |
Since wet-lab experiments for predicting DTIs are expensive ($1.8 billion), time-consuming (around a decade) and laborious, it completely motivated us to develop ML-based methods for discovering potential interactions efficiently. However, establishing such ML approaches is not easy, but it is urgently needed, as existing approaches that identify potential DTIs suffer from high false-positive rates. Still, vast numbers of possible DTIs interactions are undiscovered, which is also necessary to predict and help develop new drugs. Therefore, the novelty and contributions of this research include: (i) predict the novel DTIs from drug chemical structure and protein sequence; (ii) utilize the multi-feature fusion for predicting novel DTIs; (iii) propose a data balancing algorithm address to handle the imbalance issue in datasets that did not effectively address in the existing approaches; (iv) develop an effective feature selection algorithm to remove the redundant and noisy information and (v) provide satisfactory prediction performance for all the four benchmark datasets.
In this study, we proposed a new ML-based model called PreDTIs for DTIs prediction. Firstly, we use MACCS fingerprints, PsePSSM, PseAAC and DC to extract the drug chemical structure features and protein sequence features. Then these three types of protein features integrate with drug features to make drug–target datasets for accurate DTIs prediction. Secondly, since the drug–target dataset is highly imbalanced, we propose a new undersampling technique to manage the imbalance issue of positive and negative datasets. Thirdly, Modified Incremental Feature Selection (MoIFS) develops to select the optimal features, removing noisy and redundant features and providing potential features for accurate prediction. Finally, after comparing different ML classifiers, the LightGBM classifier is selected for predicting DTIs from balanced and selected features. Five-fold CV test is carried out on the datasets; different parameters are chosen for the features to fix the best settings of the model. Average area under the curve (AUC) values of PreDTIs on enzyme (EN), ion channel (IC), GPCR and NR are 0.9656, 0.9612, 0.9249 and 0.8652, respectively. The results indicate that our proposed model significantly improved the prediction performance of DTIs compared to the other existing methods.
The rest part of the paper is structured as follows: Materials and methods section describes the detail of the gold standard datasets, feature extraction, data balancing, feature selection, and classifiers we employed in this paper. In the Results and Discussion section, performances and experimental results are provided, and a comparison with the literature is made. In the next section, our proposed model that can help discover new drugs to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection is described, and finally, a discussion and conclusion are drawn in this paper.
Materials and methods
A schematic diagram of our proposed PreDTIs model is shown in Figure 1. At first, drug chemical structures (SMILE format) and protein sequences (FASTA format) are collected from DrugBank and KEGG databases using their specific access IDs. Different feature generation methods were applied to the drug and protein sequences to generate a variety of features. Afterwards, balancing techniques are used on extracted features to manage the datasets’ imbalance issue and drug–target features are selected through the newly developed feature selection technique to boost prediction performances. Finally, the model is trained using LightGBM classifier on the reduced features.
Drug–target datasets
In our research, we use four types of protein targets gold standard datasets also known as benchmark datasets, i.e. EN, IC, GPCR and nuclear receptor (NR) released by Yamanishi et al. [38]. Mainly, only drug IDs and protein IDs are considered from their datasets. After that, we collected the drug chemical structures and protein sequences of these four types of datasets from the DrugBank [55], SuperTarget and Matador [56], KEGG BRITE [57] and BRENDA [58] databases. After counting them, the number of known interaction (positive samples) pairs in each dataset is 2926, 1476, 635 and 90, respectively. Finally, the total number of 5127 known interacted pairs was found. The detailed information about the drug–target datasets is shown in Table 2. Note that these gold standard datasets have been exploited in recent various state-of-the-art methods [41,42,47,59] by researchers.
Table 2.
Datasets | Drugs | Targets | Interaction |
Enzyme | 445 | 664 | 2926 |
Ion Channel | 210 | 204 | 1476 |
GPCR | 223 | 95 | 635 |
NR | 54 | 26 | 90 |
Generally, the DTIs network is visualized by a BG, where nodes of the graph represent the drugs or proteins, and the edges indicate the known interactions between these nodes (drugs and targets). Most importantly, this BG holds a small number of edges. For example, EN has 445 × 664 = 295 480 edges in the BG, and only 2926 edges are known interactions (positive samples). Therefore, the possible 295 480–2926 = 292 554 unknown interactions (negative samples) are greater than the known interactions, creating a major biasing problem. To solve the bias caused by the imbalanced data, we develop a new FastUS algorithm to balance the negative samples with the same number of positive samples (e.g. EN: 2926 positive/2926 negative) to assess classification performance.
Feature extraction methods
Drug features
Different types of software have been developed as a descriptor to calculate and represent the drug compounds in the past few years. But, recent studies indicate that molecular substructure fingerprints (MSFs) can efficiently represent drug chemical structure under consideration [26,35,60,61]. MSFs are string representations of drug chemical structures aimed to improve chemical database searching and analysis efficiency. They can encode the 2D and 3D features of drug molecules. Among the various types of fingerprints, MSF performs well for small molecules such as drugs, while atom-pair fingerprints are the best for large molecules such as peptides. MSF directly extracts molecular structure in binary bits, the presence (one-1) or absence (zero-0) of specific sub-structures in the drug molecule. It represents a molecule into large fragments. It can retain the whole complexity of drug molecules and thereby not generate any error features from the molecular structures. Most importantly, the process provides a complete relationship between molecular property and structure. Thus, a molecule is represented as a Boolean array and described according to fingerprints of structural keys. Here, SMARTS (predefined dictionary of substructure patterns) pattern and fingerprint bit have a one-to-one relation. In the SMARTS pattern, if the substructure is present in the drug molecule, the fingerprint bit is set to one (1); otherwise, it is set to zero (0) if the substructure is absent. As an example, a substructure fingerprint dictionary for a drug molecule is shown in Figure 2.
In this experiment, we used the MACCS (Molecular ACCess System) fingerprint to create the substructure dictionary. The fingerprint of MACCS applies a dictionary of MDL keys, and there are two sets of MACCS keys (one with 960 keys and the other containing a subset of 166 keys); only the shorter fragment definitions are available to the public. These 166-D features are generated for each drug structure in this experiment. Full development information of MACCS fingerprints can get from OpenBabel and all the processes performed on the ChemoPy [62] software package.
Target features
Pseudo position specific scoring matrix (PsePSSM)
To represent the character of the amino acid (AA) sequence correctly, we used PsePSSM to extract the sequence and evolution information of the target protein sequence, which is introduced by Chou and Shen [63]. This technique is extensively applied in bioinformatics research because it not only encodes sequence information from protein sequence; it also reflects evolutionary information as well.
If a protein sequence with AA residues, PSSM is used as its descriptor proposed by Jones et al. [64]. For a protein sequence, a PSSM can be expressed as follows:
= (1)where represents the residue score of -th in the AA sequence being substituted to the -th AA residue, which is searched by the PSI-BLAST [65] tool through the Swiss-Prot database to generate PSSM on a server machine. In this experiment, we set the PSI-BLAST parameters: the number of iterations is three, the threshold E-value is 0.001, and the remaining parameters are left as default. The indicators in PSSM are regularized using the following Equation (2).
(2) |
A protein sequence can be formulated as L × 20 matrix and the length of AA in the inputted protein sequence is different; therefore, PSSM matrics with different length need to transform into the same dimension using the following Equations (3) and (4):
(3) |
(4) |
where is the average score of each target protein. Here, only the score of the AA residue of the -th position being substituted by the -th AA residue not considers any sequence information of target protein sequence. To overcome the limitation, PsePSSM is used in this study. Therefore, the full form of feature extraction produce is:
= [] (5)
(6)where indicates the correlation factor. Finally, a PsePSSM can be expressed from a protein sequence and creates a dimensional feature vector.
(7) |
This PsePSSM can able to generate a uniform dimensional vector from different lengths of protein sequences in the dataset after extracting features. Here, we set after performing the optimization function for each training set by fivefold CV. Therefore, a dimensional feature vector was generated from a protein sequence.
Pseudo AA composition (PseAAC)
To consider the order information of protein sequence, Chou [66] introduced a method called PseAAC to extract the features. It can represent AAC information and AA order information both. This method is widely utilized in bioinformatics research, including protein–protein interaction and DTI [67–69] prediction and so on. The following formula can express the features of PseAAC:
(8) |
where is the length of the given protein sequence. Each of the components is shown as follows:
(9) |
where represents a feature vector and indicates the weight factor with a value of 0.05. represents the frequency at -th AA in the protein sequence. We can see from Equation (9) that the first 20 is the frequency of occurrence in protein sequence, and is the sequence-related factors that reveal different stages of AA sequence information. It’s obtained via the physicochemical properties of AA. In this study, the ranges of the parameter are from 0 to 50. Based on the model accuracy of prediction results, the optimal parameters can be determined from different parameters setting.
Dipeptide composition
Dipeptide composition (DC) extracts and calculates the frequency of two consecutive AA residues from protein sequence [70]. The sequence encoding technique removes different features involving -th contiguous AA residues of target protein sequences and computes the occurrences in the sequences. Compared with the AAC, DC considers the coupler effect among adjacent residues; therefore, DC represents not only AA composition information but also the full sequence information of AA. So, DC is one of the best feature extraction techniques and generally generates a 400-dimension feature vector.
(10) |
where ) represents residue probability, defined as:
(11) |
where represents residue number and indicates all possible residue number. For this technique, we used the PyBioMed package [71] to encode protein features where each sequence generates 400 features.
Data balancing technique
As mentioned earlier, our experimental drug–target datasets are highly imbalanced. If such datasets are considered to train the classifier, the model could fail to show accurate prediction performances. Therefore, different data sampling techniques have been utilized in the literature to balance the imbalanced dataset, such as SMOTE [26,72], cluster under sampling [47,73] and random under-sampling [35,74,75]. In this study, we develop a new algorithm based on the concept of random under-sampling technique to overcome the imbalanced problem in the datasets. This algorithm input is imbalance data (minority class samples and majority class samples), and after processing, we will get balanced data as final data. The number of input class samples and features/attributes are diffident for four datasets. Because we constructed three individual drug–target feature groups to evaluate the effect of different features on the model. Therefore, a drug features group is combined with three target feature groups and formed complete drug–target feature groups. The first feature group, namely, MACCS + PsePSSM, achieves 386 features, and other groups, namely, MACCS + PseAAC and MACCS + DC, achieves 206 and 566 features, respectively.
Algorithm 1: Fast Under Sampling- FastUS |
1. ← number of minority class samples |
2: ← number of majority class samples |
3: μ ← number of attributes |
4: ← Majority class Samples |
5: ← Minority class Samples |
6: if μ > threshold then // threshold value depends on the attributes/features |
7: ← () // Multi kernel classifier |
8: else |
9: ← () // Single kernel classifier |
10: end if |
11: ← {} |
12: for each do |
13: ← model.predict |
14: ← |
15: index ← .index |
16: ← ∪ {, index} |
17: end for |
18: ← sort(, ) |
19: ← |
20: = {} |
21: for each index do |
22: = ∪ MA[index] |
23: end for |
24: = ∪ MI |
Assume, there are minority data samples and majority of data samples in the drug–target datasets. Here, we trained an SVM classifier (multi-kernel or single kernel, decided based on the value of a predefined threshold) to learn the values of features of minority samples, and after that, we apply the same classifier to attain the features from the majority of data samples. The threshold value depends on the attributes/features of the datasets. If the number of input features is high, we have fitted the minority samples using a multi-kernel classifier; otherwise, we fitted those with a single kernel classifier. Then Euclidean distance calculates from the predicted and the value of the real features. From the list, we keep these Euclidean distances mapped values by the corresponding majority class samples’ indices. Then we arrange the list in descending order using calculated Euclidean distance values. Firstly, we choose samples from the sorted list. The final data build the combination of class from the original experimental dataset and majority class nominated by the proposed method. Therefore, effectively, we select those data samples from the majority class, which are out of the way in terms of Euclidean distance from the predicted values. Said differently, our proposed under-sampling technique generally removes the majority data samples, which are similar to the minority class samples, and retains the majority class samples that are located further from the minority class samples. Hence the decision limit becomes more defined along with the resulting balanced dataset becomes more dividable. However, we need to mention that Algorithm 1 performs effectively when there is no overlap between data points.
Feature selection technique
The dimension of the drug–target features is huge, and the amount of samples is not larger than the size of the features, which is called the feature dimensionality problem [76] and may reason for overfitting results. Therefore, a modified feature selection algorithm, called MoIFS, was developed and implemented based on the theory of incremental feature selection (IFS) technique [77] to obtain optimal features or feature subset for helping in DR. Here, the incremental function expedites the feature selection process when features are enormous and can scale up without compromising the quality of drug-target features.
Algorithm 2: Modified Incremental Feature Selection (MoIFS) |
Input: The list of ranked features {} and the start position , The consecutive decreasing cutoff id |
1: Begin |
2: =1 |
3: = |
4: =0 |
5: While <=; |
6: if Accuracy() > Accurancy( ∪ {}): |
7: = ∪ {} |
8: + = 1 |
9: else |
10: = |
11: =0 |
12: Return |
13: End |
The IFS technique is reformed to have a starting point and sequential performance, reducing cutoff , which is indicated as algorithm. Suppose experimental datasets contain features and samples in a binary classification problem. Based on the association's significance, the drug–target features are represented as binary class labels. Here, these features are calculated by the statistical significance values of the -test [78]. Features are indicated as ∈ {1,2,3 … n}, according to their probabilistic rank’s values. Our algorithm can successively add elements/values to the feature subset until the accuracy of classification decreases consecutively times. The step by step pseudo-code of Algorithm 2 is shown as follows.
LightGBM classifier
LightGBM is one of the new and powerful algorithms in the ML area. It’s a gradient boosting [79] framework Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) that uses a decision tree algorithm for learning. If a training data , where represents the data samples, and represents the class labels. In GBDT, the uses to indicate the estimated function and the optimization function of GBDT minimizes the expected value of some specified loss function
(12) |
To reduce the loss function, the iterative criterion used a line search option in GBDT.
(13) |
where = arg , represents the iteration number and is the base decision tree.
If the experimental datasets are large and enormous features, GBDT algorithms cannot achieve satisfactory accuracy and efficiency. This ensemble algorithm's main cost is to find the best split points during the learning of decision trees. Later, Ke et al. [80] introduced an effective gradient boosting algorithm called LightGBM using GOSS (gradient-based one-side sampling) and EFB (exclusive feature bundling). In our approach, LightGBM applies GOSS to control the split through computing variance gain. First, rank the gradient values in descending order of the training samples, and top data samples of larger gradient values are nominated to get a sample subset . Then rest of the set containing samples with smaller gradients. After that, a subset with size is further randomly sampled. Lastly, we split the samples based on the variance gain over the .
(d) = (14)
where , is the negative gradient and represents the sum of gradients.
LightGBM has an exclusive function to skip unnecessary calculation for 0 (zero) feature values. Our algorithm can able to optimize the histogram technique to ignore the 0 (zero) feature values. However, we add the optimization in LightGBM as a simple function because this process requires extra computation cost and memory to manage the feature tables in the tree growth procedure. In conclusion, LightGBM is a robust implementation of GBDT with EFB and GOSS to increase model efficiency without losing accuracy. GOSS helps to split the optimal node by computing variance gain, and EFB supports the training process of GBDT by removing zero features. Most importantly, LightGBM is an ensemble-based approach. Based on Equation (13), we can get the LightGBM model by weighted combination scheme.
(15) |
where is the maximum number of iteration and indicates the base decision tree. The implementation code of LightGBM is available at https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM. It follows the histogram-based concept and places continuous values into discrete bins responsible for quicker model training and more effective memory usage. Other boosting algorithms grow trees horizontally, LightGBM grows tree vertically that means it grows tree leaf-wise while other algorithms grow level-wise. It contains complex trees by following leaf-wise split technique instead of a level-wise technique, which is the key reason in attaining the best accuracy. However, it can occasionally lead to model overfitting, which can be avoided by setting the max_depth parameter. Moreover, LightGBM offers over 100 parameters, and it is also supporting optimization in parallel learning to compatibility with large datasets.
Prediction assessment
In this study, the performance of the proposed model is evaluated by a 5-fold CV test to construct an effective prediction framework. Our drug–target datasets were roughly separated into five subsets by 5-fold CV validation test. One set was selected from 5 sets as the test set, and the remaining four were considered as the training set, and this process (cross-validation) was repeated 5 times. After averaging the five validation results, the final results are generated from drug-target datasets. To evaluate the impact of resampling methods on CV results, two types of analyses were performed. In the correct CV, the dataset was first split into k folds, the sampling method (under sampling-FastUS) was applied to the training set constituted of the k – 1-fold, and a reduced training set was obtained. In the incorrect CV, different sampling techniques were first applied to the entire dataset (before CV), and CV was applied to the undersampled data. In this research, we applied the first approach to balance the dataset because applying the balancing method before using the cross-fold validation iterations may lead to biased results. For our feature selection technique (MoIFS), cross-validation is done in each fold as same as the data balancing method (FastUS). In each round of CV, the training and testing samples are changed; therefore, it is needed to find the suitable parameters for MoIFS and classifiers based on new samples. We used the following evaluation metrics to intuitively calculate the performance of the proposed model: accuracy (ACC), sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) and F1 Score.
(16) |
(17) |
(18) |
(19) |
(20) |
where TP, FP, TN and FN respectively represent the number of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives. Moreover, we use AUC (area under the curve) to measure the generalization performance of our model. Our model is developed using python language (3.6 version) on Pytorch and scikit-learn library and running on Windows Server PC with system configuration 2.30 GHz Intel Xeon Gold 6140 processor and 128 GB of RAM.
Results and discussion
In this section, we describe the experimental results of our proposed method for detecting new DTIs. We implemented all the techniques, i.e. features extraction, data balancing, classifiers of the proposed model in Python language (Python 3.6 version) using Scikit-learn library, ChemoPy library and LightGBM python package. All the experimental implantations were performed on a high-performance computer with a processor 2.30 GHz Intel Xeon Gold 6140 CPU and 256 GB RAM provided by the Computational Intelligence Lab, UESTC.
Selection of parameter of PseAAC and PsePSSM
Selecting the appropriate parameters of the feature extraction techniques plays a crucial role in constructing a prediction model. When applying the PseAAC and PsePSSM method to extract features from the protein sequence, both selection parameters and have a significant effect on the prediction performance of the feature extraction. Here, represents the protein sequence information (order information of the amino acid), and represents nothe protein sequence information and contains the protein evolutionary information. Most importantly, if we select the big values of and , the protein dimension will be high, which can generate redundant features and affect the prediction task. Conversely, if those parameters’ values are too small, the techniques can produce too little protein information, leading to erroneous results.
To find the best value of parameter in the prediction model, we set to a range of values is 0 to 21. For different values, the LightGBM is applied as a classifier for the prediction task. The 5-fold-CV technique is used to test the model, and the average prediction results are obtained, as listed in Table 3. Moreover, we choose the value of to be 1 to 20 to find the optimal parameters of the prediction model. Similarly, the same classifier and validation technique is used to obtain the prediction performances of the drug-target data, as listed in Table 4. The prediction AUC and ACC value of the model with different changing values are shown in Table 3. When, the AUC and ACC value reached the average 0.9434 and 0.8404, respectively. When compared with , the prediction AUC and ACC were improved by 21.65% and 19.30%, respectively. At , and , the prediction AUC and ACC value decreased, but at , the AUC and ACC started to increase. Therefore, is nominated as the best value of the feature parameter. Because, when , the predicted values start to decrease. By PseAAC technique, each protein sequence can get = 20 + 20 = 40 feature vector.
Table 3.
AUC | 0.7345 | 0.8256 | 0.8756 | 0.8745 | 0.8976 | 0.8867 | 0.9045 |
ACC | 0.7102 | 0.7356 | 0.7798 | 0.7865 | 0.8067 | 0.7867 | 0.8105 |
AUC | 0.8999 | 0.9260 | 0.9156 | 0.9104 | 0.8978 | 0.9301 | 0.9381 |
ACC | 0.8065 | 0.8253 | 0.8205 | 0.8035 | 0.8029 | 0.8288 | 0.8439 |
AUC | 0.9345 | 0.9385 | 0.9434 | 0.9325 | 0.9330 | 0.9510 | 0.9428 |
ACC | 0.8368 | 0.8450 | 0.8404 | 0.8299 | 0.8395 | 0.9032 | 0.8478 |
Table 4.
AUC | 0.8845 | 0.9023 | 0.9087 | 0.9067 | 0.9167 | 0.9254 | 0.9180 | 0.9279 | 0.9199 | 0.9289 |
ACC | 0.8615 | 0.8708 | 0.8803 | 0.8788 | 0.8801 | 0.8875 | 0.8840 | 0.8908 | 0.8898 | 0.8876 |
1 | 2 | |||||||||
AUC | 0.9208 | 0.9312 | 0.9330 | 0.9223 | 0.9376 | 0.9289 | 0.9387 | 0.9456 | 0.9489 | 0.9656 |
ACC | 0.8889 | 0.8980 | 0.8976 | 0.8972 | 0.8999 | 0.8982 | 0.9056 | 0.9089 | 0.9096 | 0.9264 |
We can see from Table 4, by changing the value of parameter , the AUC and ACC value in the drug-target training data also changes. When the parameter, the AUC value reaches a maximum of 0.9656. Among them, comparing and , AUC and ACC are 8.11% and 6.49% higher, respectively. At and , AUC and ACC decreased, but the overall performance is rising. Here, the parameter is better than , and AUC and ACC are increased by 1.67% and 1.68%, respectively. In this study, the best value is nominated for the model. Each target sequence produces a feature vector by using the PsePSSM technique.
The effect of multiple feature extraction
Using perfect mathematical models (feature extraction techniques) to describe and implement it is essential for DTIs research to extract appropriate features from drug chemical structures and protein sequences. In this study, the model is trained by four feature extraction techniques, such as MACCS, PseAAC, PsePSSM and DC. PseAAC is a sequence information-based feature technique that represents information regarding amino acid (AA) sequence order and length of a protein sequence. PsePSSM contains evolutionary information of protein sequence, and DC calculates the frequency of the AA and the frequency of the AA pair. PseAAC, PsePSSM and DC are utilized to generate the protein feature vectors of 40, 220 and 400 dimensions, respectively. The four types of features are provided in the LightGBM classifier for predicting DTIs, and the performance results of feature extraction methods are listed in Table 5. Moreover, we use the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve to represent and compare the performances of the model with various features. Figure 3a–d is the ROC curve generated from the DrugBank datasets under three feature extraction techniques.
Table 5.
Datasets | Features | AUC | ACC |
EN | MACCS + PsePSSM | 0.9656 | 0.9264 |
MACCS + PseAAC | 0.9510 | 0.9032 | |
MACCS + DC | 0.9434 | 0.8939 | |
IC | MACCS + PsePSSM | 0.9612 | 0.9150 |
MACCS + PseAAC | 0.9410 | 0.8859 | |
MACCS + DC | 0.9323 | 0.8737 | |
GPCR | MACCS + PsePSSM | 0.9249 | 0.8629 |
MACCS + PseAAC | 0.9134 | 0.8522 | |
MACCS + DC | 0.8823 | 0.8306 | |
NR | MACCS + PsePSSM | 0.8652 | 0.8653 |
MACCS + PseAAC | 0.8445 | 0.8189 | |
MACCS + DC | 0.8350 | 0.8076 |
We can see from Table 5 that the AUC values of different feature extraction algorithms are also different. For the Enzyme dataset, the model used the MACCS+PsePSSM, MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC features to attain AUC of 0.9656, 0.9510 and 0.9434, respectively. The ACC values of MACCS+PsePSSM, MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC are 0.9264, 0.9032 and 0.8939, respectively. The highest AUC and ACC values were achieved by the MACCS+PsePSSM feature. For the Enzyme dataset, MACCS+PsePSSM gain more comprehensive features from protein sequence, which helps identify DTIs, and the performance results are better than the other two feature extraction techniques. In the case of IC, GPCR and NR datasets, the AUC and ACC values for individual feature groups are also listed in Table 5. Figure 3 shows that the ROC curves of different feature extraction techniques show different coverage areas; the ROC curve using the MACCS+PsePSSM feature covers the largest area, which is significantly higher than the other techniques.
For all the datasets, the MACCS+PsePSSM feature achieved higher prediction performance than MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC. From Table 5, we can see that the features MACCS+PsePSSM, MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC obtained the best performances for EN dataset, followed by IC, GPCR and NR. Most importantly, NR shoed the most unrhymed prediction performance for three feature where MACCS+PsePSSM received a little higher performance than the MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC. Moreover, EN dataset attains the most top results for the DTI features. In contrast, the predictive model achieved the highest AUC of 0.9656 for MACCS+PsePSSM, representing the impact of a protein's evolutionary-based information and structural properties. The MACCS+PsePSSM features also show almost the same performance results for EN and IC. This study’s main goal is to compare and examine the effectiveness of different features and determine the most useful feature from the benchmark dataset. Our experiments disclose that MACCS+PsePSSM features more information and shows a significant role in predicting DTIs than MACCS+PseAAC and MACCS+DC feature descriptors.
The effectiveness of the data balancing techniques
The imbalanced dataset can be responsible for the biased results. In this study, drug–target dataset is a severe imbalance. The number of known DTI (positive samples) is significantly smaller than that of unknown DTI (negative samples), which is the cause of the reduced performance results of the prediction model. To balance the datasets and improve the ability of the model, we used the FastUS technique as a balancing method with the LightGBM classifier. Here, the model compares the balanced and unbalanced datasets to evaluate the efficiency of the FastUS technique with LightGBM classifier, the experimental results shown in Table 6.
Table 6.
Datasets | Sampling method | Evaluation metrics | |||||
AUC | ACC | SEN | SPE | MCC | F1 | ||
EN | Without resampling | 0.9412 | 0.9067 | 0.9245 | 0.8578 | 0.8289 | 0.9235 |
With FastUS | 0.9656 | 0.9264 | 0.9456 | 0.9323 | 0.8987 | 0.9347 | |
IC | Without resampling | 0.9200 | 0.8989 | 0.9056 | 0.8567 | 0.7890 | 0.9056 |
With FastUS | 0.9612 | 0.9150 | 0.9078 | 0.9234 | 0.8456 | 0.9134 | |
GPCR | Without resampling | 0.8745 | 0.8590 | 0.8765 | 0.7689 | 0.6990 | 0.8800 |
With FastUS | 0.9249 | 0.8629 | 0.8789 | 0.8765 | 0.7823 | 0.8957 | |
NR | Without resampling | 0.8353 | 0.8256 | 0.9089 | 0.7289 | 0.7012 | 0.8901 |
With FastUS | 0.8652 | 0.8653 | 0.8767 | 0.8976 | 0.8234 | 0.8845 |
We can see from Table 6 that the model obtains different prediction performances on a balanced (With FastUS) and unbalanced (Without Resampling) dataset. The results show significant advantages on the AUC, ACC, SEN, SPE, MCC and F1 evaluation index after applying the FastUS algorithm. On the unbalanced distribution (Without Resampling), the number of positive instances and negative instances are 2926 and 292 554 (as an example for EN dataset); respectively, the positive instances is less than the negative instances. Using the EN dataset, the MODEL obtained AUC values of 0.9656 for balanced data, 0.9412, for unbalanced data. In the case of the IC dataset, the MODEL achieved AUC values of 0.9612 and 0.9200, for balanced and unbalanced data, respectively. For the GPCR dataset, MODEL yielded an AUC of 0.9249 for balanced, 0.8745 for unbalanced data. Similarly, AUC values of MODEL using NR data are 0.8652for balanced, 0.8353 for unbalanced. In conjunction with balanced and unbalanced data, additional performance metrics, including ACC, SPE, MCC and F1 of the MODEL, are mentioned in Table 6. In the case of EN, the prediction results of ACC, SEN, SPE, MCC and F1 on balanced data are 0.9264, 0.9456, 0.9323, 0.8987 and 0.9347, which are 1.99%, 2.11%, 7.45% 6.98% and 1.12% higher than unbalanced, respectively. It shows that the FastUS technique can obtain a comparatively effective performance. In the case of IC, GPCR and NR datasets, the ACC, SEN, SPE, MCC and F1 results for balanced and unbalanced data are also shown in Table 6. In Figure 4a–d, the ROC curves of data balancing techniques show different coverage areas, the ROC curve using FastUS covers the largest area, which is higher than the without resampling techniques.
It can summarize few clarifications from the above discussion: Firstly, the balanced dataset with FastUS significantly outperforms the unbalanced dataset in the case of ROC curves. Secondly, the performance of the LightGBM classifier has been improved after utilizing the FastUS. More specifically, the results significantly improve for all four datasets on the SPE and MCC metrics, which has worse results for unbalanced data, especially for the NR dataset. Thirdly, FastUS is the effective method for this paper to identify DTIs, since it boosts the prediction ability and reduces the model biasness for drug–target datasets.
The influence of feature selection techniques
Feature selection is an essential technique for selecting optimal feature subset in the area of pattern recognition and data processing. It is a combinatorial optimization problem that can increase the prediction ability of the predictive model. Different feature selection techniques have been extensively applied with drug–target datasets in recent studies. Generally the feature selection algorithm assesses feature subsets of drug–target based on the classification algorithm. It provides individual fitness levels and evaluation indicators based on prediction accuracy, to successfully eliminate redundant information in drug-protein features and extract the data for each protein. The experimental results of the drug-target dataset with various feature dimensions are listed in Table 7.
Table 7.
Number of Features | AUC | ACC |
826 | 0.9605 | 0.9098 |
756 | 0.9479 | 0.9077 |
669 | 0.9486 | 0.9178 |
605 | 0.9656 | 0.9264 |
550 | 0.9477 | 0.9056 |
402 | 0.9372 | 0.8934 |
378 | 0.9331 | 0.9056 |
311 | 0.9513 | 0.9023 |
255 | 0.9451 | 0.8967 |
201 | 0.9522 | 0.9034 |
153 | 0.9342 | 0.8812 |
112 | 0.9352 | 0.8867 |
50 | 0.9224 | 0.8745 |
We can see from Table 7; best prediction effect can’t get with our dataset when considering full drug–target features. Therefore, it’s better to remove some features from the experimental datasets. Moreover, the AUC and ACC scores of the 201 features, 311 features and 826 features are lightly better than the beginning 50 features. Most essential indicators AUC and ACC show advantages result for the 605 features. In the case of AUC, the performance of 605 features is 1.34% high than the 201 features, 1.43% high than the 311features and 0.51% high than the 826 features. In the case of ACC, the ACC of the 605 features are 2.30%, 2.41% and 1.66% higher than the 201,311 and 826 features. For our experiments, 605 selected features are the optimal dimension by the MoIFS algorithm.
Moreover, to verify the effectiveness of the MoIFS, we compare the prediction performance of MoIFS with other feature selection techniques such as GA [50], PCA [81,82] and Relief [51] under the 826 dimension feature. The prediction result of these three algorithms is shown in Table 8. The best feature dimensions selected by GA, PCA, Relief and MoIFS are 456, 635, 546 and 605, respectively, where AUC values of the prediction model are different. The AUC of 605 for MoIFS is 0.9656, which is 5.55%, 5.22% and 3.41% higher than the GA, PCA and Relief. We can see all the feature selection algorithms can’t show the improved results for drug–target datasets, and the MoIFS is a suitable algorithm here. In Figure 5, the ROC curves show the comparison of the robustness of three different feature selection methods where coverage area by the MoIFS is also the largest. Therefore, MoIFS can use this study to reduce the features effectively, improve the prediction performance and reduce the experimental cost.
Table 8.
Algorithm | Features | Evaluation metrics | |||||
AUC | ACC | SEN | SPE | MCC | F1 | ||
GA | 456 | 0.9101 | 0.8765 | 0.8765 | 0.8543 | 0.8587 | 0.8798 |
PCA | 635 | 0.9134 | 0.8827 | 0.8976 | 0.8654 | 0.8478 | 0.8876 |
Relief | 546 | 0.9315 | 0.9024 | 0.9178 | 0.8933 | 0.8756 | 0.9056 |
MoIFS | 605 | 0.9656 | 0.9264 | 0.9456 | 0.9323 | 0.8987 | 0.9347 |
Selection of model classifier
This study focuses on four classifiers: Random Forest (RF) [83], SVM [84], XGBoost [33] and LightGBM [80]. Here, RF applies 200 trees, and the iterations number of XGBoost is 20. The prediction performances for four classifiers are tested under the cross-validation test, the results of the predictive model shown in Table 9. To make a clear comparison of prediction effects, the results graph of the EN dataset shows in Figure 6. After analyzing the prediction results of the DT dataset from Table 9 that the highest results of AUC, ACC, SEN, SPE, MCC and F1 obtained by the LightGBM algorithm are 0.9656, 0.9264, 0.9456, 0.9323, 0.8987 and 0.9347, respectively. The overall prediction ACC of RF, SVM, XGBoost and LightGBM is 0.8289, 0.8756, 0.9167 and 0.9264, respectively. LightGBM ACC is 0.90%, 5.07% 9.07% higher than that attained by XGBoost, SVM and RF classifiers. The SPE of the LightGBM classifier is 1.89%, 5.79% and 11.89% higher than the XGBoost, SVM and RF classifiers, respectively.
Table 9.
Algorithm | Evaluation metrics | |||||
AUC | ACC | SEN | SPE | MCC | F1 | |
RF | 0.8749 | 0.8289 | 0.8345 | 0.8134 | 0.7999 | 0.8134 |
SVM | 0.9149 | 0.8756 | 0.8834 | 0.8744 | 0.8467 | 0.8751 |
XGBoost | 0.9546 | 0.9167 | 0.9312 | 0.9134 | 0.8876 | 0.9199 |
LightGBM | 0.9656 | 0.9264 | 0.9456 | 0.9323 | 0.8987 | 0.9347 |
Figure 6 displays the bar graph of the EN data for four classifiers. We can see from Figure 6 that the prediction values found by the LightGBM classifier have the best AUC score of 0.9656, which is 1.10%, 5.07% and 8.749% higher than that of the XGBoost, SVM and RF classifiers, respectively. Through comparing the bar graph, AUC, ACC, SEN, SPE, MCC and F1 values of four classifiers on the drug–target data, robust performances with generalization ability is considered for a classifier to construct our model. Here, the RF classifier is practical and straightforward, but the results generated by this classifier are relatively weak because of the larger calculation amount. SVM and XGBoost are tree-based classifiers, but there are still some challenges in the prediction task. The prediction performance of the LightGBM classifier is superior to the other three classifiers. Therefore, we select the LightGBM classifier as a classification algorithm for this study.
Comparison with other methods
As mentioned earlier, different feature extraction, feature selection, data balancing and classifiers have been used for detecting interactions between a drug and target protein. To compare the effectiveness of our method, we consider five drug–target methods under the AUC values for the same datasets. Here, those existing methods also utilized 5-fold CV as a key performance metric for four datasets. Our model has compared with that of Huang et al. [85], Mousavian et al. [35], Li et al. [41], Wang et al. [59] and Meng et al. [86] under the AUC values. They made the negative samples with the same size as the positive sample datasets using random sampling techniques to solve the imbalance problem. The AUC values of the five methods with our proposed method are reported in Table 10, where it can be seen that the AUC values of PreDTIs are significantly higher than the six exiting methods.
Table 10.
Here, Huang et al. [85] used the extremely randomized tree (ER-Tree) algorithm as a classifier where Pseudo-SMR and fingerprint descriptor are applied to represent the biological evolutionary information and molecular substructure information of drug-target. The results show that this method achieves a prediction AUC of 0.9040, 0.8510, 0.8990 and 0.8430, respectively. To investigate the influence of a negative selection scheme on the prediction performance, Mousavian et al. [35] developed an SVM-based model with Bigram-PSSM model and Fingerprints methods for predicting DTIs. This method’s average AUC values on four datasets are 0.9480, 0.8890, 0.8720 and 0.8690, respectively. Li et al. [41] introduced a DVM classifier using highly discriminative information of DTIs. The evolutionary information is retained from PSSM, and then the LBP technique is utilized to compute the LBP histogram descriptor. Wang et al. [59] proposed an ML framework for identifying DTIs from drug chemical information and protein sequence using a deep-stacked autoencoder, which can effectively generate raw information. This proposed framework shows some advantages that it can attain the hidden data from target sequences and extract representative features through multiple layers iterations. The prediction results of AUC on data are 0.9425, 0.9107, 0.8743 and 0.8176. Meng et al. [86] introduced a method, namely PDTPS to detect DTIs. This approach combines PSSM, BIGP and PCA with RVM. This approach achieved an average accuracy of 97.73%, 93.12%, 86.78% and 87.78% on EN, IC, GPCR and NR, respectively.
Average AUC values of PreDTIs on EN, IC, GPCR and NR are 0.9656, 0.9612, 0.9249 and 0.8652, respectively. We see that PreDTIs significantly outperformed the exiting approaches in terms of the AUC metric. However, Meng et al. [86] achieved little better results than us for EN and NR datasets. Our method’s high prediction performance effectively features extraction techniques that extract more discriminative features for molecules and proteins. Furthermore, our balancing method perfectly manages the imbalance problem in the datasets, and feature selection techniques reduce the unwanted features, which also the main reason for better performance by the LightGBM classifier, indicating better performance for identifying the new DTIs.
New DTIs prediction
After investigating our predicted drug-target pairs, the PreDTIs model only does not attain the high probability scores in terms of the AUC metric but also predicted interactions are biologically realistic. It is important to remember that the interacted datasets used in this study were collected from few years old databases. Most importantly, those interacted datasets still exist and unchanged; therefore, we can verify our newly predicted drug-target pair with an updated version of the database. Meanwhile, many new interactions have been discovered by the wet-lab experiments and stored those interactions in the updated version of databases such as DrugBank [11], ChEMBL [10] and KEGG [87].
The model is trained using four benchmark datasets, and the non-interacting pairs are labeled based on their prediction probability. After training, our model could predict new interactions from non-interacting samples. We selected only the top new pairs that achieved the highest prediction probability and listed in Supplementary Tables 1–4. The predicted pairs, which are achieved at least 82% prediction probability by our model, can be considered correct predictions and found in the existing databases. Here, the current version of KEGG and DrugBank as of 7 June 2020 is considered to search and verify our interactions.
In particular, we investigated one target protein, Prothrombin (P00734). Figure 7 shows the top predicted for Prothrombin. In our experiments, Prothrombin has a total of 30 predicting drugs with our method, and seven were effectively identified as presented in Figure 7. The unconfirmed predictions might be correct after investigating their possibility. These experimental results disclose that our PreDTIs approach could also be utilized to predict the new drugs for severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2), indicating the proposed techniques are more practical in real applications.
Discover new drugs to treat COVID-19 patients
Coronavirus disease is a critical health challenge across the world since December 2019. Until now, 14 450 472 cases, with 605 587 confirmed deaths, have been reported in 215 countries. The confirmed COVID-19 cases are quickly spreading, and the incidence rate is growing worldwide. Peoples affect by this virus, and there is no vaccine in the globe yet for treatment against this virus. Therefore, there is a serious need to find effective anti-COVID-19 agents for the prevention of the epidemic and control viral infections. Drug repurposing of antiviral molecules is a strategy employed in COVID-19 treatment, representing a valid alternative of the vaccine in this short period. Most of the existing drugs are used for repurposing in the treatment of the COVID-19, and the medical community knows their therapy and toxicity information in humans. Recently, several drugs are selected, which shows promising inhibitors against COVID 19 protease. There are some molecular docking (computational methods)-based methods that have been applied to FDA-approved drugs or antiviral drugs to identify useful molecules on viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2. But ML [88] based method can be a helpful tool. In this section, we propose to use our PreDTIs (ML-based DTI) model to identify the most potent drugs against SARS-CoV-2. A step by step of DTI-COVID-19 framework is illustrated in Figure 8, and the details information about this method described as follows:
Data collection and analysis of SARS-CoV-2: Specimens will be collected from humans. Upper respiratory specimens and lower respiratory specimens need to collect as a respiratory material. If required, other clinical specimens such as blood and stool also can be collected from the patients. During this process, the medical staff should well be trained with enough Standard Operating Procedures for collecting an appropriate specimen from the human body. After that, these collected samples should reach the testing laboratory as early as possible and can be shipped and stored at 2–8°C. The virus analyzer machine will process the specimens and gene expression analysis done to get virus protein sequences.
Drug and protein datasets collection: FDA-approved drugs or antiviral drugs can be selected as experimental drugs from the DrugBank database, which contains detailed information of drugs compound, and the protein of SARS-CoV-2 can be collected from the NCBI database. There is a specific link (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/) for SARS-CoV-2 where protein sequence can be collected for experiments purposes.
Features generation: There are various types of techniques to extract protein sequences and drug chemical structures to represent them into a numerical form such as PubChem fingerprint, MACCS fingerprint, PsePSSM, PseAAC, PSSM-Bigram, etc. The model can choose any of the techniques for the processing of its structure and sequence.
Applied diffident techniques on datasets: If the experimental datasets are imbalanced ith huge features, then data balancing and feature selection can be applied on the datasets to handle the balance issue and reduce the drug-protein features. Finally, the ML classifier could be applied to the dataset for prediction propose.
Find effective drug–protein pairs: Different statistical and ML techniques such as Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman’s correlation coefficient and prediction probability can be used to determine the active pairs from the datasets.
Suggest drugs for COVID-19: Based on the correlation coefficient and prediction probability scores, the model can show the best drugs against COVID-19.
Our proposed method has effectively ranked drug-target pairs and suggests new drugs for exiting proteins. This research’s main contribution is to develop a balancing algorithm and feature selection algorithm to handle the class-imbalanced and manage the high dimensionality of data. Moreover, boosting help in adding diversity for the multi-features and improves the prediction performance. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing methods. Most importantly, we can clearly see that the model’s performance is degraded when the balancing technique is not performed. Besides, there is a significant gain in performance when the proposed DR algorithm is applied in the dataset. Our proposed method is benefitted more by MoIFS in comparison to GA, PCA and Relief. But, the running time of MoIFS is quite high on the EN dataset, our proposed approach's main complexity.
Further, to check the method’s ability, we investigated one target protein, prothrombin (P00734), and found a total of 30 (top 7 is shown in Figure 7) predicting drugs. These results indicate that our PreDTIs approach could also be utilized to predict the new drugs for SARS-CoV-2, indicating the proposed techniques are more practical in real applications. Further, new and missing DTIs were identified using our framework. To verify the model efficiency, some known (positive) DTIs were removed from the benchmark data, and their DTIs were recalculated to verify the model accuracy. The results disclose that similar structures of compounds tend to interact with similar types of targets.
With the massive expansion of the era of big data, protein sequence and drug chemical structure data are increasing rapidly in different biological databases. Therefore, ML has become an effective strategy to predict the DTIs. In this article, we present a new ML-based method PreDTIs to predict DTIs. This model is developed by fusing different types of drug and target features with the LightGBM classifier. The key challenges of DTIs prediction include: (1) fully extracting the critical features of drug and protein; (2) the problem of imbalance data and (3) feature dimensionality in the dataset. First, PsePSSM, PseAAC, DC and MACCS fingerprint are employed to extract the evolutionary, sequence, and structural information of the target and drug features to identify DTIs. The imbalance data is a common problem in the biological datasets; therefore, we proposed a balancing algorithm based on the concept of random under-sampling techniques, which helps in handling the data-imbalance issue and minimizes the prediction biasness. Most of the related exiting works didn’t consider the imbalanced data problem effectively while developing a prediction model. Moreover, we developed a feature selection algorithm to reduce the dimension of the drug–target features to retain the optimal set of features effectively and make the prediction process flexible. This algorithm shows a perfect mechanism to enhance prediction performances for predicting DTIs. Finally, balanced data and optimal features are provided into the LightGBM Classifier to predict unknown DTIs. The 5-fold CV validation is used to evaluate the predictive performance of the proposed method. The prediction results show that the proposed method has improved performance compared with other related existing methods using the same dataset. We believe our method not only useful for the prediction of DTIs but also a robust application in a relevant area such as molecular biology, bioinformatics and proteomics. Here, too, we show how to use our PreDTIs (ML approach) model to identify the most potent drugs against SARS-CoV-2. In the future, we have a plan to consider SARS-CoV-2 datasets for experiments and use a deep learning-based algorithm as a classifier to speed up the model performance in discovering new drugs for COVID-19. The current version of our proposed method is suitable for both the gold standard and DrugBank dataset, but not for heterogeneous data sources. There is a chance to face some core challenges for our model with heterogeneous data because (i) there will be missing information as not all kinds of data will be available for all the targets and drugs and their interactions; (ii) the heterogeneous data sources are not all of the same quality, and data volume can be relatively huge.
Fortunately, with the accumulation of a large amount of health data and the development of ML methods, our algorithm can predict drug-disease treatment associations to minimize the effort and cost. A drug that can interact with multiple target proteins is a pretty common scenario; therefore, it is important to consider the drug repositioning concept to identify treatments for novel diseases. We can provide an example of the drug Gleevec (STI-571 or Imatinib Mesylate), which was initially bound with the fusion gene BCR-ABL associated with blood cancer disease leukemia; later, Gleevec was also bound with KIT and Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), it has led to a revolution in the therapeutic approach to gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Many existing drugs may expect to bind with unknown targets for treating novel diseases using our proposed algorithm.
Symbol/Notation Description
Majority Samples in the datasets
Minority Samples in the datasets
μ Number of attributes
A single kernel is trained
Multiple kernels are trained
Prediction by model
Distance samples array
A Sort list to store the majority samples and distance samples
Selected indices from the minority samples
A final data output frame
Feature subset
Best features from imputed features
Decrease Times
Next feature of all features
Key Points
A new computational model predicts unknown DTIs using protein sequences and drug chemical structures to suggest new drugs for known targets and find new targets for current drugs.
In the feature extraction stage, generated drug-target features can represent us to their discriminatory nature for patterns related to evolutionary, sequence and structural information that helps predict new DTIs interactions even more effective.
Imbalanced datasets can lead to losing the model's ability to give accurate decisions where the prediction generally occurs based on the majority class and completely omits the minority class. The proposed FastUS algorithm solves the class imbalance problem in the drug-target datasets.
High dimensionality features may cause model overfitting. The proposed algorithm MoIFS can help obtain the optimal features based on the theory of IFS where features are enormous and able to scale up without compromising the quality of drug–target features.
The model achieves the best prediction performance and can suggest potential DTIs, even the effective drug candidates against COVID-19.
Supplementary Material
Wenyu Chen, PhD, Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL), School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China.
S. M. Hasan Mahmud received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China. Since 2013, he has been serving as a Faculty Member with the Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. He has published several conference and journal papers. His research interests include machine learning, deep learning, bioinformatics, drug discovery and pattern recognition.
Wenyu Chen received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, where he is currently a Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering. His research interests include pattern recognition, bioinformatics, natural language processing and neural networks
Yongsheng Liu received the PhD degree in computer science and technology with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China. His current research interests include neural networks, intelligent computation, deep learning and optimization.
Md. Abdul Awal received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2018. He is now serving as an Associate Professor in the ECE Discipline, Khulna University. His research interest includes signal processing, especially, biomedical signal processing, big data analysis, image processing, time-frequency analysis, machine learning algorithms, deep learning, optimization, expert system with applications, computational intelligence in biomedical engineering.
Kawsar Ahmed received his BSc and MSc Engineering Degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh. He has achieved gold medals for engineering faculty first both in BSc (Engg.) and MSc (Engg.) degree from the university for his academic excellence. Currently, he is serving as an Assistant Professor at the same department. He has more than 200 publications in IEEE, IET, OSA, Elsevier, Springer, ISI and PubMed indexed journals. He has published two books on bioinformatics and photonic sensor design. He is research coordinator of Group of Biophotomatiχ. He is also member of IEEE, SPIE and OSA. He holds top position at his department as well as university from 2017 to 2019 and 1st, 2nd and 4th top researcher (Scopus indexed based) in Bangladesh, 2019 to 2017, respectively. His research interests include sensor design, bio-photonics, nanotechnology, data mining and bioinformatics.
Md Habibur Rahman received PhD degree from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. His research interest encompasses artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, medical image processing and clinical bioinformatics.
Mohammad Ali Moni is a Research Fellow and Conjoint Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He received his PhD degree in Clinical Bioinformatics and Machine Learning from the University of Cambridge. His research interest encompasses artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and clinical bioinformatics
Contributor Information
S M Hasan Mahmud, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China.
Wenyu Chen, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China.
Yongsheng Liu, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China.
Md Abdul Awal, Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh.
Kawsar Ahmed, Department of Information and Communication Technology, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh.
Md Habibur Rahman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh.
Mohammad Ali Moni, UNSW Digital Health, WHO Center for eHealth, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China—Research on New Technology of Core Algorithm (under Grant 61772115).
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