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Discrete Mathematical Chemistry
About this Title
Pierre Hansen, GERARD, Montreal, QC, Canada, Patrick Fowler, University of Exeter, Exeter, England and Maolin Zheng, Lexis-Nexis, Miamisburg, OH, Editors
Publication: DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Publication Year:
2000; Volume 51
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0987-7 (print); 978-1-4704-4009-1 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/dimacs/051
MathSciNet review: MR1762928
MSC: Primary 92-06; Secondary 05-06
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- The Clar and Fries problems for benzenoid hydrocarbons are linear programs
- Use of graph invariants in QMSA and predictive toxicology
- Isomorphism rejection in structure generation programs
- Foldedness in linear polymers: A difference between graphical and Euclidean distances
- Enumeration of fusenes to $h$ = 20
- Characterizing properties of some graph invariants related to electron charges in the Hückel molecular orbital theory
- Fast embeddings for planar molecular graphs
- More icosahedral fulleroids
- Representation of stereochemistry using combinatorial maps
- Geometric symmetry and chemical equivalence
- (3-6)-cages, hexagonal toroidal cages, and their spectra
- A generalized ring spiral algorithm for coding fullerenes and other cubic polyhedra
- An efficient algorithm for determining fixed bonds and normal components in a bipartite graph
- Numerical solutions of the Laplace equation in chemical spaces
- Chemical frameworks and hyperbolic tilings
- Discrete mathematics for combinatorial chemistry
- Carbon networks on cubic infinite periodic minimal surfaces
- Applications of isometric embeddings to chemical graphs
- Geometrical and combinatorial questions about fullerenes
- Topological methods of molecular shape analysis: Continuum models and discretization
- Random networks in two dimensions. Simulations and correlations
- Group and graph theoretical perspectives on the structures of large icosahedral cages
- Use of path matrices for a characterization of molecular structures
- Star sets and star complements in finite graphs: A spectral construction technique
- Geometry and energetics of high genus fullerenes and nanotubes
- An abstract representation for molecular graphs
- The Wulff-shape of large periodic sphere packings
- On hypercycles and hypercircuits in hypergraphs
- On maximal energy ordering of acyclic conjugated molecules