Crop Water Need (ET crop) is referred to as the amount of water needed by a crop to grow. ET crop has high significance to identify the adequate amount of irrigation need. In this paper, a decision support system is proposed to identify Crop Water Need. The proposed decision support system is implemented through sensors and android based smartphone. Internet of Things (IoT) based temperature sensor (DHT11) is used to acquire the real time environmental factors that affect the ET crop. The sensor will communicate with android based smartphone application using Bluetooth Technology (BT-HC05). This proposed system has been compared with available evapotranspiration and existing manual method of evapotranspiration and it was found that proposed system is more correlated than existing manual method of evapotranspiration. The correlation coefficient obtained between proposed system and available evapotranspiration is 0.9783. The proposed decision support system is beneficial for farmers, agriculture researchers and professionals.

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Poonia, R.C., Bhatnagar, V. Design of decision support system to identify crop water need. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 14, 5171–5178 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-03291-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-03291-w