Artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistants possess significant market potential and offer diverse services through voice interaction. However, the influence of anthropomorphic features on consumers’ mind perception and continued use intention, particularly across various age groups, remains underexplored. To address this research gap, we employ mind perception theory, the stimulus–organism-response model, and cognitive load theory to conduct a research model. Using a sample of 303 survey responses, we evaluate the research model and hypotheses through partial least squares analysis. Findings reveal that these features positively affect alleviating loneliness and enhancing perceived usefulness. Additionally, the alleviation of loneliness and perceived usefulness contribute to consumers’ continued use intention and mediate the relationship between anthropomorphic features and continued use intention. Furthermore, the effect of anthropomorphic features on mind perception varies across age groups. This research enhances understanding of the influence of anthropomorphic features on consumers’ mind perception and continued use intention of AI voice assistants, providing valuable insights for product developers and marketers to enhance the consumer experience.
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This study was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China with a grant number of 21AZD116.
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Zhou, P., Xie, Y. & Liang, C. How to increase consumers’ continued use intention of artificial intelligence voice assistants? The role of anthropomorphic features. Electron Markets 33, 60 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-023-00681-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-023-00681-0
- Artificial intelligence
- Voice assistant
- Anthropomorphism
- Mind perception theory
- Loneliness
- Age difference