The emergence of Chatbots has attracted many firms to sell their merchandise via chats and bots. Although Chatbots have received tremendous interest, little is understood about how different usage contexts affect Chatbots’ effectiveness in mobile commerce. Due to differences in their nature, not all shopping contexts are suitable for Chatbots. To address this research gap, this study examines how contextual factors (i.e., intrinsic task complexity that embraces shopping task attributes and group shopping environment, and extrinsic task complexity that entails information intensity) affect user perceptions and adoption intentions of Chatbots as recommendation agents in mobile commerce. Applying the lenses of cognitive load theory (CLT) and common ground theory (CGT), we perform an experiment and apply quantitative analytical approaches. The results show that Chatbots are more suitable in the context of one-attribute, information-light, and group-buying tasks, whereas traditional Apps are suitable for multi-attribute, information-intensive, and single-buying scenarios. These findings make important theoretical contributions to the IT adoption literature as well as to CLT and CGT theory by contextualizing the evolving state of Chatbot commerce and providing guidelines for designing better Chatbot user experiences, thereby enhancing user perceptions and adoption intentions.
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We examined the literature in different domains including marketing, information systems, computer-human interactions, etc. We found that existing studies compared Chatbots and Apps using different terms for different characteristics without a united framework. Thus, during our pilot study, we asked participants to name five features of Chatbots that they think can outperform Apps. We then benchmarked these features against the extant knowledge and the Chatbot shopping examples.
MANOVA was also used to examine the effect and yielded consistent results.
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Hsu, PF., Nguyen, T.(., Wang, CY. et al. Chatbot commerce—How contextual factors affect Chatbot effectiveness. Electron Markets 33, 14 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-023-00629-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-023-00629-4