Extant studies in collaborative consumption have theorized service quality as the distinctive perception of customers. Improved service quality can enable customers to positively influence their perception of the service and lead to continued usage in the future. In this context, our study acknowledges that service quality in collaborative consumption deserves further research. We propose that service quality in collaborative consumption can manifest across different touchpoints. We employ the SERVQUAL framework and Expectation Confirmation Theory as theoretical lenses to explore the service quality-loyalty relationship of app-based ride-sharing services. We apply mixed methods in the form of (i) semi-structured interviews, (ii) text mining and topic-modelling of app reviews, and (iii) Partial-least Squares modelling of responses collected from ride-sharing passengers. The main findings from our study are as follows. First, service quality is manifested across three touchpoints: platform, vendor, and co-sharer. Second, customer satisfaction of collaborative consumption is positively influenced by platform reliability, platform responsiveness, vendor competence, vendor empathy, and co-sharer’s empathy. Third, platform assurance has the least impact on customer satisfaction. Fourth, customer satisfaction positively influences the continuance of collaborative consumption in ride-sharing services. Findings from our study contribute to the theory, practice, and future research on collaborative consumption.
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the initial feedback received from the Editors-in-Chief of this journal Hans-Dieter Zimmermann and Rainer Alt during the development of this paper. The authors also acknowledge the valuable suggestions received from the Associate Editor Adam Vrechopoulos and the anonymous reviewers during the revision process.
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Lim, W.M., Gupta, G., Biswas, B. et al. Collaborative consumption continuance: a mixed-methods analysis of the service quality-loyalty relationship in ride-sharing services. Electron Markets 32, 1463–1484 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00486-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00486-z