Evaluation of TBM performance is critical for the choice of TBM specifications and tunnel design. In the past decades, the hypothetical schemes depending on the rock fragmentation process and the experimental models up to field surveillance as well as machine performance are the two main methods. Traditional and conventional approaches for rock mass rate (RMR) prediction usually consider excessive parameters and the accuracies are far from actual values. A new RMR prediction model based on the optimized neural network (NN) is designed. To improve the prediction accuracy, this paper proposed a new self-adaptive rider optimization algorithm (SA-ROA), which applied optimization logic to train the NN by updating the weight as wave velocity (Vp), transverse wave velocity (Vs), Vp/Vs, statistics (Stat), orientation, magnitude, polarity, wave type, and metre. Finally, the RMR prediction analysis of the adopted NN-SA-ROA model is compared to the conventional and traditional classifiers with varied learning percentages: 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% for three data sets, respectively. Subsequently, the performance of the proposed work is verified using other approaches based on error analysis. The predicted mean absolute errors (MAEs) and the mean absolute percentage errors (MAPEs) of SA-ROA are smaller than conventional and traditional schemes. The results show that the proposed method can successfully predict the actual RMR.

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Discover the latest articles, news and stories from top researchers in related subjects.Abbreviations
- TBM:
Tunnel boring machines
- RMR:
Rock mass rate
- DPW:
Distance among planes of weakness
Self adaptive rider optimization algorithm
- UCS:
Uniaxial compressive strength
- BI:
Brittleness index
- BTS:
Brazilian tensile strength
- ROP:
Rate of penetration
- NN:
Neural network
Back propagation neural network
- SA:
Simulated annealing
- AI:
Artificial intelligence
- XOR:
Exclusive OR
- SVR:
Support vector regression
- SST:
Stacked single-target
Defuzzification-free hierarchical fuzzy inference system
- MRA:
Multivariate regression analysis
- MAE:
Mean absolute error
- MSE:
Mean squared error
Mean absolute percentage error
Mean squared root error
Relative MSRE
Mean squared percentage error
Mean absolute relative error
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The authors are grateful to the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their very helpful and inspiring comments. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51774132, 51774131, 51974118) and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (Grants Nos. 2020JJ5188).
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Chen, W., Wan, W. & Peng, W. Prediction of rock mass rating using neural network with an improved rider optimization algorithm. Evol. Intel. 15, 2567–2579 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-021-00606-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-021-00606-w