Coordinated multi-resolution tracking over arbitrary floor plan is addressed using a game-theoretic approach. An enhanced radial sweep algorithm is devised to find the polygon of visibility at any point on or inside a polygon that contains vision-obstructing polygonal entities. By sampling the edges of a polygon and edges of any polygonal hole inside that polygon, a two-pass 0–1 programming process is formulated to find a near-optimal set of camera samples that can dynamically cover, at a high probability, area under surveillance in the presence of camera handoffs. Radius Multiplier is introduced to handle partial visibility and is set to 1 by default to avoid insolvability of 0–1 programming problems. As a remedy to excessive redundancy triggered by camera clustering, we set camera redundancy to a fixed value of 3 for any block with concave Valid Area. Branch-and-cut algorithm is employed to solve 0–1 programming problems. Assigning a fixed value to Camera Redundancy of blocks with concave Valid Area, setting Radius Multiplier to a nonzero value, and utilizing secondary utility yielded better simulation results for various types of floor plans. Raising Camera Redundancy of blocks with non-concave Valid Area contributed to performance boost and in the meantime, increased the number of cameras needed.

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This work was partially supported by United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research [FA9550-01-1-0519]. We also thank the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Cincinnati for partial support of this project.
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To make this paper self-contained, we briefly review the definition of Nash equilibrium. Further details regarding Nash equilibrium can be found in [23] and [15].
Nash equilibrium is a situation in which no player in a game involving two or more players can increase its utility by changing its strategy alone, given the strategies that the other players are using. More formally, Nash equilibrium corresponds to a strategy profile in which each strategy is a best response to the other strategies in the strategy profile, where the best response is defined as the strategy that yields the most favorable result for a player. The concept of Nash equilibrium has been extended to Bayesian Nash equilibrium where the information each player has regarding characteristics of the other players is incomplete.
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Tu, Z., Bhattacharya, P. Game-theoretic surveillance over arbitrary floor plan using a video camera network. SIViP 7, 705–721 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-013-0484-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-013-0484-8