This paper presents a compact portable patch antenna for 6G wireless communications at terahertz (THz) applications. The asymmetric co-planer waveguide (CPW) fed curved slits are proposed on rectangular microstrip patch antenna to resonate at THz applications. The asymmetric CPW-fed antenna is designed to be 50 μm thick on FR-4 substrate with 500 × 500 µm2 rectangular substrate with gold plating patch (thickness is 0.02 μm). The designed antenna is offers dual bands and resonates 0.813 THz, 1.254 THz frequencies. The first resonating frequency has a return loss of -16.86 dB is observed with the impedance bandwidth of 92 GHz (0.761 THz-0.853 THz) and gain is 6.14 dBi. The return loss of -28.52dB is observed over the impedance bandwidth of 295 GHz (1.117 THz-1.413 THz) with a realized gain of 7.31dBi at a second resonating frequency of 1.254 THz. The results obtained for the proposed design antenna have wider impedance bandwidth and more gain with a low reflection coefficient for high-speed wireless data communication systems. The proposed compact terahertz antenna is used in 6G applications for ultra-high-speed wireless communications with support to connect massive devices.

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This work was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, New Delhi, India (Grant No. : EEQ/2016/000754).
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Naik, K.K. Asymmetric CPW-fed patch antenna with slits at terahertz applications for 6G wireless communications. Wireless Netw 30, 2343–2351 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-024-03695-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-024-03695-4