When discussing knowledge, two relations are of interest: justified doxastic accessibility \(S\) (for all the agent is justified in believing in \(x\), she is in \(y\)) and justification equivalence \(E\) (the agent would have in \(y\) exactly the same justified beliefs that she has in \(x\)). Speaking of compatibility with the agent’s justified beliefs is potentially ambiguous: either of the two relations \(S\) or \(E\) can be meant. I discuss the possibility of identifying the relation of epistemic accessibility \(R\) (for all the agent knows in \(x\), she is in \(y\)) with the union of \(S\) and \(E\). Neither Gettier’s examples nor the ‘fake barn’ cases contradict this identification. However, the proposal leads to justification equivalent scenarios being symmetric with respect to knowledge: we cannot know a true proposition in a scenario if it is false in a justification equivalent scenario. This analysis may appear to render non-trivial knowledge impossible. This conclusion follows if the extra premise is granted that for all relevant true propositions there is a justification equivalent scenario in which the proposition is false. I provide a meaning-theoretic argument against this premise. I conclude by pointing out problems that would ensue from giving up the proposed connection between \(S\), \(E\) and \(R\) and allowing asymmetry of justification equivalent scenarios relative to knowledge.
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Strictly speaking, Goldman allows that \(w\) and \(v\) produce a ‘sufficiently similar’ perceptual experience.
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I wish to thank Giuseppina Ronzitti and the anonymous referees for comments and criticism that helped to improve the paper.
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In this Appendix all formulas have ‘\(p\)’ as their sole propositional variable. Augmented models are triples \(\langle W, S, p \rangle \), where \(\langle W, S \rangle \) is a model and \(p \subseteq W\). It is understood that ‘\(p\)’ stands for \(p\). A formula \(\varphi \) is valid in \(\langle W, S \rangle \) (denoted \(\langle W, S \rangle \models \varphi \)) if for all augmented models \(M=\langle W, S, p \rangle \) and all \(w \in W\), the proposition expressed by \(\varphi \) in \(M\) is true at \(w\). (‘Valid in a model’ means what is usually termed ‘valid in a frame’. The terminology is deviant because I follow Williamson (2013a) in not incorporating a valuation in a model.) I write \({ Kp }\) for \(\{v:\) for all \(x\), if \(vR^*x\), then \(x \in p\}\). A model \(\langle W, S \rangle \) is justificatorily homogeneous if all sets \(S(w)\) with \(w \in W\) are justificatorily homogeneous. We recall from Sect. 5 that \(S(w)\) is justificatorily homogeneous if \(S(v)=S(w)\) for all \(v \in S(w)\).
Fact 1
A model \(\langle W, S \rangle \) is justificatorily homogeneous \(\Leftrightarrow \) the relation \(S\) is transitive (whenever \(xSy\) and \(ySz\), then \(xSz\)) and Euclidean (whenever \(xSy\) and \(xSz\), then \(ySz\)) \(\Leftrightarrow \) \(\langle W, S \rangle \models { Jp } \rightarrow K{ Jp }\) and \(\langle W, S \rangle \models \lnot { Jp } \rightarrow K\lnot { Jp }\).
We prove two more specific claims:
\(S\) is transitive \(\Leftrightarrow \) \(S(y) \subseteq S(x)\) for all \(x \in W\) and \(y \in S(x)\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) \(\langle W, S \rangle \models { Jp } \rightarrow KJp \).
\(S\) is Euclidean \(\Leftrightarrow \) \(S(x) \subseteq S(y)\) for all \(x \in W\) and \(y \in S(x)\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) \(\langle W, S \rangle \models \lnot { Jp } \rightarrow K\lnot { Jp }\).
Now, \(S\) is transitive \(\Leftrightarrow \) for all \(x\), \(y\), \(z\), we have: if \(y \in S(x)\) and \(z \in S(y)\), then \(z \in S(x)\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) for all \(x\) and \(y\): if \(y \in S(x)\), then \(S(y) \subseteq S(x)\). Further, \(S\) is Euclidean \(\Leftrightarrow \) for all \(x\), \(y\), \(z\): if \(y \in S(x)\) and \(z \in S(x)\), then \(z \in S(y)\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) for all \(x\) and \(y\): if \(y \in S(x)\), then \(S(x) \subseteq S(y)\). Let us, then, consider the second equivalence of claim \((a)\). Let \(M\) be any augmented model in which \(S\) is transitive and let \(x\) be any scenario. Suppose \(S(x) \subseteq p\). Let \(y\) be any scenario with \(xR^*y\), whence \(xSy\) or \(xEy\). Using the first equivalence of \((a)\) and the definition of \(E\), we conclude that \(S(y) \subseteq S(x)\). It follows that \(S(y) \subseteq p\) and indeed \(x \in { KJp }\). Conversely, assume \(\langle W, S \rangle \models { Jp } \rightarrow { KJp }\). Suppose for contradiction there are \(x,y,z\) such that \(xSy\) and \(ySz\) but not: \(xSz\). Consider the augmented model \(\langle W,S,p \rangle \) where \(p=S(x)\). Then \(x \in { Jp }\). On the other hand, \(S(y) \not \subseteq p\) since \(z \notin S(x)\). As \(xR^*y\), it follows that \(x \notin { KJp }\). Finally, we consider the second equivalence of claim \((b)\). Let \(M\) be any augmented model in which \(S\) is Euclidean and let \(x\) be any scenario. Suppose \(S(x) \not \subseteq p\). Let \(y\) be any scenario with \(xR^*y\), whence \(xSy\) or \(xEy\). Using the first equivalence of \((b)\) and the definition of \(E\), we may infer that \(S(x) \subseteq S(y)\). It follows that \(S(y) \not \subseteq p\). Conversely, assume \(\langle W, S \rangle \models \lnot { Jp } \rightarrow K\lnot { Jp }\). Suppose for contradiction there are \(x,y,z\) such that \(xSy\) and \(xSz\) but not: \(ySz\). Consider the augmented model \(\langle W,S,p \rangle \) where \(p=W \setminus \{z\}\). Then \(x \in \lnot { Jp }\). Yet \(x \notin K\lnot { Jp }\), since \(xR^*y\) but \(S(y) \subseteq p\). The main claim follows immediately from the auxiliary claims \((a)\) and \((b)\). \(\square \)
Fact 2
There are models in which \(S\) is neither transitive nor Euclidean and which refute both introspection principles \({ Jp } \rightarrow K{ Jp }\) and \(\lnot { Jp } \rightarrow K\lnot { Jp }\).
We saw in Sect. 5 that there are models and scenarios \(x\), \(y\) such that \(S(x) \not \subseteq S(y)\) and \(S(y) \not \subseteq S(x)\). The claims follow by the proof of Fact 1. \(\square \)
Fact 3
\(R^*\) is transitive \(\Leftrightarrow \) all \(w \in W\) and \(v \in S(w)\) satisfy:
Assume first that \(S(v) \cup E(v) \subseteq S(w)\) or \(S(v) = S(w)\) for all \(w \in W\) and \(v \in S(w)\). Suppose \(xR^*y\) and \(yR^*z\). That is, [\(xEy\) and \(yEz\)] or [\(xSy\) and \(ySz\)] or [\(xEy\) and \(ySz\)] or [\(xSy\) and \(yEz\)]. In the first case we have trivially \(xEz\) and in the third case trivially \(xSz\), so in both cases \(xR^*z\). In the second case we have \(xSz\): namely, given our assumption, \(y \in S(x)\) entails in particular that \(S(y) \subseteq S(x)\), whence \(z \in S(y) \subseteq S(x)\). In the fourth case, consider the two subcases: either \(S(y) \cup E(y) \subseteq S(x)\) or \(S(y) = S(x)\) (at least one of them holds, since \(xSy\)). In the former subcase, we have \(xSz\) because \(z \in E(y) \subseteq S(x)\). In the latter subcase, we have \(xEz\) because \(S(x)=S(y)\) and \(S(y)=S(z)\). Thus, we have \(xR^*z\) also in the second and the fourth case.
Conversely, assume \(R^*\) is transitive. Suppose for contradiction that there are \(w \in W\) and \(v \in S(w)\) such that either \(S(w) \ne S(v) \not \subseteq S(w)\) or \(E(v) \not \subseteq S(w) \ne S(v)\). In the former case, there is \(u\) such that \(vSu\) but not: \(wSu\). Since \(wSv\), \(S\) is not transitive. This is impossible as \(S \subseteq R^*\) and \(R^*\) is transitive. Let us proceed to consider the latter case. Here we may assume that \(S(v) \subseteq S(w)\). Because \(E(v) \not \subseteq S(w)\), there is \(u\) such that \(vEu\) and \(u \notin S(w)\). Since \(S(v) \subseteq S(w)\), in particular \(u \notin S(v)\). Now, \(wSv\) and \(vEu\), whence \(wR^*v\) and \(vR^*u\), from which it follows by the transitivity of \(R^*\) that \(wR^*u\). So either \(wSu\) or \(wEu\). The latter option is blocked by the fact that \(S(w) \ne S(v) = S(u)\). The former option is likewise blocked: \(u \notin S(w)\). This is a contradiction. \(\square \)
Fact 4
There are models in which \(S\) is transitive but \(R^*\) is not.
Define a model \(\langle W,S \rangle \) by setting \(W=\{0,1,-1,2\}\) and \(S=\{(0,1),(1,2), (0,2),\) \((-1,2)\}\). We note that \(S\) is transitive and that \(E=\{(x,x) : x \in W\} \cup \{(1,-1), (-1,1)\}\). Now \(1 \in S(0)\), but \(\{-1,1\}=E(1) \not \subseteq S(0)=\{1,2\}\ne \{2\}=S(1)\). It follows by Fact 3 that \(R^*\) is not transitive. \(\square \)
Fact 5
Transitivity of \(R^*\) does not trivialize the analysis (4).
Consider the model \(\langle \mathbb {N},S \rangle \) with \(S=\{(x,y) \in \mathbb {N}^2 : x < y\}\), whence \(E=\{(x,x) : x \in \mathbb {N}\}\). Consequently \(R^*=\{(x,y) \in \mathbb {N}^2 : x \le y\}\) and in particular \(R^*\) is transitive. Now, \((0,0) \in E \setminus S\). Further, \((0,1) \in S \setminus E\). It follows that \(E \ne R^*\ne S\). \(\square \)
Fact 6
The propositions \({ Jp }\) and \(\lnot K \lnot Kp\) are logically independent of each other.
Consider a model in which \(S(w)\) is justificatorily homogeneous, but there is \(x \notin S(w)\) with \(wEx\). Letting \(p = S(w)\), we have \(w \in { Jp }\). Suppose, then, that \(wR^*v\). We have \(wEv\), because \(S(w)\) is justificatorily homogeneous. Consequently \(vEx\) and therefore \(x \in R^*(v)\). Yet \(x \notin p\), whence \(w \notin \lnot K \lnot Kp\). That is, \({ Jp }\) does not entail \(\lnot K \lnot Kp\). Recall, then, the example of Alice and the tomato (Sect. 5). Let \(w\) (respectively \(v\)) be a scenario in which the tomato weighs 3.0 oz (respectively 3.5 oz). Let \(p = R^*(v)\). If \(u\) is a scenario in which the tomato weighs 2.25 oz, neither \(uEv\) nor \(u \in S(v)\). Consequently, \(u \in S(w)\) but \(u \notin R^*(v)\). Therefore \(S(w) \not \subseteq R^*(v)=p\), whence \(w \notin { Jp }\). On the other hand, we have \(w \in \lnot K \lnot Kp\), because \(wR^*v\) and \(v \in { Kp }\). That is, \(\lnot K \lnot Kp\) does not entail \({ Jp }\). \(\square \)
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Tulenheimo, T. The two faces of compatibility with justified beliefs. Synthese 193, 15–30 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-015-0742-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-015-0742-0