Taking Arthur Fine’s The Shaky Game as my inspiration, and the recent 25\({\textit{th}}\) anniversary of the publication of that work as the occasion to exercise that inspiration, I sketch an alternative to the “Naturalism” prevalent among philosophers of physics. Naturalism is a methodology eventuating in a metaphysics. The methodology is to seek the deep framework assumptions that make the best sense of science; the metaphysics is furnished by those assumptions and supported by their own support of science. The alternative presented here, which I call “Locavoracity,” shares Naturalism’s commitment to making sense of science, but alters Naturalism’s methodology. The Locavore’s sense-making projects are piecemeal, rather than sweeping. The Locavore’s hypothesis is that the collection of local sense-making projects fails to issue a single overarching unifying framework deserving of the title “the metaphysics that makes the best sense of science.” I muster some examples supporting the Locavore hypothesis from the interpretation of quantum field theories.
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I don’t want to legislate whether it’s merely constrain or fully exhaust. While I can imagine—indeed, I believe that I have seen—self-described Naturalists arguing with one another about which metaphysical commitments their favorite \(T\) induces, I can also imagine other Naturalists contending that any commitment occasioning such a dispute is not really a ‘scientifically informed’ commitment.
What might it take for me to consistently believe the metaphysics “read off of” a theory \(T\) I don’t believe? One option is a picture according to which \(T\) shares its metaphysics with enough rival theories that the truth of the metaphysics fails to warrant belief in \(T\) rather than in the catch-all containing \(T\)’s “metaphysically equivalent” rivals.
According to Merriam-Webster, “locavore,” first used in 2005, denotes one who eats food grown locally whenever possible.
Were we to consider scientific success, period, the Locavore’s suspicion would be even more tempting!
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This piece was instigated by the 2012 Pacific APA symposium “The Shaky Game at 25,” and impelled by the Ontology and Methodology conference at Virginia Tech the following May. I want to thank organizers of and participants in both events—particularly Arthur Fine, Phil Erlich, Ben Jantzen, Deborah Mayo, and Lydia Patton—for their support, feedback, and patience. I also want to thank two anonymous and helpful referees.
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Ruetsche, L. The Shaky Game +25, or: on locavoracity. Synthese 192, 3425–3442 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-014-0551-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-014-0551-x