Metaheuristic algorithms (MHs) have a long history that can be traced back to genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing in the 1950s. Since February 2008, with the birth of the Firefly algorithm, MHs started to receive attention from researchers around the globe. Variants and new species of MH algorithms have bloomed like sprouts after rain. However, the necessity for creating more new species of such algorithms is questionable. It can be observed that these algorithms are fundamentally made up of several widely used core components. By explaining these components, the underlying design for a collection of the so-called modern MH optimisation algorithms is revealed. In this paper, the core components in some of the more popular MH algorithms are reviewed, thereby debunking the myths of their novelty, and perhaps dampening claims that something really ‘new’ is invented simply by branding an MH search method with the name of another living creature. Counterintuitive experimentations have shown that by taking snapshots, anyone can show some improvements of an MH over another in some situation. Mixing certain components up indeed adds advantage over the original MH. The same goes to extending MH with slight functional modification. This work also serves as a general guideline and a reference for any algorithm architect who wants to create a new MH algorithm in the future.

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- ABC:
Artificial bee colony algorithm
- ACO:
Ant colony optimization
- AIS:
Artificial immune system algorithm
- BFO:
Bacterial foraging algorithm
- CS:
Cuckoo search algorithm
- DE:
Differential evolution
- FF:
Firefly algorithm
- FPA:
Flower pollination algorithm
- GA:
Genetic algorithm
- GSA:
Gravitational search algorithm
- GSS:
Golden section search
- HJ:
Hooke Jeeves algorithm
- HS:
Harmony search algorithm
- IWD:
Intelligent water drops
- LS:
Local search algorithm
- MO:
Monkey optimization
- MS:
Memetic search algorithm
- OGRs:
Optimal Golomb rulers
- QEA:
Quantum evolutionary algorithm
- RFD:
River formation dynamics
- SA:
Simulated annealing
Shuffled frog feaping algorithm
- SOA:
Seeker optimization algorithm
- TS:
Tree search algorithm
- TSA:
Tabu search algorithm
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The authors are thankful for the financial supports by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund under the EAE project (No.072/2009/A3), and MYRG2015-00128-FST, by the University of Macau and the Macau SAR government.
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Fong, S., Wang, X., Xu, Q. et al. Recent advances in metaheuristic algorithms: Does the Makara dragon exist?. J Supercomput 72, 3764–3786 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1592-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1592-8