Recruitment and professorial appointment procedures are crucial for the administration and management of universities and higher education institutions in order to guarantee a certain level of performance quality and reputation. The complementary use of quantitative and objective bibliometric analyses is meant to be an enhancement for the assessment of candidates and a possible antidote for subjective, discriminatory and corrupt practices. In this paper, we present the Vienna University bibliometric approach, offering a method which relies on a variety of basicindicators and further control parameters in order to address the multidimensionality of the problem and to foster comprehensibility. Our “top counts approach” allows an appointment committee to pick and choose from a portfolio of indicators according to the actual strategic alignment. Furthermore, control and additional data help to understand disciplinary publication habits, to unveil concealed aspects and to identify individual publication strategies of the candidates. Our approach has already been applied to 14 professorial appointment procedures (PAP) in the life sciences, earth and environmental sciences and social sciences, comprising 221 candidates in all. The usefulness of the bibliometric approach was confirmed by all heads of appointment committees in the life sciences. For the earth and environmental sciences as well as the social sciences, the usefulness was less obvious and sometimes questioned due to the low coverage of the candidates’ publication output in the traditional citation data sources. A retrospective assessment of all hitherto performed PAP also showed an overlap between the committees’ designated top candidates and the bibliometric top candidates to a certain degree.

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The authors wish to thank Ralph Reimann, who helped to establish the described “top counts approach” at the University of Vienna. Furthermore, we wish to acknowledge our unit for quality assurance as well as all the heads of professorial appointment committees for their much valued support and input.
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Gorraiz, J., Gumpenberger, C. A flexible bibliometric approach for the assessment of professorial appointments. Scientometrics 105, 1699–1719 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1703-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1703-6