In a real Hilbert space, we study a new class of forward-backward algorithms for structured non-smooth minimization problems. As a special case of the parameters, we recover the method AFB (Accelerated Forward-Backward) that was recently discussed as an enhanced variant of FISTA (Fast Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithm). Our algorithms enjoy the well-known properties of AFB. Namely, they generate convergent sequences (xn) that minimize the function values at the rate o(n− 2). Another important specificity of our processes is that they can be regarded as discrete models suggested by first-order formulations of Newton-like dynamical systems. This permit us to extend to the non-smooth setting, a property of fast convergence to zero of the gradients, established so far for discrete Newton-like dynamics with smooth potentials only. In specific, as a new result, we show that the latter property also applies to AFB. To prove this stability phenomenon, we develop a technical analysis that can be also useful regarding many other related developments. Numerical experiments are furthermore performed so as to illustrate the properties of the considered algorithms comparing with other existing ones.

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Appendix 1. Proof of Proposition 3.2
Appendix 1. Proof of Proposition 3.2
Let {κ, e, νn} be positive parameters, and set ϱ = 1 − κ, τn = e + νn+ 1 and un = yn − xn. It is easily seen that (3.8a) can be rewritten as (for n ≥ p)
The sequel of the proof can be divided into the following parts (r1)–(r4):
(r1) An estimate from the inertial part of the method. Given \((s,q) \in [0,\infty ) \times {\mathcal H} \), we begin with proving that the discrete derivative \( \dot {G}_{n+1}(s,q)\) satisfies
In order to get this result, we readily notice that \(\dot {G}_{n+1}(s,q)\) can be formulated as
where an := 〈q − xn,un〉, bn := (1/2)∥xn − q∥2 and cn := (1/2)∥un∥2. For the sake of clarity, and so as to estimate the right side of (A.3), we set
Clearly, by an = 〈q − xn,un〉 and \(u_{n}=- \frac {1 }{\kappa } \dot {y}_{n+1} \) (from (A.1c)), we get
Again from an = 〈q − xn,un〉, and noticing \(\dot {u}_{n+1} = \dot {y}_{n+1} - \dot {x}_{n+1} \) (as un = yn − xn), we readily have
Taking the scalar product of each side of (A.1b) by \(q-\dot {x}_{n+1}\), along with \(u_{n}=- \frac {1 }{\kappa } \dot {y}_{n+1}\) (from (A.1c)), amounts to Pn − Wn = κ− 1𝜃nRn, which, by \( \theta _{n} = \tau _{n}^{-1} (\nu _{n} - {\varrho } \nu _{n+1})\) (from (A.1a)) is equivalent to
Therefore, by (A.4), (A.5) and (A.6), and recalling that ϱ = 1 − κ, we are led to
From bn+ 1 = (1/2)∥xn+ 1 − q∥2, we readily get
In addition, by cn+ 1 = (1/2)∥un+ 1∥2, and \(\dot {u}_{n+1}= - \kappa u_{n} - \dot {x}_{n+1} \) (from un = yn − xn and \(\dot {y}_{n+1} =-\kappa u_{n}\)), we immediately have
In light of (A.3) together with (A.7), (A.8) and (A.9), we are led to
where the quantity \( \bar {\eta }_{n}\) is given by
This leads to the desired result.
(r2) An estimate from the proximal part of the method. Let us establish that, for any ξn≠ 1, it holds that
Indeed, we have \(\dot {x}_{n+1} =-\theta _n u_{n} -\chi _{n}^{*}\) (from (A.1b)), which, for any ξn≠ 1, can be rewritten as
where \(H_{n}= \dot {x}_{n+1} + (1-\xi _n)^{-1}\theta _n u_{n} \). Furthermore, by \(-\chi _{n}^{*}= \dot {x}_{n+1}+\theta _{n} u_{n}\) (again using (A.1b)) and denoting \(Q_{n}=\langle \dot {x}_{n+1}, u_{n}\rangle \), we simply obtain
Therefore, by adding \((1/2) \| \chi _{n}^{*}\|^{2}\) to the scalar product of the left side of equality (A.11) with \(\chi _{n}^{*}\), and using (A.12) and \( \| \chi _{n}^{*}\|^{2}= \|\dot {x}_{n+1}+ \theta _{n} u_{n}\|^{2}\), we get
This yields (A.10).
(r3) Combining proximal and inertial effects. Let (3.10) hold and set \(\rho _{n}= 1- (1-\kappa ) \frac {\nu _{n+1}}{\nu _{n}}\). It is worthwhile noticing that the term 𝜃n involved in (A.1) can be simply expressed as
So, by (A.13), in light of ρn > 0 (from condition (3.3a)), we deduce that 𝜃n is a positive sequence.
Now, we introduce the real sequence \((\bar {\gamma }_{n})\) defined by
Clearly, by (A.14), along with τn > 0 (as τn := e + νn+ 1) and ρn > 0, we obviously have
Next, given s > 0, we show that the iterates produced by (3.8a) (or, equivalently, by (A.1)) verify
where Tn(u, x) is defined for any \((u,x) \in {\mathcal H}^{2}\) by
together with the parameters
Indeed, by (A.2) and setting \(Q=\langle \dot {x}_{n+1} , u_{n} \rangle \), we know that
Moreover, in light of \(\bar {\gamma }_{n} \neq 1\) (from (A.15)), by using (A.10) (with the special value \(\xi _{n}= \gamma _{n}:=1- \frac {s \rho _{n}}{\tau _{n}}\)) and recalling that \(\theta _n = \frac {\nu _{n} \rho _{n}}{\tau _{n}}\) we obtain
Then, multiplying equality (A.20) by \(\rho _{n}^{-1} {\tau _{n}^{2}}\), and adding the resulting equality to (A.19), we get
Hence, noticing that νnρn = νn − ϱνn+ 1, we infer that (A.16)–(A.17) is actually satisfied together with the parameters
This leads to the desired result.
(r4) Finally, we give an alternative formulation of the quantity Tn(u, x) given by (A.17)–(A.18). For this purpose, we begin with reformulating σn. By the definitions τn := e + νn+ 1, \(\bar {\gamma }_{n}:=1-s \frac {\rho _{n}}{\tau _{n}}\), and by an easy computation we have
where τn, t = t + 2νn+ 1 (for t ≥ 0). As a consequence, by the previous definition of σn (in (A.18)), we obtain
Then we consider the following two situations relative to the constant κ:
- In the special case when κ = 1 (hence ρn = 1 and \( \rho _{n}^{-1}=1\)), we obviously have wn = 0 and ηn = 0. Then, for \((u,x) \in {\mathcal H}^{2}\), by definition of Tn (in (A.17)) along with \( {\sigma }_{n}= \frac {\left (e -s \right )}{2} \tau _{n,e} \) (from (A.21)) we obtain
- For \(\kappa \in (0,1) \cup (1,\infty )\) (hence ηn≠ 0), also setting \({\varsigma }_{n}:=\frac {w_{n}}{2 \eta _{n}}\), and \(\psi _{n}:= 4 {\sigma }_{n} {\eta }_{n}- {w}_{n}^{2}\), by definition of Tn (in (A.17)) we classically have
On the one hand, by \({w}_{n} = {\varrho } \nu _{n+1} \left (\nu _{n+1} + s \right )\) (from (A.18)) and remembering that τn, s = s + 2νn+ 1, we simply have \({w}_{n}^{2} = ({\varrho } \nu _{n+1})^{2} \left ((\nu _{n+1} )^{2} + s \tau _{n,s} \right )\). Hence, by (A.21) while using the definition of ψn, and setting Sn := ϱρnνnνn+ 1 (so that Sn = 2ηn and \(\psi _{n}= 2 {\sigma }_{n} S_{n}- {w}_{n}^{2}\)), we obtain
It is also easily checked that \(S_{n} \left (\rho _{n}^{-1} -1 \right ) = ({\varrho } \nu _{n+1})^{2} \), which by the previous equality yields
Then, noticing that eτn, e − sτn, s = (e − s)τn, e+s (as τn, t := t + 2νn+ 1, for t ≥ 0), we infer that \( \psi _{n} = \left (e-s \right ) \left (S_{n} \tau _{n,e} + ({\varrho } \nu _{n+1})^{2} \tau _{n,e+s} \right )\), which by (A.23) entails that
On the other hand, we clearly have \({\varsigma }_{n}=\frac {w_{n}}{S_{n}}\) (since Sn = 2ηn), together with \( {w}_{n} = {\varrho } \nu _{n+1} \left (\nu _{n+1} + s \right ) \), Sn = ϱρnνnνn+ 1 and \( \frac {1}{\theta _{n}}=\frac { e+ \nu _{n+1}}{ \rho _{n} \nu _{n}}\) (from (A.13)), which gives us
Combining the last two results amounts to
This completes the proof.
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Maingé, PE., Labarre, F. Accelerated methods with fastly vanishing subgradients for structured non-smooth minimization. Numer Algor 90, 99–136 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-021-01181-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-021-01181-y
- Nesterov-type algorithm
- Inertial-type algorithm
- Global rate of convergence
- Non-smooth minimization
- Structured minimization
- Fast first-order method