Scheduling problems involving a set of dependent tasks with release dates and deadlines on a limited number of resources have been intensively studied. However, few parameterized complexity results exist for these problems. This paper studies the existence of a feasible schedule for a typed task system with precedence constraints and time intervals \((r_i,d_i)\) for each job i. The problem is denoted by \(P\vert \mathcal{M}_j(type),prec,r_i,d_i\vert \star \). Several parameters are considered: the pathwidth pw(I) of the interval graph I associated with the time intervals \((r_i, d_i)\), the maximum processing time of a task \(p_{\max }\) and the maximum slack of a task \(s\ell _{\max }\). This paper establishes that the problem is para-\(\textsf{NP}\)-complete with respect to any of these parameters. It then provides a fixed-parameter algorithm for the problem parameterized by both parameters pw(I) and \(\min (p_{\max },s\ell _{\max })\). It is based on a dynamic programming approach that builds a levelled graph which longest paths represent all the feasible solutions. Fixed-parameter algorithms for the problems \(P\vert \mathcal{M}_j(type),prec,r_i,d_i\vert C_{\max }\) and \(P\vert \mathcal{M}_j(type),prec,r_i\vert L_{\max }\) are then derived using a binary search.

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We thank Sebastien Bonduelle for pointing out several errors and typos. We are also very grateful to the reviewers for their helpful recommendations.
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Claire Hanen and Alix Munier Kordon contributed equally to this work.
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Hanen, C., Munier Kordon, A. Fixed-parameter tractability of scheduling dependent typed tasks subject to release times and deadlines. J Sched 27, 119–133 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10951-023-00788-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10951-023-00788-4