We study an algorithm recently proposed, which is called sequential parametric approximation method, that finds the solution of a differentiable nonconvex optimization problem by solving a sequence of differentiable convex approximations from the original one. We show as well the global convergence of this method under weaker assumptions than those made in the literature. The optimization method is applied to the design of robust truss structures. The optimal structure of the model considered minimizes the total amount of material under mechanical equilibrium, displacements and stress constraints. Finally, Robust designs are found by considering load perturbations.

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The first author was supported by the Uruguayan Councils ANII and CSIC. The second and third authors were supported by CONICYT-Chile, via FONDECYT projects 1130905 and 1160894, respectively.
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Canelas, A., Carrasco, M. & López, J. Application of the sequential parametric convex approximation method to the design of robust trusses. J Glob Optim 68, 169–187 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-016-0460-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-016-0460-2