This paper revisits histogram method for ADC linearity test. Here two methods are proposed for low cost test of histogram method. The first proposal is two-tone sine wave input for code selective histogram method for SAR ADC. In SAR ADC, the DNL of the codes corresponding to the internal DAC output voltages of the MSB bits can be large when the DAC employs a binary-weighted configuration. Therefore, in the proposed method, frequency of appearance of the codes is increased to make the length of the bins relatively long with two-tone sine wave input. It realizes low cost test and high-quality linearity test. The 2nd proposal is decision method of the ratio of the input and sampling frequencies with classical number theory. The proposed method decides the ratio based on metallic ratio or theory of prime numbers. This guarantees random data sampling to get accurate calibration result with relatively small number of histogram data.

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Zhao, Y., Katoh, K., Kuwana, A. et al. Revisit to Histogram Method for ADC Linearity Test: Examination of Input Signal and Ratio of Input and Sampling Frequencies. J Electron Test 38, 21–38 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-022-05988-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-022-05988-y