Mobility support for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can significantly extend the use of WSN in many fields, such as industrial control, healthcare and smart home. And high-efficiency mobility support schemes are essential for WSN because this is a typical energy constrained network. This paper proposes a LoW cost inter-PAN Mobility Support Scheme (LoWMS) for IPv6 based WSN, which follows the network based idea. The scheme aims at reducing signaling cost when sensor nodes move between two Personal Area Networks. In order to realize it, the handoff related control messages are designed to transmit in link layer, and resolution for ping-pong handoff is also given. Simulation results show the novel scheme efficiently reduces the amount of handoff messages, which is benefit for energy saving of WSN. At the end of the paper, we illustrate two possible application scenarios which could be beneficial from LoWMS, one is healthcare system, and another is logistics and storage.

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- WSN:
Wireless sensor networks
- LoWMS:
LoW cost inter-PAN mobility support scheme
- PANs:
Personal area networks
Internet engineering task force
- 6LoWPAN:
IPv6 over low power wireless personal area network
- MIP:
Mobile IP
- MIPv6:
Mobility support in IPv6
- HoA:
Home-of address
- CoA:
Care-of address
- FA:
Foreign agent
- HMIPv6:
Hierarchical mobile IPv6
- MAP:
Mobility anchor point
- RCoA:
Regional CoA
- LCoA:
Local care-of address
- FMIPv6:
Fast mobile IPv6
- PMIPv6:
Proxy mobile IPv6
- LMA:
Local mobility anchor
- MAG:
Mobile access gateway
- SPMIPv6:
Sensor proxy mobile IPv6
- GW:
- CMN:
Cluster tree member node
- MC:
Mobile cluster
- CHN:
Cluster head node
- FFD:
Full function devices
- RFD:
Reduced function devices
- PTT:
Previous node tunnel table
- NTT:
Next node tunnel table
- FC:
Frame control
- SN:
Serial number
- DA:
Destination address
- SA:
Source address
- FCS:
Frame check sequence
- C:
- BAN:
Body area network
Radio frequency identification devices
- AoA:
Angle of arrival
- TDoA:
Time difference of arrival
- RSS:
Received signal strength
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This work is supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 4112044) and Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 20120009110009).
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Shang, X., Zhang, R. & Chu, F. An inter-PAN mobility support scheme for IP-based wireless sensor networks and its applications. Inf Technol Manag 14, 183–192 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-013-0155-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-013-0155-z