Web mashups have received a lot of attention recently as more enterprises are engaged in enterprise 2.0 initiatives. So far, there is insufficient research on the adoption and diffusion of Web mashups in an enterprise context. In this paper, we discussed the benefits and issues associated with enterprise mashups. We proposed a context-aware enterprise mashup readiness assessment framework to help enterprise managers and decision makers determine their needs and readiness for enterprise mashups. A case study was conducted to verify the usefulness of the proposed framework. The results show that our work can be used to guide enterprises with their decision making for the adoption of enterprise mashups and thus contribute to the development of a rigorous strategy for enterprise mashup adoption, development and diffusion.
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Bader, G., He, W., Anjomshoaa, A. et al. Proposing a context-aware enterprise mashup readiness assessment framework. Inf Technol Manag 13, 377–387 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-012-0134-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-012-0134-9