The current practice in the logistics industry is to calculate the carbon footprint of transportation activities based on the distance covered, using long-term fuel consumption averages per kilometer. However, fuel consumption may actually vary over time, because of differences in road characteristics, traffic situations, driving behavior, etc. Therefore, distance-based emission calculations are not accurate. Our approach is fuel-based and it calculates transport greenhouse gas emissions by obtaining the actual fuel consumption during trips via board computers installed in vehicles. Thus, we propose an architecture for a fuel-based Logistics Carbon Management System (LCMS) that monitors and collects real-time data about the fuel consumption during trips, and, consequently, calculates detailed and accurate carbon footprints of transportation services. Furthermore, this system is integrated with the logistics service provider’s business processes and with typical software applications (e.g., Transport Management Systems and Board Computers). We validate and implement the proposed architecture by means of a prototype.
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Appendix A
The CMS packages have been compared on several criteria that include all carbon footprint aspects discussed in this study and other offered functionality and technological aspects of the solutions. Concerning the functionality the comparison criteria are:
Approach: does the vendor calculate footprints according to a certain protocol and emission factors, or are various ones supported? Is the IS restricted to GHG emissions, or can it also manage other polluting emissions? Does the package only provide functionality on GHG topics, or are other environmental management functions included, or at least available in external modules?
Footprint calculation: can the CMS calculate both CCFs and PCFs, and are more specified footprints available?
Monitoring: how are the footprints calculated and presented real-time?
Reporting: what kind of reports can be produced? Does the CMS allow for auditing of the process?
Acting: besides monitoring and reporting, it is valuable to act upon the footprint data. How is the data being analysed and what tools are available to the user to support reduction initiatives. How thoroughly are these actions planned and does the CMS keep track of the progress?
Accounting: does the CMS offer functionality for accounting of energy and carbon offsets, and allowances trading?
Concerning the implementation, the CMS packages have been compared on:
User management: can user roles or workflows be specified?
Data entry: how can emission data be collected and entered into the IS?
Integration: is the CMS able to communicate with other ISs and is integration with supply chain partners possible?
Deployment: is the IS deployed locally, web-based or provided as a SaaS solution?
The table below shows an overview of the functionality and implementations characteristics of all surveyed packages (Table 2).
Appendix B
Acronym | Complete name |
ABC | Activity Based Costing |
AIS | Accounting Information System |
APS | Advanced Planning System |
BC | Board Computers |
BPMN | Business Process Modeling Notation (www.bpmn.org) |
CANbus | Controlled Area Network bus |
CCF | Corporate Carbon footprint |
CMS | Carbon Management Systems |
DBMS | Data Base Management System |
FMS | Fleet Management System |
GHG | Greenhouse Gases |
GPRS | General packet radio service (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Packet_Radio_Service) |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSM) |
IS | Information systems |
LCMS | Logistics Carbon Management System |
LSP | Logistic Service Providers |
OES | Order Entry System |
PCF | Product Carbon Footprint |
SMS | Short Message Service (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Message_Service Message Service) |
TMS | Transport Management Systems |
TOGAF | The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF 2009) |
UML | Unified Modeling Language (www.uml.org) |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_mobile_telecommunications_system) |
WMS | Warehouse Management System |
XML | Extensible Markup Language (http://www.w3.org/XML/) |
XSD | XML Schema Definition (http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema.html) |
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Iacob, M.E., van Sinderen, M.J., Steenwijk, M. et al. Towards a reference architecture for fuel-based carbon management systems in the logistics industry. Inf Syst Front 15, 725–745 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-013-9416-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-013-9416-y