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An alternative for data visualization using space-filling curve

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Dimensionality reduction helps data analysts and machine learning designers to visualize in low dimension structures lying in high dimension. This is a basic but crucial operation, to discover relationship between variables, considering the difficulties to tweek machine learning algorithm. The data have not to be consider as a black-box but can be visualized, leading to better decision making. Inspired from previous works, this article proposes to create a dimensionality reduction method based on space-filling curves (SFCs). Of course, the Hilbert curve was considered (guided by reflected binary gray code pattern) but also alternative high locality SFCs, recently identified. Mapping algorithms working with alternative curves are provided, and illustrated through a numerical example. Mapping a D-dimensional point to a 1D index is usual but developing an algorithm for reverse mapping, i.e. from 1D index to 2D or 3D point is more original and can allow the visualization of data. The work position is specified and justifications are given. A discussion on the choice of parameters (order of curves n and \(n'\) ) is led in order to guide the user to select good parameters (to define a bijection between original data space and projected space). Experiments are conducted to compare our proposition to state of the art approaches (PCA, MDS, t-SNE, UMAP) over seven dataset involving from 3D to 16D and covering diverse topologies. The results show interesting ability on data visualization. Compare to standard techniques, the time computing is low, which is an interesting property in regards to the amount of data today created.

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 3
Fig. 4

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  1. Inevitably, due to the reduction of dimensionality SFC induce topological breaks, which are taken into account in the estimation of locality preservation (via the Faloutsos criteria).

  2. On a I7-7820HQ Intel® CPU with GCC 6.3.0 and Python 3.5.3.


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Correspondence to Valentin Owczarek.

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Responsible editor: Johannes Fürnkranz and Fei Wang.

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For presentation purpose, a focus is made on two dataset (Blob and Tic-Tac-Toe) in Sect. 5. Additional results are presented in this appendix. Tables 7 and 8 regroups all results for Sammon Stress, Topology Preservation and Execution time. Moreover Fig. 5 is a comparative plot between PCA and SFC on the Sphere Dataset and Fig. 6 is between t-SNE and SFC on the Pen digits dataset.

Table 7 Results for the six datasets on two different measures
Table 8 Results for the six datasets on two different measures
Fig. 5
figure 5

Example of data projection on the 3-D Sphere Dataset. Where PCA fail to separate the two classes, SFC get a strict separation and yet PCA reached higher theoretical score (cf. Table 7)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example of data projection on the 16-D Pen digits Dataset. As for the Tic-Tac-Toe dataset (cf. Figure 4), the clusters formed by t-SNE are more compact

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Owczarek, V., Franco, P. & Mullot, R. An alternative for data visualization using space-filling curve. Data Min Knowl Disc 37, 2281–2305 (2023).

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