Most of the empirical evaluations of active learning approaches in the literature have focused on a single classifier and a single performance measure. We present an extensive empirical evaluation of common active learning baselines using two probabilistic classifiers and several performance measures on a number of large datasets. In addition to providing important practical advice, our findings highlight the importance of overlooked choices in active learning experiments in the literature. For example, one of our findings shows that model selection is as important as devising an active learning approach, and choosing one classifier and one performance measure can often lead to unexpected and unwarranted conclusions. Active learning should generally improve the model’s capability to distinguish between instances of different classes, but our findings show that the improvements provided by active learning for one performance measure often came at the expense of another measure. We present several such results, raise questions, guide users and researchers to better alternatives, caution against unforeseen side effects of active learning, and suggest future research directions.

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In the most extremely-imbalanced synthetic datasets (1 % positive class distribution), the results were mixed across measures.
Both Weka and scikit-learn have a multinomial naïve Bayes implementation for text classification.
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation CAREER award no. IIS-1350337.
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Appendix: Open-source active learning library: PyAL
Appendix: Open-source active learning library: PyAL
We performed the experiments in this article using Weka; for naïve Bayes, we used Weka’s own implementation and for logistic regression, we used Weka’s interface to LibLinear (Fan et al. 2008), version 1.7. We later re-wrote the code in Python, integrating it with scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011) and released it as open source under the name PyAL.
We created a dedicated website for this project at http://www.cs.iit.edu/~ml/projects/empirical-study. The website currently has:
The Java libraries that are necessary to repeat the experiments performed in this paper
The synthetic datasets that were used in this study
The link to the GitHub repository for the PyAL library
A side-by-side comparison of the results obtained using the Java version of the code versus PyAL
1.1 Similarities and differences between PyAL and weka results
We repeated the main set of experiments using PyAL and compared them side-by-side with the results we obtained using Weka. To save space, we included the figures on the project website http://www.cs.iit.edu/~ml/projects/empirical-study and here, we include only the t test results in Tables 8, 9, and 10.
The actual win/tie/loss counts using Weka and PyAL are not identical, but they vary very little and hence the trends and the main results obtained using Weka also hold for PyAL. We discuss some of the similarities and differences between the Weka and PyAL implementations.
1.1.1 Logistic regression results
The experiments in this paper used Weka’s interface to LibLinear version 1.7 for logistic regression. Scikit-learn’s logistic regression also uses LibLinear under the hood and hence logistic regression results are almost identical (modulo the random number sequences of Python vs. Java) for most datasets. The biggest visible difference occurs for the California Housing dataset and we verified that this difference is due to an older version of LibLinear port that Weka used.
1.1.2 Naïve Bayes results
For naïve Bayes, scikit-learn has two generic naïve Bayes implementations: a Bernoulli naïve Bayes for datasets with binary features and a Gaussian naïve Bayes for datasets with continuous features. Weka on the other hand has a generic naïve Bayes implementation that can work with datasets that have mixed feature types: binary, continuous, and categorical.Footnote 2
For datasets that contain only binary features, both scikit-learn’s and Weka’s naïve Bayes implementations are identical. All synthetic datasets and two real datasets, Hiva and Nova, have only binary features. For these datasets, the naïve Bayes results for both PyAL and Weka are almost identical, except minor differences in random number sequences of Python vs. Java.
For datasets that contain only continuous features, both scikit-learn and Weka’s naïve Bayes implementation is Gaussian naïve Bayes. Six out of 10 real datasets have features that are all continuous (Table 2). The remaining two real datasets, KDD99 and Sylva, have mixed feature types. Weka’s implementation of naïve Bayes can handle a mix of features whereas scikit-learn’s naïve Bayes implementation requires all features to be either continuous or binary, and hence datasets need to be pre-processed to conform to one of these formats. For these datasets, there are visual differences between the learning curves, some of which are significant, between PyAL and Weka results, though as the t test tables show, the general conclusions (e.g., RND being competitive in AUC, etc.) still hold.
1.2 PyAL library
The PyAL code consists of:
an active learning algorithm implementation,
, that given the parameters for an active learning session, such as the underlying classifier, an active learning strategy, and a budget, runs an active learning session, and evaluates the classifier at each step of the active learning,
an active learning API, which provides the base classes for choosing a bootstrap, the base classes for choosing the next instance(s) to be labeled at each step of the labeling process, and implementation of a few active learning approaches,
a command-line interface, which reads the active learning settings from a command line, that loads the dataset(s), runs the
code, plots the results, and saves the results to files,
and a GUI interface written in Tkinter as a visual alternative to the command-line interface.
Currently implemented bootstrap strategies are (i) random sampling, where the initially labeled instances are chosen completely at random, and (ii) random sampling from each class, where equal number of random instances are chosen from each class. The code can be extended to implement additional bootstrap strategies, by extending the bootstrap class; for example, unsupervised batch-mode active learning strategies can be used to bootstrap the active learning process.
Currently implemented active learning approaches include uncertainty sampling (Lewis and Gale 1994), query-by-committee through bagging (Abe and Mamitsuka 1998), and expected error reduction (Roy and McCallum 2001), with a possibility to implement additional active learning strategies by extending the base strategy class.
A detailed documentation of the code, access to the GitHub repository, and Java executables can be found at http://www.cs.iit.edu/~ml/projects/empirical-study.
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Ramirez-Loaiza, M.E., Sharma, M., Kumar, G. et al. Active learning: an empirical study of common baselines. Data Min Knowl Disc 31, 287–313 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-016-0469-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-016-0469-7