We face the problem of strictly separating two sets of points by means of a sphere, considering the two cases where the center of the sphere is fixed or free, respectively. In particular, for the former we present a fast and simple solution algorithm, whereas for the latter one we use the DC-Algorithm based on a DC decomposition of the error function. Numerical results for both the cases are presented on several classical binary datasets drawn from the literature.
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In this section we report the proofs of Theorems 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Theorem 2.1
Let S⊆ℝn be a nonempty compact set. If x 0∈S and C≥1/(2k), then there exists an optimal solution to problem (5).
If x 0∈S, then
Taking into account the definition of h, the constraint z≥q and inequality (18), we obtain
where \(D\stackrel {\triangle }{=}\sum_{l=1}^{k} D_{l}\).
From the above inequality, if \(C\geq\frac{1}{2k}\), the thesis follows by taking into account that h is coercive on the set \(\varOmega \stackrel {\triangle }{=}\{ (x_{0},z,q)~|~x_{0}\in S \mbox{ and } 0\leq q\leq z \}\). □
Theorem 2.2
There exists an optimal solution for problem (6) with z>0.
Let \((x_{0}^{*},z^{*},q^{*},\xi^{*},\mu^{*})\) be any optimal solution for problem (6) with z ∗=0. As a consequence q ∗=0, \(\xi^{*}_{i}=\|a_{i}-x_{0}^{*}\|^{2}\) for i=1,…,m and \(\mu_{l}^{*}=0\) for l=1,…,k.
We define the sets
which cannot be simultaneously empty, by the assumption that the sets \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\) are disjoint.
Now we consider the solution
and the components of the vectors \(\bar{\xi}\) and \(\bar{\mu}\) defined as follows:
according to the three possible cases:
(i) \(x_{0}^{*}\neq a_{i}\) for i=1,…,m and \(x_{0}^{*}\neq b_{l}\) for l=1,…,k;
(ii) \(x_{0}^{*}= a_{j}\) for some j∈{1,…,m};
(iii) \(x_{0}^{*}= b_{j}\) for some j∈{1,…,k}.
It is easy to show that the above solution (20), characterized by \(\bar{z}>0\), is feasible for problem (6), with an objective function value which is not worse than that one corresponding to solution \((x_{0}^{*},z^{*},q^{*},\xi^{*},\mu^{*})\). □
Theorem 2.3
Let \((x_{0}^{*}, z^{*}, q^{*}, \xi^{*}, \mu^{*})\) be any optimal solution of problem (6), with C>1. Then the sphere \(S(x_{0}^{*},R^{*})\), with \(R^{*}=\sqrt{z^{*}}\), strictly separates the sets \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\) if and only if q ∗>0.
(⇒) Assume \(S(x_{0}^{*},R^{*})\), with \(R^{*}=\sqrt{z^{*}}\), strictly separates the sets \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\), and let q ∗=0. Thus we have
and, consequently,
Note that the optimality of \((x_{0}^{*}, z^{*}, q^{*}, \xi^{*}, \mu^{*})\), together with (21), implies ξ ∗=0 and μ ∗=0 and the optimal objective function value equal to zero.
Define now a feasible solution \((\bar{x}_{0}, \bar{z}, \bar{q}, \bar{\xi}, \bar{\mu})\), to problem (6) as follows:
It is characterized by an objective function value equal to −ϵ<0, which contradicts optimality of \((x_{0}^{*}, z^{*}, q^{*}, \xi^{*}, \mu^{*})\).
(⇐) Now suppose q ∗>0, and assume by contradiction that the sphere \(S(x_{0}^{*},R^{*})\), with \(R^{*}=\sqrt{z^{*}}\), does not strictly separate \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\). Then at least one of the two possible cases occur:
there exists \(a_{j}\in \mathcal {A}\) such that \(\|a_{j}-x_{0}^{*}\|^{2}\geq z^{*}\), which implies
$$ \xi_j^*\geq q^*-z^* + \bigl\|a_j-x_0^* \bigr\|^2 \geq q^*>0; $$(22) -
there exists \(b_{j}\in \mathcal {B}\) such that \(\|b_{j}-x_{0}^{*}\|^{2}\leq z^{*}\), which implies
$$ \mu_j^*\geq q^*+z^* - \bigl\|b_j-x_0^* \bigr\|^2 \geq q^*>0. $$(23)
Case 1. The value of the objective function, in correspondence to the optimal solution is
Now we consider the solution \((\bar{x}_{0}, \bar{z}, \bar{q}, \bar{\xi}, \bar{\mu})\) defined as follows:
which can be easily proved to be feasible to problem (6), taking into account (22). Moreover, the corresponding objective function value is
If C>1 then
which contradicts the optimality of \((x_{0}^{*}, z^{*}, q^{*}, \xi^{*}, \mu^{*})\).
Case 2. Analogous considerations hold. □
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Astorino, A., Fuduli, A. & Gaudioso, M. Margin maximization in spherical separation. Comput Optim Appl 53, 301–322 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-012-9486-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-012-9486-7