In the past decade, cloud platforms have become a standard across the industry for data storage and operations. Such platforms offer high quality of service in terms of reliability and ease of setup at an effective cost. With exponentially high rates of increase of data storage requirements, data is now increasingly stored in clouds. However, there are limited studies which analyze the processes performing the storage operations. Queueing models offer a very natural way of modeling these storage processes. The data packets waiting for storage form a queue which is served by a storage server. Since data packets are transmitted to the cloud in batches for efficiency, this storage server is modelled as a batch server. The storage server goes into sleep mode in between data transmission periods which are, in turn, modelled as vacations. The storage service is resumed after a vacation if there are enough packets in backlog or enough time has elapsed since last storage. This is modelled as restarting thresholds in our model. Analyzing this model helps us evaluate the quality of service (QoS) of storage processes in terms of measures such as backlog size and probability of a new connection to cloud server. These measures are then used to define a user cost function and QoS constraints, and compute optimal storage parameters.
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Saxena, A., Claeys, D., Zhang, B. et al. Cloud data storage: a queueing model with thresholds. Ann Oper Res 293, 295–315 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03279-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03279-y