We consider solving nonlinear optimization problems with a stochastic objective and deterministic equality constraints. We assume for the objective that its evaluation, gradient, and Hessian are inaccessible, while one can compute their stochastic estimates by, for example, subsampling. We propose a stochastic algorithm based on sequential quadratic programming (SQP) that uses a differentiable exact augmented Lagrangian as the merit function. To motivate our algorithm design, we first revisit and simplify an old SQP method Lucidi (J. Optim. Theory Appl. 67(2): 227–245, 1990) developed for solving deterministic problems, which serves as the skeleton of our stochastic algorithm. Based on the simplified deterministic algorithm, we then propose a non-adaptive SQP for dealing with stochastic objective, where the gradient and Hessian are replaced by stochastic estimates but the stepsizes are deterministic and prespecified. Finally, we incorporate a recent stochastic line search procedure Paquette and Scheinberg (SIAM J. Optim. 30(1): 349–376 2020) into the non-adaptive stochastic SQP to adaptively select the random stepsizes, which leads to an adaptive stochastic SQP. The global “almost sure” convergence for both non-adaptive and adaptive SQP methods is established. Numerical experiments on nonlinear problems in CUTEst test set demonstrate the superiority of the adaptive algorithm.
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We would like to thank Associated Editor and two anonymous reviewers for helpful and instructive comments. Sen Na would like to thank Nick Gould for helping with the implementation of CUTEst in Julia. This material was completed in part with resources provided by the University of Chicago Research Computing Center. This material was based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11347 and by NSF through award CNS-1545046.
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Proofs of section 3
1.1 Proof of lemma 1
The expectation is taken over randomness of \(\xi _g^k\) and \(\xi _H^k\), which means that the k-th iterate \(({{\varvec{x}}}_k, {\varvec{\lambda }}_k)\) is supposed to be fixed. By the unbiasedness condition in Assumption 2, we have
where the fourth equality is due to the independence between \(\xi _g^k\) and \(\xi _H^k\). Moreover, we have
We now bound \(\Vert {\mathcal {K}}\Vert \). Suppose \(G_k^T = Y_kE_k\) where \(Y_k\) has orthonormal columns spanning \(\text {Image}(G_k^T)\) and \(E_k\) is a square matrix, and suppose \(Z_k\) has orthonormal columns spanning \(\text {Ker}(G_k)\). By Assumption 1, we know \(E_k\) is nonsingular and \(Z_k^TB_kZ_k \succeq \gamma _{RH} I\). By directly verifying \(\left( {\begin{matrix} B_k &{} G_k^T\\ G_k &{} {{\varvec{0}}}\end{matrix}}\right) {\mathcal {K}}= I\), one can show
Noting that \(\Vert E_k^{-1}\Vert ^2 = \Vert E_k^{-1}(E_k^{-1})^T\Vert = \Vert (G_kG_k^T)^{-1}\Vert {\mathop {\le }\limits ^{(12)}} 1/\kappa _{1,G}\), and \(\Vert (Z_k^TB_kZ_k)^{-1}\Vert \le 1/\gamma _{RH}\), we can bound \(\Vert {\mathcal {K}}\Vert \) by summing the spectrum norm of each block, and get
Since \(\kappa _B \ge 1\ge \gamma _{RH}\vee \kappa _{1,G}\), we can simplify the bound by
Plugging the above inequality into (A.1), we have
Similarly, we can bound \({\mathbb {E}}_{\xi ^k_g,\xi ^k_H}[\Vert {{\bar{\varDelta }}}{\varvec{\lambda }}_k\Vert ^2]\) as follows.
For the last term, we have
where the second equality is due to the independence between \(\xi _g^k\) and \(\xi _H^k\). We note that
Taking expectation over \(\xi _H^k\) on both sides and using (11), we have
Combining (A.5) with (A.4) and (A.1), we obtain
Plugging the above inequality into (A.3),
Combining (A.6) with (A.2), we can define
and have
This completes the proof.
1.2 Proof of theorem 1
We require the following lemmas.
Lemma 10
Let \((\varDelta {{\varvec{x}}}_k, \varDelta {\varvec{\lambda }}_k)\) be solved by (5). Then for any \(\mu , \nu \),
We have
This completes the proof. \(\square \)
Lemma 11
Under Assumption 1, we have
By (5), we know
This completes the proof. \(\square \)
Now, we are ready for proving Theorem 1. We note that
Since \(\kappa _{2,G}\wedge \kappa _B \ge 1\ge \kappa _{1,G}\),
Plugging the above inequality into (15), we have
Case 1: constant stepsize. If \(\alpha _k = \alpha \), we take full expectation of (A.8), sum over \(k = 0,\ldots ,K\), and have
Rearranging the above inequality leads to
Case 2: decaying stepsize. Let us define two sequences
From (A.8), we know
Since \(e_k \ge 0\), \(\{s_k -\min _{{\mathcal {X}}\times \varLambda }{\mathcal {L}}_{\mu , \nu }\}_k\) is a positive supermartingale. By [17, Theorem 4.2.12], we have \(s_k\rightarrow s\) almost surely for some random variable s and \({\mathbb {E}}[s]\le s_0<\infty \). Therefore, \({\mathbb {E}}[\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }e_k] = \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }{\mathbb {E}}\left[ e_k\right] \le \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }{\mathbb {E}}[s_k] - {\mathbb {E}}[s_{k+1}]<\infty \), where the first equality is due to Fubini-Tonelli theorem [17, Theorem 1.7.2]. The above display implies that \(\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }e_k<\infty \) almost surely. Moreover, since \(\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }\alpha _k = \infty \), we obtain \(\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }e_k/\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }\alpha _k = 0\) and \(\liminf _{k\rightarrow 0}\Vert \nabla {\mathcal {L}}_k\Vert = 0\) almost surely. This completes the proof.
Proofs of section 4
1.1 Proof of lemma 3
Let \(P_{\xi _f^k}(\cdot ) = P(\cdot \mid {{\varvec{x}}}_k, {\varvec{\lambda }}_k,{{\bar{\varDelta }}}{{\varvec{x}}}_k, {{\bar{\varDelta }}}{\varvec{\lambda }}_k)\) be the conditional probability over randomness in \(\xi _f^k\). We have that
Let us denote
then the above display implies that \(|{{\bar{{\mathcal {L}}}}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^k - {\mathcal {L}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^k |\le m_k\) by requiring
The above condition is further implied by requiring
Thus, we apply Bernstein inequality [43, Theorem 6.1.1] and have that if
Under (B.2), we also have \(P_{\xi _f^k}(|{{\bar{{\mathcal {L}}}}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^{s_k} - {\mathcal {L}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^{s_k}|> m_k )\le p_f/2\), which implies the condition (23) holds. As for the condition (24), we apply (B.1) to obtain
where the last inequality applies the variance bound for the sample average, that is \({\mathbb {E}}[|{{\bar{f}}}_k - f_k|^2] = {\mathbb {E}}[|f({{\varvec{x}}}_k; \xi ) - f_k|^2]/|\xi _f^k| \le \varOmega _0^2/|\xi _f^k|\) (and similar for \({\mathbb {E}}[\Vert {{\bar{\nabla }}}f_k - \nabla f_k\Vert ^2]\)). Following the same calculation, we can show the same bound for \(|{{\bar{{\mathcal {L}}}}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^{s_k} - {\mathcal {L}}_{{{\bar{\mu }}}_k, \nu }^{s_k} |^2\). Thus, the condition (24) holds if
Combining (B.2) and (B.3) and taking maximum on the right hand side, the conditions (23) and (24) are satisfied simultaneously when
with \(C_f = 16\max \{\varOmega _0,\varOmega _1\}^2\{1\vee 4\nu ^2\kappa _{2,G}^2(\varOmega _1\vee \kappa _{\nabla _{{{\varvec{x}}}}{\mathcal {L}}})^2\}\). Finally, we note that \(m_k\ne 0\). Otherwise, by (19) we know \({{\bar{\varDelta }}}{{\varvec{x}}}_k = {{\varvec{0}}}\) and \(G_k{{\bar{\nabla }}}_{{{\varvec{x}}}}{\mathcal {L}}_k = {{\varvec{0}}}\). Then, by (9) we have \({{\bar{\varDelta }}}{\varvec{\lambda }}_k = {{\varvec{0}}}\), which contradicts \(\Vert ({{\bar{\varDelta }}}{{\varvec{x}}}_k, {{\bar{\varDelta }}}{\varvec{\lambda }}_k)\Vert >0\) in Assumption 3. This completes the proof.
1.2 Proof of proposition 2
Note that
Thus, we know
Using (12) and (36), we upper bound the spectrum norm of each block of the right hand side matrix, and define
with \(\kappa _{{{\bar{M}}}}\) given in (36), then the first inequality in (39) is satisfied. Furthermore, we know
Thus, we let
and the second inequality in (39) is satisfied. Moreover,
Thus, we let
and the third inequality in (39) is satisfied. Finally,
By Lemma 4, we know \({{\bar{\mu }}}_{{{\bar{K}}}} \le {{\tilde{\mu }}}\) with deterministic \({{\tilde{\mu }}}\). Thus, we let
and the fourth inequality in (39) is satisfied. This completes the proof.
1.3 Proof of lemma 8
We consider the following three cases.
Case 1: reliable step. For the reliable step, we apply Lemma 6 and (43) is changed to
By Line 13 of Algorithm 3, \({{\bar{\epsilon }}}_{k+1} - {{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k = (\rho -1){{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k\), while (44) is the same. Thus, by the condition on \(\omega \) in (41) we obtain
Case 2: unreliable step. For the unreliable step, (B.6) is changed to
By Line 15 of Algorithm 3, \({{\bar{\epsilon }}}_{k+1} - {{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k = -(1-1/\rho ){{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k\) and (44) is the same. Thus, under the condition on \(\omega \) in (41),
Case 3: unsuccessful step. The result in (45) holds.
Combining (B.7), (B.8), (45), we have
which completes the proof.
1.4 Proof of lemma 9
We consider the following three cases.
Case 1: reliable step. We have
By Line 13 of Algorithm 3, \({{\bar{\epsilon }}}_{k+1} - {{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k = (\rho -1){{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k\), and (44) holds as well. By (41), we have
Case 2: unreliable step. The inequality in (B.9) is changed to
We further have \({{\bar{\epsilon }}}_{k+1} - {{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k = -(1-1/\rho ){{\bar{\epsilon }}}_k\) and (44) holds as well. Using (41), we get
Case 3: unsuccessful step. The result in (45) holds.
Combining (B.10), (B.11), (45), we obtain
which completes the proof.
Additional simulation results
We list the detailed results for each selected CUTEst problem. For each problem and each method, we have five levels of noise. For all four methods, we report the smallest result among different setups. In particular, for NonAdapSQP and \(\ell _1\) SQP, we take the minimum over all six setups of stepsize sequences (four constant sequences and two decaying sequences). For AdapSQP and \(\ell _1\) AdapSQP, we take the minimum over four setups of constants \(C_{grad}, C_f = \{1,5,10,50\}\). The result here is the KKT residual of the last iterate. We average over convergent runs across five independent runs. The convergence results are summarized in Tables 1, 2, and 3.
In tables, the column of logR shows \(\log (\Vert \nabla {\mathcal {L}}_k\Vert )\) and the column of logStd shows the log of standard deviation. For each problem, the first line is the result of AdapSQP; the second line is the result of \(\ell _1\) AdapSQP; the third line is the result of \(\ell _1\) SQP; and the fourth line is the result of NonAdapSQP. The entry ‘\(\diagup \)’ means that the algorithm does not converge (within the given budget).
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Na, S., Anitescu, M. & Kolar, M. An adaptive stochastic sequential quadratic programming with differentiable exact augmented lagrangians. Math. Program. 199, 721–791 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-022-01846-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-022-01846-z