Traditional, hands-on dissection of an animal is common practice in many classrooms to aid in the study of anatomy and biology. More specifically, virtual dissection environments have been developed making it possible to study the inner workings of animals without cutting them up. In this paper, we present a novel virtual reality dissection simulator, where a user can dissect an animal (i.e. frog) and its organs using a 3D force feedback haptic device. The simulator uses force feedback as part of a multimodal cue to provide guidance and performance feedback to the user. This paper highlights methodologies which are used for addressing some of the key challenges involved in designing and developing simulators, such as: modelling and mechanics of deformation, collision detection between multiple deformable bodies, and haptic feedback.

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Appendix A: Questionnaire from user study
Appendix A: Questionnaire from user study
1.1 Opinion questionnaire
Now that you have completed the experiment, we would like to ask you a few questions about what you experienced. In the questions below asking for a selection on a range of 1 to 5, circle one number where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

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Vafai, N.M., Payandeh, S. Toward the development of interactive virtual dissection with haptic feedback. Virtual Reality 14, 85–103 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-009-0132-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-009-0132-3