This paper proposes a statistical background modeling framework to deal with the issue of target detection, where the global and local information is utilized to achieve more accurate detection of moving objects. Specifically, for the target detection problem under illumination change conditions, a novel self-adaptive Gaussian mixture model mixed with the global information is utilized to construct a statistical background model to detect moving objects; for the target detection problem under dynamic background conditions, the self-tuning spectral clustering method is first utilized to cluster background images, and then the kernel density estimation method mixed with the local information is utilized to construct a statistical background model to detect moving objects. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can improve the detection performance under illumination change conditions or dynamic background conditions.

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This work was supported by the Postdoctoral Foundation of China under No. 2014M550297, Postdoctoral Foundation of Jiangsu Province under No. 1302087B, Education Reform Research and Practice Program of Jiangsu Province under No. JGZZ13_041, and Graduate Research and Innovation Program of Jiangsu under No. KYLX_0820 and No. SJ22-0106.
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Li, X., Zhu, S. & Chen, L. Statistical background model-based target detection. Pattern Anal Applic 19, 783–791 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-015-0495-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-015-0495-x