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This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) under the contract no. 02 E 10558. The code development and qualification was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Research and Technology (BMFT), since 1998 by the Ministry for Economics and Labour and since 2002 by the Ministry for Economics and Technology. Grateful thanks are due, too, to my colleagues Judith Flügge, Sabine Spießl, Sven Keesmann and Matthias Küntzel, and to all colleagues who have been working over the years within the projects mentioned above in the working groups of Gabriel Wittum, Wolfgang Kinzelbach, Peter Knabner, Dietmar Kröner, Werner Zielke, Martin Rumpf, Sabine Attinger and Olaf Kolditz. The paper is dedicated to Eckhard Fein who initiated the development of \(\hbox {d}^{3}\hbox {f}\), and looked after the continuous advancement through a great many of years.
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Communicated by Gabriel Wittum.
This paper is dedicated to our former colleague Eckhard Fein who suddenly died on September 5th 2009.
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Schneider, A., Kröhn, KP. & Püschel, A. Developing a modelling tool for density-driven flow in complex hydrogeological structures. Comput. Visual Sci. 15, 163–168 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00791-013-0207-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00791-013-0207-2