Requirements engineering is one of the most important areas of software engineering because it enables practitioners to determine the characteristics and constraints of the software to be developed. Therefore, the requirements elicitation process aims to obtain a preliminary version of the requirements before their specification, but it is difficult to know if the elicited requirements have the desired attributes (i.e., these requirements are complete, correct, consistent, etc.) due to the nature of this process. There are some measures that allow requirements engineers to quantify certain aspects of the requirements elicitation process and its final product (i.e., the preliminary version of the requirements, also known as preliminary requirements), but there is no way of measuring and controlling the quality of the elicited preliminary requirements. With the aim of understanding, evaluating, and improving the activities of the requirements elicitation process, some of the existing measures for this process were analyzed and, consequently, a case study was conducted to define and implement a measurement program with a set of eight measures that are proposed in this study. This program is based on the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017—systems and software engineering—measurement process, an international standard that establishes a common process and framework for the measurement of systems and software. The measurement program corresponds to a lightweight implementation of the standard in the context of a small-sized software organization (where the size of the software staff is 11–50 people, the size of projects is 50,000–100,000 LOC, and the time spent on the projects is six to twelve months) and the obtained results showed a preliminary positive influence when obtaining high-quality preliminary requirements.

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The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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Pacheco, C., Garcia, I., Calvo-Manzano, J.A. et al. Measuring and improving software requirements elicitation in a small-sized software organization: a lightweight implementation of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017—systems and software engineering—measurement process. Requirements Eng 28, 257–281 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00394-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00394-4