The Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting (BETI) methods were recently introduced as boundary element counterparts of the well established Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) methods. Here we combine the BETI method preconditioned by the projector to the “natural coarse grid” with recently proposed optimal algorithms for the solution of bound and equality constrained quadratic programming problems in order to develop a theoretically supported scalable solver for elliptic multidomain boundary variational inequalities such as those describing the equilibrium of a system of bodies in mutual contact. The key observation is that the “natural coarse grid” defines a subspace that contains the solution, so that the preconditioning affects also the non-linear steps. The results are validated by numerical experiments.
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Bouchala, J., Dostál, Z. & Sadowská, M. Theoretically supported scalable BETI method for variational inequalities. Computing 82, 53–75 (2008).
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