Nowadays, along with increased public demands on the high-quality green fresh product, the downstream retailer has to spend in the packaging and cold chain transportation and the upstream farmer needs to invest more in green fresh products producing. In this paper, we investigate a green fresh product supply chain problem, in which the retailer transports and sells green fresh products to the ultimate consumer while the farmer produces green fresh product through spending a greenness improvement investment and sells green fresh products to the retailer. Since the fresh product is perishable, the retailer needs to make a costly freshness-keeping effort. Obviously, the freshness-keeping effort, the price, and the greenness improvement level will affect the demand. Thus, to demonstrate the game structure between the retailer and the farmer, a decentralized model without cost sharing, a decentralized Stackelberg cost sharing model, and a Nash bargaining model with cost sharing are formulated. Results show that: (1) The equilibrium decisions under Stackelberg model with cost sharing are larger than that of the Nash bargaining model with cost sharing, while equilibrium decisions in the decentralized model without cost sharing are the least. (2) Both greenness improvement levels in Stackelberg cost sharing contract and Nash bargaining are greater than that in decentralized model without cost sharing. (3) The retailer’s profits in Stackelberg cost sharing contract and Nash bargaining are larger than that in decentralized case without cost sharing, while the farmer’s profits in Stackelberg cost sharing contract and Nash bargaining are larger than in decentralized model without cost sharing in certain conditions. Meanwhile, a numerical example is given to illustrate the results we obtained in the theoretical analysis process.

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This work was supported by Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Tianjin (No. TJGL16-009Q).
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1.1 Appendix A: Summary of abbreviations
1.2 Appendix B: Model solving process and proofs of Propositions
The centralized channel case. The whole channel supply chain profit function can be rewritten as
The first-order condition
The second-order condition
Moreover, we can also obtain
Thus, the Hessian matrix is
Through computing the Hessian Matrix, when the conditions \(2bL-\beta ^2>0\) and \(-2\,bLK+{\beta }^{2}K+{\alpha }^{2}L<0\) are satisfied, the supply chain profit function is joint concave with respect to the decision variables. Thus, equating the first-order condition to 0 and solving the equations, we obtain
Subsequently, the optimal profit of the centralized supply chain is
Proof of Proposition1
We can easily get the results from the computational process. \(\square \)
Proof of Corollary 1
According to the analytical expressions given above, we can easily get the results by implementing differentiation. \(\square \)
The decentralized channel case. Under this environment, we solve the farmer’s optimization problem first:
Rewriting as
The Hessian matrix is
Through computing the Hessian matrix, the farmer’s profit function is joint concave with respect to the decision variables when \(2bK-\alpha ^2>0\). The first-order condition is
Thus, equating the first-order condition to 0 and solving the equations, we get
We substitute Eqs. (21)–(22) into the retailer’s profit function (1) and derive
By computing the first-order condition
and the second-order condition
we can write the Hessian matrix of \(\pi _\mathrm{R}\) as
Through computing the Hessian matrix, the retailer’s profit function is joint concave with respect to the decision variables when \(\frac{b^2K(4LbK-\beta ^2K-2L\alpha ^2)}{(2Kb-\alpha ^2)^2}>0\), i.e., \(4LbK-\beta ^2K-2L\alpha ^2>0\). Let the first-order condition be 0. We get
Then, we have
Proof of Proposition2
We can easily get the results from the computational process. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 3
The above relationships can be proved easily through algebraic comparison. \(\square \)
The model with cost sharing. Due to the game structure, we solve for the farmer’s profit function first:
The first-order condition
and the second-order condition
We can write the Hessian matrix as
then the Hessian matrix is negative definite if
Thus, the farmer’s profit function is jointly concave in w and \(\theta \). Let the first condition be zero, we obtain
Substituting Eqs. (24–25) into (5), we can derive
According to the first-order condition
and the second-order condition
Then, the Hessian matrix is negative definite if
Equivalent to
which implies
By the first-order condition, we have
Substituting m and \(\zeta \) into Eq. (26), we can obtain the retailer’s profit function with respect to \(\psi \)
Then, the first-order condition
and the second-order condition
The second-order condition is negative if \(A_9>0.\) Thus, \(\pi _\mathrm{R}(\psi )\) is concave in \(\psi \) for the above condition. Solving the first-order condition for \(\psi \) gives \(\psi =\frac{1}{3}\) or \(\psi =1\).
When \(\psi =1\), \(A_9>0\) can be reduced to \(-L\alpha ^2>0\), which is a contradiction since \(L,K, \alpha ,\beta >0\).
Logically, the equilibrium \(\psi ^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}=\frac{1}{3}\). Substituting the value of \(\psi ^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}=\frac{1}{3}\) into the expressions accordingly, we get
Proof of Proposition4
We can easily get the results from the computational process. \(\square \)
Proof of Corollary 2
During the computation process, the
By computing the first-order derivative, we can obtain the result. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 5
We prove the result about \(\zeta \); the result about w can be proved analogously. During the computation process, the
By computing the first-order derivative with respect to \(\psi \) and making analysis, we can obtain the result. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 6
By computing the first-order derivative with respect to \(\psi \) and making analysis, we can obtain the result. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 7
The result can be proved analogously with Proposition 5. \(\square \)
Bargaining cost sharing contract model. Since the farmer and the retailer decide the \(\psi \) via bargaining, we formulate the objective function as
Due to the game structure, we solve the farmer’s optimization problem first:
The first-order condition
and the second-order condition
We can write the Hessian matrix as
The Hessian matrix is negative definite if
Under this assumption, the farmer’s profit function is joint concave in p and \(\zeta \). Let the first-order condition be zero and solve equations for p and \(\zeta \). We can obtain
Substituting Eqs. (29–30) into the retailer’s profit function, we get
The first-order condition
and the second-order condition
Then, the Hessian matrix is negative definite if
Equivalent to
which implies
Let the first-order condition be zero and solve equations for m and \(\zeta \). We can get
Substituting m and \(\zeta \) into Eqs. (29–30) and the Nash bargaining function (27). By computing the first-order condition and the second-order condition of the bargaining model
The first-order condition
The second-order condition
The second-order condition is negative if \(A_2<0.\) Thus, the objective function is concave in \(\psi \) for the above condition. Let the first-order condition be 0. We obtain \(\psi =1\),
When \(\psi =1\), \(2Kb(1-\psi )-\alpha ^2>0\) can be deduced to \(-\alpha ^2>0\), which is a contradiction. Meanwhile, if
then the \(2Kb(1-\psi )-\alpha ^2>0\) is not satisfied. When
If \(12KLb^2-8L\alpha ^2b-\alpha ^2\beta ^2<0\), then we can get \(2Kb(1-\psi )-\alpha ^2<0\); if \(12KLb^2-8L\alpha ^2b-\alpha ^2\beta ^2>0\), we only need to check \((12KLb^2-8L\alpha ^2b-\alpha ^2\beta ^2)^2-(2bA_3)^2\) is greater than or less than 0. By algebra,
The problem transfers to verify whether \(4KLb^2-2L\alpha ^2b-\alpha ^2\beta ^2\) is greater or less than 0. Since we have \(2KLb-\beta ^2K-L\alpha ^2>0\) and \(2Kb-\alpha ^2>0\), \(2b(2KLb-\beta ^2K-L\alpha ^2)>0\) and \(4KLb^2-2L\alpha ^2b-2\beta ^2Kb>0\). Owing to \(2Kb-\alpha ^2>0\), we can derive \(4KLb^2-2L\alpha ^2b-\alpha ^2\beta ^2>0\). Thus, \(2Kb(1-\psi )-\alpha ^2<0\) when
Obviously, the
should be omitted. Analogously, we can also prove that \(2Kb(1-\psi )-\alpha ^2>0\) can be satisfied when
Thus, the equilibrium
The equilibrium decisions and profit functions are
Proof of Proposition 8
We can get the results from the computational process. \(\square \)
Model comparison.
Proof of Proposition 9
We need to prove \(10KLb+2K\beta ^2-9L\alpha ^2-3A_3<0\) which is equivalent to \((10KLb+2K\beta ^2-9L\alpha ^2)^2-(3A_3)^2<0\). By algebra, we need to prove
which is true since \(K>0\) and \(16KLb-4K\beta ^2-9L\alpha ^2>0\). \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 10
We prove \(w^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}>w^{\mathrm{D}^{*}}\) for example. The proofs of \(\theta ^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}>\theta ^{\mathrm{D}^{*}},\,p^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}>p^{\mathrm{D}^{*}},\zeta ^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}>\zeta ^{\mathrm{D}^{*}}\) can be done analogously.
The \(w^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}=\frac{12KLbc-4K\beta ^2c-9L\alpha ^2c+4KLa}{16KLb-4\beta ^2K-9L\alpha ^2}\) and the \(w^{\mathrm{D}^{*}}=\frac{[L(3bc+a)-c\beta ^2]K-2Lc\alpha ^2}{4LbK-\beta ^2K-2L\alpha ^2}\). It is equivalent to prove \(\frac{w^{\mathrm{CS}^{*}}}{w^{\mathrm{D}^{*}}}>1\).
Obviously, \(a-bc>0\) holds true. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 11
The proof can be obtained with the first-order derivative. \(\square \)
Proof of Proposition 12
The proof of (1) can be derived from Propositions 7 and 9; the proof of (2) is analogous to Proposition 10. \(\square \)
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Wang, G., Ding, P., Chen, H. et al. Green fresh product cost sharing contracts considering freshness-keeping effort. Soft Comput 24, 2671–2691 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-03828-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-03828-4