This work presents a service oriented architecture for evolutionary algorithms, and an implementation of this architecture using a specific technology (called OSGiLiath). Service oriented architecture is a computational paradigm where users interact using services to increase the integration between systems. The presented abstract architecture is formed by loosely coupled, highly configurable and language-independent services. As an example of an implementation of this architecture, a complete process development using a specific service oriented technology is explained. With this implementation, less effort than classical development in integration, distribution mechanisms and execution time management has been attained. In addition, steps, ideas, advantages and disadvantages, and guidelines to create service oriented evolutionary algorithms are presented. Using existing software, or from scratch, researchers can create services to increase the interoperability in this area.

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This work has been supported in part by FPU research grant AP2009-2942 and projects AmIVital (CENIT2007-1010), EvOrq (P08-TIC-03903), UGR PR-PP2011-5, and TIN2011-28627-C04-02. Authors wish to thank reviewers’ comments, whose suggestion and guidelines have contributed to improve this work.
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García-Sánchez, P., González, J., Castillo, P.A. et al. Service oriented evolutionary algorithms. Soft Comput 17, 1059–1075 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-013-0999-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-013-0999-5