This paper considers the strong stabilization problem: given a linear time-varying system which is stabilizable by dynamic feedback, when can the stabilizer be chosen to be itself stable? We consider here the case of algebras of discrete time, time-varying systems which are asymptotically time-invariant, in the sense that as time evolves the time-varying transfer operator converges to a time-invariant transfer operator. Convergence here is in the sense of uniform or strong convergence of sequences of operators on an appropriate Hilbert space of input–output signals.
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Feintuch, A. On strong stabilization of asymptotically time-invariant linear time-varying systems. Math. Control Signals Syst. 22, 229–243 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-011-0057-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-011-0057-8