We investigate for which metric spaces the performance of distance labeling and of \(\ell _\infty \)-embeddings differ, and how significant can this difference be. Recall that a distance labeling is a distributed representation of distances in a metric space (X, d), where each point \(x\in X\) is assigned a succinct label, such that the distance between any two points \(x,y\in X\) can be approximated given only their labels. A highly structured special case is an embedding into \(\ell _\infty \), where each point \(x\in X\) is assigned a vector f(x) such that \(\Vert f(x)-f(y)\Vert _\infty \) is approximately d(x, y). The performance of a distance labeling or an \(\ell _\infty \)-embedding is measured via its distortion and its label-size/dimension. We also study the analogous question for the prioritized versions of these two measures. Here, a priority order \(\pi =(x_1,\dots ,x_n)\) of the point set X is given, and higher-priority points should have shorter labels. Formally, a distance labeling has prioritized label-size \(\alpha (\,{\cdot }\,)\) if every \(x_j\) has label size at most \(\alpha (j)\). Similarly, an embedding \(f:X\rightarrow \ell _\infty \) has prioritized dimension \(\alpha (\,{\cdot }\,)\) if \(f(x_j)\) is non-zero only in the first \(\alpha (j)\) coordinates. In addition, we compare these prioritized measures to their classical (worst-case) versions. We answer these questions in several scenarios, uncovering a surprisingly diverse range of behaviors. First, in some cases labelings and embeddings have very similar worst-case performance, but in other cases there is a huge disparity. However in the prioritized setting, we most often find a strict separation between the performance of labelings and embeddings. And finally, when comparing the classical and prioritized settings, we find that the worst-case bound for label size often “translates” to a prioritized one, but also find a surprising exception to this rule.
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We measure size in words to avoid issues of bit representation. In the common scenario where distances are polynomially-bounded integers, every word has \(O(\log n)\) bits, where \(n=|X|\). The bounds in [14] are given in bits and are for unweighted graphs. Nevertheless, once we consider weighted graphs, \(\Theta (n)\) words are sufficient and necessary for exact distance labeling, see Theorem 2.1.
A much earlier technique to construct labeling scheme with distortion \(O(\log n)\) is Bourgain’s [6] embedding into \(O(\log ^2\hspace{-0.83328pt}n)\)-dimensional \(\ell _2\), providing \(O(\log ^2\hspace{-0.83328pt}n)\) label size.
In the original definition of prioritized distortion in [9], the requirement of equation (1.1) is replaced by the requirement \(d(x_j,x_i)\leqslant \Vert f(x_j)-f(x_i)\Vert _\infty \leqslant \alpha (j)\cdot d(x_j,x_i)\). We add the word contractive to emphasize this difference. Prioritized contractive distortion is somewhat weaker in that it does not imply scaling distortion (see Sect. 1.2).
We use \({\widetilde{O}}\) notation to suppress constants and logarithmic factors, that is \(\widetilde{O}(\alpha (j))=\alpha (j)\cdot \textrm{polylog}(\alpha (j))\).
This lower bound, as well as all other lower bounds from [14], count bits rather than words.
Their proof is much more general than what is required for \(\ell _\infty \). For a simpler proof for the special case studied here, see Theorem 5.1.
Interestingly, for unweighted planar graphs, Gavoille et al. [14] prove only a lower bound of \(\Omega (n^{1/3})\) on the label size, and closing the gap to the upper bound \(O(\sqrt{n})\) remains an important open question.
The function g(r) depends only on r and is taken from the structure theorem of Robertson and Seymour [23].
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A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of SODA 2020 [13]. This version contains the proofs of Theorems 5.1 and 5.2, omitted from the preliminary version. Arnold Filtser: This research was supported by the Israel science foundation (Grant No. 1042/22). Lee-Ad Gottlieb: Work partially supported by ISF grant 1602/19. Robert Krauthgamer: Work partially supported by ONR Award N00014-18-1-2364, the Israel Science Foundation Grant # 1086/18, and a Minerva Foundation grant
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Filtser, A., Gottlieb, LA. & Krauthgamer, R. Labelings vs. Embeddings: On Distributed and Prioritized Representations of Distances. Discrete Comput Geom 71, 849–871 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-023-00565-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-023-00565-2