The increasing complexity of ICT systems in smart grids requires that all actors improve their interoperability. To this aim, IEC 61970/61968 specify the Common Information Model (CIM) which describes terms in the energy sector and relations between them. One of the key features of CIM is its object-oriented design based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML). This makes CIM easy to maintain and extensible by visual UML editors leading to a continuous standardization process keeping up with new developments. But this means that CIM based software must be kept up-to-date as well. Therefore, this paper presents our Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) based approach with which CIM, as specified by a visual UML editor, can be mapped to a compilable C\({+}{+}\) codebase. Moreover, it shows how this codebase can be used for an automated generation of a C\({+}{+}\) objects deserializer from CIM based documents following the UML specification. All presented approaches are implemented in an open-source project called CIM\({+}{+}\) and evaluated on a real-world use case.

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This research was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the SINERGIEN project under funding code 03EK3567B.
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Razik, L., Mirz, M., Knibbe, D. et al. Automated deserializer generation from CIM ontologies: CIM\({+}{+}\)—an easy-to-use and automated adaptable open-source library for object deserialization in C\({+}{+}\) from documents based on user-specified UML models following the Common Information Model (CIM) standards for the energy sector. Comput Sci Res Dev 33, 93–103 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-017-0350-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-017-0350-y