We propose a random forest based estimation procedure for Quantile-Oriented Sensitivity Analysis—QOSA. In order to be efficient, a cross-validation step on the leaf size of trees is required. Our full estimation procedure is tested on both simulated data and a real dataset. Our estimators use either the bootstrap samples or the original sample in the estimation. Also, they are either based on a quantile plug-in procedure (the R-estimators) or on a direct minimization (the Q-estimators). This leads to 8 different estimators which are compared on simulations. From these simulations, it seems that the estimation method based on a direct minimization is better than the one plugging the quantile. This is a significant result because the method with direct minimization requires only one sample and could therefore be preferred.
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1.1 Bootstrap version of the estimators of the O term
1.1.1 Quantile estimation with a weighted approach
Another estimator of the C_CDF can be achieved by replacing the weights \(w_{n,j}^o \left( x_i \right)\) based on the original dataset of the forest by those using the bootstrap samples \(w_{n,j}^b \left( x_i \right)\) provided in Eq. (4). That gives the following estimator which has been proposed in Elie-Dit-Cosaque and Maume-Deschamps (2022b),
The conditional quantiles are then estimated by plugging \(F_{k,n}^b \left( \left. y \right| X_i = x_i \right)\) instead of \(F \left( \left. y \right| X_i = x_i \right)\). Accordingly, the associated estimator of \(\mathbb {E}\left[ \psi _\alpha \left( Y, q^\alpha \left( \left. Y \right| X_i \right) \right) \right]\) based on these weights is denoted \(\widehat{R}_i^{1, b}\).
1.1.2 Quantile estimation within a leaf
For the \(\ell\)-th tree, the estimator \(\widehat{q}_\ell ^{b, \alpha } \left( \left. Y \right| X_i=x_i \right)\) of \(q^\alpha \left( \left. Y \right| X_i = x_i \right)\) is obtained with the bootstrap observations falling into \(A_n(x_i;\Theta _\ell , \mathcal {D}_n^i)\) as follows
That gives us the following random forest estimate of the conditional quantile
Hence, we propose the estimator \(\widehat{R}_i^{2, b}\) of \(\mathbb {E}\left[ \psi _\alpha \left( Y, q^\alpha \left( \left. Y \right| X_i \right) \right) \right]\) using the bootstrap samples.
1.1.3 Minimum estimation with a weighted approach
Another estimator is obtained by replacing weigths \(w_{n,j}^o \left( x_i \right)\) with the \(w_{n,j}^b \left( x_i \right)\) version presented in Eq. (4) using the bootstrap samples. The obtained estimator of the O term is denoted by \(\widehat{Q}_i^{1, b}\).
1.1.4 Minimum estimation within a leaf
For the \(\ell\)-th tree, let \(N_n^b(m;\Theta _\ell ,\mathcal {D}_n^i)\) be the number of observations of the bootstrap sample \(\mathcal {D}_n^{i \star } \left( \Theta _\ell \right)\) falling into the m-th leaf node and \(N_{leaves}^\ell\) be the number of leaves in the \(\ell\)-th tree. We define the following tree estimator for the O term
The approximations of the k randomized trees are then averaged to obtain the following random forest estimate
1.1.5 Minimum estimation with a weighted approach and complete trees
By using the weights \(w_{n,j}^b \left( \textbf{x}\right)\) instead of \(w_{n,j}^o \left( \textbf{x}\right)\), we may define the estimator \(\widehat{Q}_i^{3, b}\).
1.2 Algorithms for estimating the first-order QOSA index
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Elie-Dit-Cosaque, K., Maume-Deschamps, V. Random forest based quantile-oriented sensitivity analysis indices estimation. Comput Stat 39, 1747–1777 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01450-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01450-5