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Rule-aided constraint resolution in Laure

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Processing Declarative Knowledge (PDK 1991)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNAI,volume 567))

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This paper presents how deductive rules can be used as heuristics to guide constraint resolution. We describe the LAURE language, which allows the definition of constraints on order-sorted finite domains. We propose a semantic for integrating rules and constraints in an object-oriented model. An algorithm for constraint resolution is described, which can be integrated with rule propagation. An illustration of relevance to AI problems is given with examples such as scheduling.

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Harold Boley Michael M. Richter

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© 1991 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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Caseau, Y. (1991). Rule-aided constraint resolution in Laure. In: Boley, H., Richter, M.M. (eds) Processing Declarative Knowledge. PDK 1991. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 567. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-55033-4

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-46667-3

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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