Pressure sores are a current problem in hospitals and care of the elderly, leading to protracted hospital stays and a high care burden. The trauma for the patients is severe, and the cost of pressure sore prevention and treatment, is considerable. Antidecubitus mattresses are used for prevention and in treatment, but they also contribute to the cost of treating pressure sores. The problem highlighted in the review is that the mattresses' effectiveness in preventing and treating pressure sores has not been sufficiently evaluated. When antidecubitus mattresses are evaluated, it is often only with regard to aspects of the interface pressure and the mattresses' ability to redistribute the pressure. The review points out the important observation that, to be able to evaluate the efficacy of the antidecubitus mattress, the mattress's effect on tissue viability needs to be studied. The parameters that ought to be considered when evaluating a support surface are: interface pressure, pressure and blood flow distribution, temperature and humidity in the skin-support surface interface. The authors propose that the effect on tissue viability of external loading can be assessed by simultaneous measurement of the interface pressure and tissue perfusion.
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Jonsson, A., Lindén, M., Lindgren, M. et al. Evaluation of antidecubitus mattresses. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 43, 541–547 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02351025
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02351025