The subject of this article is a brief survey of dialectometry, which is defined according to the following equation: linguistic geography+numerical taxonomy=dialectometry. First dealt with are problems concerning the processing of raw data, the coding, scaling, measurement and compilation of the data matrix (atlas points×atlas maps). After the description of the similarity coefficient used and the compilation of the similarity matrix it will be shown how the individual vectors of the similarity matrix can be visualized in the form of choropleth maps and three-dimensional surfaces. These visualized vectors of the similarity matrix are described as similarity maps. After consideration of the usefulness of such similarity maps for genuine linguistic geography there is a discussion of other possible fields which will be opened up as a result of intensified dialectometrical research (e.g. graph theory, network theory, game theory). This article is supplemented by 9 figures, 2 tables and an extensive bibliography.
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Nos travaux dialectométriques ont bénéficié de l'aide et du soutien des fondations de recherche suivantes: Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien (Vienne); Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank zur Förderung der Forschungs- und Lehraufgaben der Wissenschaft (Vienne); Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Österreich (Vienne): Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn).
Que les organismes mentionnés ci-dessus reçoivent ici l'expression de ma profonde reconnaissance. Mes remerciements vont également aux MM. Selberherr (calcul électronique). Rase (cartographie électronique) et Pudlatz (polygones de Thiessen) pour leur collaboration efficace et compétente, ainsi qu'à Mme F. Schmittlein (Summary) et à M.L. Karlson (toilette stylistique de mon texte français).
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Goebl, H., Selberherr, S., Rase, W.D. et al. Atlas, matrices et similarités: Petit aperçu dialectométrique. Comput Hum 16, 69–84 (1982). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02259737
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02259737