We define topdown pushdown tree automata (PDTA's) which extend the usual string pushdown automata by allowing trees instead of strings in both the input and the stack. We prove that PDTA's recognize the class of context-free tree languages. (Quasi)realtime and deterministic PDTA's accept the classes of Greibach and deterministic tree languages, respectively. Finally, PDTA's are shown to be equivalent to restricted PDTA's, whose stack is linear: this both yields a more operational way of recognizing context-free tree languages and connects them with the class of indexed languages.
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Guessarian, I. Pushdown tree automata. Math. Systems Theory 16, 237–263 (1983). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01744582
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01744582