We prove a tight Θ(min(nm log(nC), nm2)) bound on the number of iterations of the minimum-mean cycle-canceling algorithm of Goldberg and Tarjan [13]. We do this by giving the lower bound and by improving the strongly polynomial upper bound on the number of iterations toO(nm 2). We also give an improved version of the maximum-mean cut canceling algorithm of [7], which is a dual of the minimum-mean cycle-canceling algorithm. Our version of the dual algorithm runs in O(nm2) iterations.
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English transcription: G. M. Adel'son-Vel'ski, E. A. Dinic, and A. V. Karzanov,Potokovye Algoritmy, Science, Moscow. Title translation: Flow Algorithms.
English transcription: E. A. Dinic, Metod Porazryadnogo Sokrashcheniya Nevyazok i Transportnye Zadachi,Issledo-vaniya po Diskretnoi Matematike, Science, Moscow. Title translation: The Method of Scaling and Transportation Problems.
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Communicated by Harold N. Gabow.
Partially supported by NSF Presidential Young Investigator Grant CCR-8858097 with matching funds provided by AT&T, IBM Faculty Development Award, and a grant from the 3M Corporation.
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Radzik, T., Goldberg, A.V. Tight bounds on the number of minimum-mean cycle cancellations and related results. Algorithmica 11, 226–242 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01240734
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01240734