Nonparametric global optimization methods have been developed that determine the location of their next guess based on the rank-transformed objective function evaluations rather than the actual function values themselves. Another commonly-used transformation in nonparametric statistics is the normal score transformation. This paper applies the normal score transformation to the multi-univariate method of global optimization. The benefits of the new method are shown by its performance on a standard set of global optimization test problems. The normal score transformation yields a method that gives equivalent searches for any monotonic transformation of the objective function.
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Perttunen, C.D., Stuckman, B.E. The normal score transformation applied to a multi-univariate method of global optimization. J Glob Optim 2, 167–176 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00122053
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00122053