
1 Introduction

The avalanche of data which information systems have to face nowadays influences their evolution and characteristics. One such family of systems, called information flow processing (IFP) systems [1], refers to data stream management systems and complex event processing systems. Such systems are able to handle multiple data sources, often streams, by applying a set of processing rules in order to derive new knowledge. These rules can be discovered using data mining and machine learning techniques from a vast research area [2, 3] or they can be defined by domain experts based on their knowledge. For the second case, an example can be related to landslides phenomena, for which an expert already knows the causes producing landslides. Many of these situations follow specific patterns which can be expressed through rules. The next step to represent these rules in a format which can be used by information systems is to provide to the experts an environment where they can create and validate the rules.

We demonstrate a system which can be used by domain experts to explore large datasets in order to define processing rules for environmental data. The rules can be created and validated on real datasets through a graphical user interface (GUI). Similar work can be found on visual pattern discovery [4], where the focus is set on time series visualization for detection of unknown events. In contrast, we consider the situation when the events of interest are already known and the possible causes of these events can be explored.

Our system uses EnStreaM infrastructure which is based on tightly integrated and scalable custom software modules. In addition, the indexing of the data is application-oriented, specific and therefore extremely efficient, allowing development of various applications, such as real-time mashups [5]. For interoperability with other systems, rules created in our system are exported in RuleMLFootnote 1 format, using concepts from OpenCycFootnote 2 for relations’ names. Furthermore, the datasets to which the rules apply are exported in RDF format and annotated with OpenCyc concepts.

The demonstration of the system consists of live running EnStreaM platform with which the visitors can interact through the GUI. For illustrating the functionalities of the system a landslide use case is prepared as presented in Sect. 2.2. Furthermore, the standardized exports of the systems can be presented for those interested.

2 EnStreaM

EnStreaM is a scalable system which implements efficient storage and retrieval methods for handling large amounts of data, both static and dynamic [6]. It is used in the ENVISIONFootnote 3 project for data stream mining tasks, for several environmental scenarios related to landslides, oil spills and river floods. A high level architecture illustrating the inputs and outputs of EnStreaM used in our demonstration is presented in Fig. 1 and discussed in the flowing subsection.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

EnStreaM – overall architecture

2.1 System Overview

The input for EnStreaM consists of environmental datasets and configuration files used for annotating the datasets with ontology concepts. The environmental data is composed mostly of sensor measurements of the relevant properties from the area of interest (e.g. volume of rainfall for a given geographical location) and events that have occurred in the past. The metadata attached to the sensor measurements is providing the context needed for understanding these measurements. The sensor measurements have a dynamic nature, while the metadata associated is static. For efficient data management, these two types of data are stored internally in EnStreaM using specialized indexing methods. In order to provide domain experts the possibility to explore archived data in an ad hoc manner, we index data based on different aspects (e.g. location, date of measurement) and also provide numerous aggregates (sum, min, max, mean, standard variation, etc.). A unified view over different sources of sensor data is created through semantic annotations, based on a configuration file which maps the internal structure of EnStreaM stores to concepts from an ontology.

The abstraction layer provided by the semantic annotations and aggregation of data enables the domain experts to analyze historical data in order to find various patterns. These patterns are represented by rules which can be created and tested through the GUI of the system (see Fig. 2). The process of rule creation can be done in repetitive steps in which the user can refine or add new parameters. For validating the rule, the user can test it on the historical data. Finally, the rule can be exported in RuleML format and the dataset complying with the rules can be exported in RDF format.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

EnStreaM User Interface

2.2 Use Case Scenario

To continue with our example from the introduction, let us consider that a landslide domain expert knows that some amount of raindrop can be an alarm for an eminent landslide. For illustration purposes we can consider that a pattern for this is represented by the following rule: if the amount of rainfall exceeds 250 mm per day in 3 consecutive days then a landslide can occur. Based on historical data gathered from rain gauge sensors, together with events when landslides have occurred in the past, the validity of such a rule can be verified.

2.2.1 Creation and Validation of Rules

The user can start by analyzing the events which have occurred in the past, listed in the bottom right corner of the interface. Next, the sensors related to the event selected are displayed on the map based on their geographical location. The sensor measurements can be visualized for different time periods as illustrated in Fig. 2. Next, the fields on the right-hand side of the GUI are used to specify the relations and operators to appear in the rules. For our example we have three relations in conjunction (the logic operators supported are “AND” and “OR”) which constitute the conditions of the rule. The result of such conditions being fulfilled represents a type of event, whose name is given by the user in the “Event name” field. The validation step is done by running the query with all the conditions specified over the historical data and comparing the events returned by the query with the list of entire events available for the specified location. The user should decide the importance and quality of the rule defined.

The rules created through the interface are exported in RuleML Datalog format, which provides a simple and clean syntax for expressing “if-then” rules. Each condition is represented by one or more atomic formulas (“Atom”). For example the condition that raindrop exceeds 250 mm per day is represented in our scenario as illustrated in Fig. 3. The export in the RuleML format is depended on the vocabulary used for the relation constants (“Rel”). Specialized domain ontologies can simplify the RuleML representation as they can have more specific relations and concepts.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

RuleML sample from a rule

2.2.2 Semantic Annotations

The RDF export of datasets corresponding to the rules created is using as model the OpenCyc ontology. We choose to use OpenCyc ontology as it is very large and contains concepts for many specific domains, however, any ontology can be used for annotation as the EnStreaM infrastructure is not tied to a specific ontology. Since our scenario is closely related to the domain of sensor networks, an alternative for OpenCyc could be the Semantic Sensor NetworkFootnote 4 ontology to which extension must be added for representing the landslides domain. For the semantic annotation of the datasets corresponding to a rule, the input configuration file is used.

3 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we have presented a system for supporting rule generation on environmental data based on EnStreaM infrastructure. The efficient implementation of data storing and indexing allows the user to interact with the system in timely fashion and makes the system appropriate for demonstration. The use case based on which we demonstrated our system is an environmental scenario using real live data related to landslides phenomena. We plan to extend EnStreaM for real-time monitoring of streaming data in order to detect the events described in the rules generated. Moreover, other future work includes integrating the rules discovered into knowledge bases used by specific reasoning engines. This will help in semi-automatic extension of knowledge bases, supporting advanced reasoning for problems such as complex events processing, anomaly detection or automatic monitoring.